
Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I can't remember what issue it was but I remember an issue about an expanded summon monster list and now when I need it I can't find it. So I was wondering if someone could type out the expanded summoning list. I mostly only need the expanded list for summon monster IX but if you post them all I would be more than happy. Just please because I only have a day before the big adventure starts and once it starts I better have some good summons or I say goodbye to adventuring with that character. And I don't wanna lose a lvl 18 sorcerer. Please help me in this dilema.



The issue you are looking for is #302. The article is entitled The Summoner’s Circle by Charles Dunwoody. The article gives a solid overview of the summoning mechanics as far as what CRs to place at which level. In addition, the author offers advice concerning looking beyond the CR to the specific capabilities to assign a creature to a certain summoning spell level. It also has the expanded summoning tables you were asking after.

Hope this is helpful and good luck with your game.


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