Can a Living Wall creature cast spells?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

The Many Arms special attack in the Living Wall template states the arms cannot cast spells.

Yet one of the example living wall creature's is an elven sorceror with spells. Can a living wall creature cast spells if it had them previously?

Which brings up another question, what about living wall creatures that require a spellbook to replenish their spells and clerics and other non-spontaeous spellcasters?

IIRC, in 2E living walls were able to cast spells that the creature had memorized (which replenished every day), but i don't think they could use spells where were not prepared at the time of their deaths.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Razz wrote:

The Many Arms special attack in the Living Wall template states the arms cannot cast spells.

Yet one of the example living wall creature's is an elven sorceror with spells. Can a living wall creature cast spells if it had them previously?

Which brings up another question, what about living wall creatures that require a spellbook to replenish their spells and clerics and other non-spontaeous spellcasters?

The note under many arms states "While they (refering to the additional arms) cannot wiled additional weapons, armor, or cast spells... "

This is refering to the additional random arms and appendages of the living wall creature. The primary arms and limbs can do anything the creature could do in life, such as cast spells. Wizard living wall creatures would require their spellbooks to regain spells (and this should be a piece of gear that gets absorbed).

Hope that helps

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

For the record, alignment restrictions mean a lot of clerics will lose their spellcasting ability when they get absorbed. In fact, I think very few deities would keep granting spells to a piece of undead masonry. A demon prince or some such might do it just for the fun of knowing that there are flame strike-casting walls out there because of him.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Gabriel N wrote:
For the record, alignment restrictions mean a lot of clerics will lose their spellcasting ability when they get absorbed. In fact, I think very few deities would keep granting spells to a piece of undead masonry. A demon prince or some such might do it just for the fun of knowing that there are flame strike-casting walls out there because of him.

That is exactly the change I would recommend. Altar the domains to one appropriate to your worlds deity of death and let it roll... or rather... stand still and murder.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

Ok, cool, thanks for the clarifications. Much appreciated! :D

Gabriel N wrote:
For the record, alignment restrictions mean a lot of clerics will lose their spellcasting ability when they get absorbed. In fact, I think very few deities would keep granting spells to a piece of undead masonry. A demon prince or some such might do it just for the fun of knowing that there are flame strike-casting walls out there because of him.

Hmm, I would suggest a little change to this; a cleric cannot cast any spell that the Power that he prays to does not want cast. It can be difficult to determine the alignment use of an unaligned spell, but as they are well personified; it is much easier to determine if the diety who grants the spell wants the effect to happen. It could be that in this example; the target of the flame strike would be against targets that the diety would like destroyed. Even though 3.5 has clarified alignments quite a bit, I find that alignments can be sticky, but Powers personify a cause. This can also get into strange game mechanics as to if the diety grants the spell when the spell is cast or is the spell granted when the cleric prayed, this is another murky region of the rules and I have seen gm's go either way on this one, but it would make a big difference and have little to do with alignment.

Just my two bits to confuse the subject to make our heads hurt :)

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