What issue? Please help.

Dragon Magazine General Discussion


I remember an article describing a mask-maker who was a secret priestess of Mask. I can not find the issue in question.

Please help.

Thank you.


The article was Nurneene’s Marvelous Masks by Ed Greenwood. It appeared in Dragon issue 321.

Good gaming,

You know as much as FR articles get blasted in Dragon (and as much as I dislike FR articles on principle), the articles involving businesses were all quite interesting. I remember four, and all four I could see using in a game.

I dind't like the "Cities of the Realms" entry for Crimmnor, I definately didn't like "Wyrms of the North" from way back when (it was like sitting through many bad articles for a handful of good ones. Never mind that I don't see how any part of the world could survive having that many dragons living next door to one another...), but for some reason, I REALLY liked the series on the shops and other places of business in the Realms.

Dragon staff, you may take this as a hint.

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