what the heck is a necroturgin?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

my goupe just started and nobody can figure out what the heck a nacroturgen is can any one give me a hand?

Dark Archive

Are you a player in an "Age of Worms" campaign?

If so, and your DM (like most) would prefer that his/her game be spoiler-free, you'll want to navigate these forums VERY carefully, if at all. Lots of different plot elements of the story are bantered about here, even in thread titles.

If you're a DM... apologies for the paranoia, heh.

i'm actually taking over for him

Taking over as a player or a DM? We just don't want to spoil things for you if you are a player.

our dm moved so i'm taking over for him

Well, exactly what nexroturgeons are is detailed in the very first adventure. If you have it, you should be able to figure it out- if not, you probably shouldn't be running the adventure without the adventure.

ok i must have mised it thanks

Specifically, check pp44-45 of Dungeon 124 for some information about necroturgeons.

Filge holds one in his hand.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Geez,guys... cut him some slack. Can't be easy trying to take over a campaign he didn't start.

Necroturgins are a creation of the necromancer, Filge. In his lab, the party finds a beaker holder with four 6 inch test tubes with rubber sheaths sealing them. They're cartridges for his syringe. He's using reanimated cells to mimic the effects of magical potions. As someone else directed, the last paragrapsh of the first column on page 44 of "Whispering Cairn" details what they look like and the potions they mimic.

ok guys that sound familiar. i appreciate it. i guess i just need to look a little closer at the material.

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