Ravenloft experts, i need your help...


Scarab Sages

I have always wanted to play the Ravenloft series, and i will settle on DM'ing it if necessary, so here is my question: Can anyone please give me the complete series of modules for said campaign, including any supplements. I know it is a big request, be assured, your efforts would be greatly appreciated. Also, any and all paizo subscribers, please feel free to chime in with your opinions and suggestions (on playing said game)for i would love to hear it straight from the gamers mouth. Thanks again all.

Thoth-Amon the Atlantian Mindflayerian

Thoth-Amon the Mindflayerian wrote:

I have always wanted to play the Ravenloft series, and i will settle on DM'ing it if necessary, so here is my question: Can anyone please give me the complete series of modules for said campaign, including any supplements. I know it is a big request, be assured, your efforts would be greatly appreciated. Also, any and all paizo subscribers, please feel free to chime in with your opinions and suggestions (on playing said game)for i would love to hear it straight from the gamers mouth. Thanks again all.

Thoth-Amon the Atlantian Mindflayerian

This is for the Ravenloft 2nd edition stuff.


Scarab Sages

You Rule, Lord Vile!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I'd be interested in what others think as well. I only read the ravenloft adventures, I didn't play or run them, but I remember most of them had heavy handed hooks. It seems like there were a lot of adventures where the PC's got kidnapped/killed and ressurected/had their heads stolen (seriously) in order to get them to go on the adventure.

Scarab Sages

Thanks Sebastian for chiming in. Everyone, please chime in on your personal experiences with Ravenloft gameplay. Thank you.

Thoth-Amon the Mindflayerian Atlantian

I've only ran on Ravenloft once in my second edition days. It was pretty difficult to run while not degenerating into campiness. Descriptions are always important as well as keeping up the tension (try not to lose your pacing, that sort of thing).

I enjoyed a lot of the creatures and flavor from the 2ed. Ravenloft, and borrowed heavily for parts of my DragonLance game. I did run the House of Strahd adventure (an 2nd Ed. update of the original module I6: Ravenloft) and found it to be great fun. You might start there, it shouldn't be too difficult to convert to 3.5.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Amal Ulric wrote:
I enjoyed a lot of the creatures and flavor from the 2ed. Ravenloft, and borrowed heavily for parts of my DragonLance game. I did run the House of Strahd adventure (an 2nd Ed. update of the original module I6: Ravenloft) and found it to be great fun. You might start there, it shouldn't be too difficult to convert to 3.5.

House of Strahd is the missing head one, isn't it!?!?!

The adventure that is lodged in my mind [btw, SPOILER!] involves the big muckety muck lich in Ravenloft taking the characters hostage and putting their heads in jars. He then forces them to go back in time to the day when Strahd became a vampire to retreive the McGuffin. The catch was that the adventure was set up so that the characters would most likely fail the first time around. When they did, they'd be sent back in time again, but they'd also encounter themselves from the first trip back in time. So, if during the first try, the characters burned down the chapel in the castle, during the second try, the chapel would be burning.

Or, maybe I'm just making all of this up.

Is that House of Strahd? Did anyone run the adventure I am describing? If not, does anyone know of a good mental hospital?

i played a 2nd ed ravenloft game that drew pcs from all the campaign worlds. we ran feast of goblins but a TPK put an end to it. quite a while after i sentanother group in a FR campaign into the mists and finished feast of goblins after finding the dead bodies of the other guys, they then went on to as the black rose blooms which i thought was great mainly cos lord soth is one of my favorite villains. way before it had the campaign name i played thru both ravenloft and house on griffon hill which were very good but i do remember lotsa deaths. i really like the setting and may look into playing it after the age of works.

I've always had an abiding love of Ravenloft. I love horror, and a roleplaying game about real horror, where your characters are on the recieving end of it, has always been dear to me. Ambiance is a big thing, true, the shadows of gravestones in moonlight, the smell of mold, frost breath and the cawing of crows in dead trees. There is a real reluctance on the part of a lot of Ravenloft players toward splatter however which I find somewhat unfortunate. Ambiance is mood music--but if nothing terrible ever happens it becomes like elevator music. You should have players squirming in their seats. Blood should ooze from the walls. Characters should have to claw away chunks of their own worm riddled flesh.

In Ravenloft "heroes" should be a word loaded with comic irony. There is no escape. There is no victory. There is only the hollow satisfaction of transient safety for a few hours--broken by the sound of screaming.


Ravenloft is fantastic.

For me it represents a great middle ground between the terror of call of cthulhu style play and the heroic stuff of D&D. I haven't used any pre-written stuff but the last campaign I ran was just a short (3 advntures) but was a great change of pace - it's lovely to see the players reaction as they are chased across moors by packs of hounds only to find the way ahead blocked by an imprenetrable mire, and have the PCs resort to killing one of their own kind as they are convinced he is evil, only to find out with the morning sun that he was innocent. I love to throw high CR creatures at PCs and let them know exactly what they are facing, where their only choice in the short-term is to hide and await the chance to have their revenge.

Run it and enjoy Thoth.


Ditto, Grimcleaver.

Sebastian wrote:

House of Strahd is the missing head one, isn't it!?!?!

Or, maybe I'm just making all of this up.
Is that House of Strahd? Did anyone run the adventure I am describing? If not, does anyone know of a good mental hospital?

You are thinking of the pair of adventures that make of the conclusion of the Grand Conjunction, 'From the Shadows' and 'Roots of Evil', and the battle between the vampire Strahd and the lich Azalin.

Since the closing of the Kargatane website, the best place to discuss & find information on Ravenloft is at the Fraternity of Shadows. (fraternityofshadows.com)

Scarab Sages

Ravenloft was one of my most memmorable DMing experiences. We ran the entire campaign over 3 summers (2000-2002) supplementing the published material with adventures from Dungeon as well as some I worked up. We used a 17th century Mordentshire as our base (muzzle loading firearms blowing up in our hands) & ran virtually everything TSR had published (except the module w/Lord Soth)using Solomon Kane-ish adventurers traveling with Dr Van Richten. Numerous TPKs (many PCs returned as lycanthropes or undead) & maimed or insane characters later, we're still talking about that campaign. Here's the list (by Ravenloft chronology) of the adventures we played (for all our toil & abuse we ended up as members of a twisted carival troupe-pre HBO):
Dem Bones: Sithicus 9240
Ghost of Silverhill: Invidia D58
At the Zombie Dance: Nightmare Lands 9240
Ghoul of My Dreams: Hazlan 9240
Standing Stones of Sundown: Invidia D25
Bride of Mordenheim: Lamordia RR2
The Surgeon’s Knife: Lamordia 9495
Corrupted Innocents: Borca RR2
Undying Justice: Borca 9495
Rite of Terror: Borca RR2
Gazing Into the Abyss: Darkon 9495
Through Darkened Eyes: Tepest 9495
Shadows of Your Smile: Sithicus 9240
I Am the Lizard King: Sithicus 9240
Wail of the Banshee: Sithicus MK
Feast of Goblyns: (H) Kartakass RA1
Alligator Stomp: Wildlands MK
Web of Illusion: Sri Raj RM2
...Uncharted Desert Isle: Demise MK
The Dark Place: the Finger D49
Jinglin Mordo Circus: Lamordia D7
The Gundarakan Gambit: Gundarak Mk
Horror’s Harvest: Falkovnia D38
Castles Forlorn 1-3: Forlorn 1088
Last of the Lupins: Forlorn MK
How Heavey Is Down?: Forlorn MK
Castles Forlorn 5-6: Forlorn 1088
A Matter of Faith: Scaena NBk
The Scarlet Kiss: Mordent 9495
Nos Regrets: Darkon MK
Ship of Horror(H): Nocturnal Sea RA2
A Light in the Belfry: Avonleigh 9494
The Price of Vengeance: Valachan D42
Felkovic’s Cat: Valachan D50
Family Feud: Valachan 9495
Inn of the Smiling Spirit: Valachan D29
Bane of the Shadowborne: Shadowborne Manor D31
Lady of the Mist: Sea of Sorrow D42
Cloaked in Fear: Stauton Bluffs D57
Bosco in Hell: Stauton Bluffs 9240
Beheadin’ for the Hills: Barovia MK
House of Strahd: Barovia 9418
Shredded in Sebua: Sebua MK
Khamsa's Folly: Har A'Kir D40
Touch of Death(H): Har A’Kir RA3
House on Gryphon Hill: Mordent I10
Tomb It May Concern: Richemulot D22
The Created: Odiare RM2
Castles Forlorn (reprise): Forlorn 1088
Kantora Strangler: Nova Vaasa Mk
Adam’s Wrath: Lamordia 9439
Kagemusha: I’Cath 9240
Wererats of Relfen: Darkon D14
Ghost of Mistwood: Darkon D35
Night of the Walking Dead(H): Souraign RQ1
Delving in the Dark: Souraign MK
Ride Captain Ride: Isle de Tempete MK
Thoughts of Darkness: Bluetspur RQ2
From the Shadows(H): Darkon RQ3
Roots of Evil(H): Barovia RM1
The Baron’s Eyrie: Isle of Terror D58
The Taskmaster’s Leash: Dementlieu 9495
Serpents of the Sands: Sebua D37
Ancient Dead: Har A’Kir 9495
Kahmsa’s Folly: Har A’Kir D40
Dread Lair of Alokair: Nova Vaasa 9240
The Awakening: Nova Vaasa 9452
Hour of the Knife: Pharidor 9456
Dumgeonland: Isle of Terror EX1
Land Beyond the Magic Mirror: Isle of Terror EX2
Seawolf: Dementlieu D55
Howls in the Night: Mordent 9466
Ravager of Time: Lamordia I8
Dark of the Moon: Vorostokov 9419
Blood in Moondale: Liffe RR2
The Cedar Chest: Liffe RR2
The Dark Minstrel: Liffe RR2
Circle of Darkness: G’Henna 9493
Jerry the Vampire: Dementlieu 9240
The Living Crypt: Dementlieu RR2
Brainstorm: Dementlieu MK
The Vaka’s Curse: Dementlieu D50
Man With 3 Faces: Demetlieu RR2
A Rose for Talakara: Isle of Terror D25
The School of Necross: Darkon D27
The Evil Eye: Invidia
The Nightmare Lands: Nova Vaasa 1124
Death’s Cold Laughter: Nova Vaasa RR2
Death Unchained: Falkovnia 9523
Death Ascendant Darkon 9526
Death Triumphant: Darkon 1146
Bleakhouse: Necropolis 1141
The Heart’s Final: Beat Necropolis 11445
Servants of Darkness: Tepest 9541
The Shadow Rift: Tepest 1163
Die Vecna, Die Burning Peaks
Castle Spulzeer: Argarath 9544
The Forgotten Terror: Argarath 9531
The Carnival: Mists 11382

hmm; I tried to post on this and my post dissappeared i guess. just was gonna say; check out Ravenloft I-6 as it is the original dungeon and is great; nice maps, and there is a Raveloft Demiplane box of info; but I dont remember the source number.

Ravenloft was my favorite campaign & material in all of 2nd edition, save for perhaps Greyhawk. I always liked its ties into classic literature. It also reminded me of the old Castlevania videogames I played when I was younger. I think the best adventure released by TSR/Wizards for Ravenloft was Castles Forlorn, and if you can download it from Paizo's website, I'd do it.

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