
Evil War God's page

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I saw the following thread while looking for an animal companion sheet for 2 of my players and i was curious if any one know the issue that is referanced?


Paizo / Messageboards / Paizo Publishing / Older Products / Pathfinder RPG Prerelease Discussion / General Discussion (Prerelease) / Animal Companions

I only have room for about 6. I wonder how that would work.

The wife and I were looking at this game and it looked interesting. Has any one played this? If you have I'd love to here some feed back. And how many people does it take to play...min/Max?

I used to be a big fan of inquest magazine back in the day, and in one issue they had stat's for Aliens, The Predator, the creature from the Relic. Does any one know what i'm talking about? I think in would be a nice chalenge for some cocky players.

PC: Blood Faced Jack / Swashbuckler 7
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location of Glory: Shores of The Isle of Dread
Summary: T-Rex bites of more than he can chew.

Just waking from washing up on the shore after last nights ship wreck, the group finds themselves confrounted bu a hungry and ill tempered T-Rex. A hot bloody battle follows a tense stair down. about half way through the battle Blood Face (the new captian of the Sea Wyvern)gets swallowed by the T-Rex. dispair for their fallen commrad washes over the group, emphasized by some bad rolls. Then as if by it's own accord the beast falls over dead. The party dumb struck and bafled about what just happened looks on over the dead lizard. Then it apers to twitch and shift. All of a sudden a rapier stabs out of the monsters throat. Followed by a bloody Capt. cutting his way out with rapier and dagger, emerging to stand over the corps of the giant lizard that dared to try to snack on the Ruthless Captian.

Freehold DM wrote:
Taladas was one of the best trilogies I've read in a while. I didn't care for the ending, but it was gritty sword and sorcery of a caliber I didn't expect from the normally romantic Dragonlance setting.

Are you refering to the minotaur wars trilogy? That was a wicked cool series.

Am I all alone when I say that I'm excited about 4th edition? I read the posts and watched the videos, and I'm still excited. I know that people cried and complained when third edition came out too..."man now I have too buy all new books"..."these new rules suck"...and my favorite..."This isn't DND!!!". But when I look around most of these people are playing 3rd edition, dispite all of their complaining.

I was hearing all of the changes and I was getting excited, I can't wait to try it out. I'm jockying for position to try to be first in line.

Just because you have a bunch of books from 3.5 doesn't mean you won't use them, I still use 1st edition books.

Why are you guys so upset?

Yasha0006 wrote:

Maybe we should start a petition....

sounds like a plan to me, where do i sign?

let me just say that the privet agency has been more than awesome with us. there were no problems untill the chick from dshs piped in. then because of the fact that she is who she is they had to pull back a bit and make sure that the child had a safe home. so there's no anger toward the privet agency.

and thank you all for your input and opinions. you've all been really suportive. my wife and i apreciate it very much. thank you all.

don't think the religon thing didn't cross my mind. but it was funny seeing her look of confusion when trying to handle the cabnet full of herbs, candles, incense, and the pentacal hanging around my wife's neck...pricless.

i really need to work on my spelling.

and to my wife who is undoubtably going to read this back home...see baby i CAN hod a compleate conversation while angery with out dropping the f-bomb even ounce. arn't you proud?


we origonally were going through DSHS, dut they were sitting around with their thumbe up their butts. so, we decided to go through a privet agency and we've gotten a lot further along. untill the social worker from DSHS decided she still needed to be involved. she preceded to tell the higher ups at the privete agency her concerns about us and our gameing. our home study was compleat and the licence was about o be mailed untill miss "i want to impose my beliefs on others" put in her two cents.

stragely enough the fact that my wife and i are wiccan has never been an issue.

dude if you could point me in that direction it would be greatly apreciated.

Chech this out every one. I'm in the navy and curentl deployed and my wife and I have been in the process of adopting a child for over a year now. I get and e-mail from my wife the other day saying that the reason that we've been waiting so long is that one of the social workers for the state has stated her opinion is that she is,"unsure about the wefare for our child", because we play dungeons and dragons. so now they are telling us that if we want to adopt him that we either have to quit and give up all my gameing gear (which I spent a lot of money on) or just send him to a licenced foster home while we play. Now am I over reacting when i am offended by their reaction? I mean I plan on just saying ok and play any way, but the ignorance of this woman is really mind boggling. I just can't help but wonder how many other would be mothers and fathers out there have been denied because of this GAME that we all love so much. Any feed back would be greatly apreciated.

Ok, i think i have the general plot down now. pc's willraid a tomb; find the sword, the hit the road. paladin returns to life to retieve the sword. sword tries to fid it's master(a blackgaurd). if the pc's beat the paladin then they must beat the blackgaurd. if they defeat the black gaurd then they will have to resist the sword from destroying them and do something about the sword.

but then there is the most horrifying part of the whole thing, my wife has her hart set on playing a kinder. how can i fit that into this?

ooooh this is getting interesting

ooooooohhhhhhhh, me likie idea, me likie idea. aaaaaaahhhhhhh, hhaa, haa, ha, ha, ha, the streets will flow with the blood of the non believers!!!!!!

how about if i have it is a palidin's corpse, he was asigned to gaurd it (even in death). after it is removed he comes back and seeks to reclaim his charge. becoming a nemisis to the pc's

what are some ideas asto where she could find the sword? in some treasure hoard, a temple, on a foe? any ideas?

this could verry well turn out to be a full fledged campaign centered around this sword...hhhmmmm.the hamster is on his wheel and getting the gears of doom turning

i was thinking of taking it a bit lord of the rins style, the sword was lost and is trying to get back to it's master, mabey a dread lord of ravenloft?

i am going toi run an evil adventure soon and one player wants to play a drow war mage. i'm wanting to start the party at 5th level, and i understand the limits on the holy avenger and assume it would cross to the un-holy avenger. i was going to give the un-holy avenger inteligence and have it talk ov holy glory to try and seduce the drow. if she doesn't secumb to the temptations i was goingto have the sword try to get away. what do you guys think?

i am going to be running an evil adventure in the near future and one of my players want to be a nutural evil drow warmage( no big deal ...yet) she want to have an un-holy avenger. I was going to start them at 5th level and i was toying with the idea of making the unholy avenger inteligent, and not nessesarily with the same goals as the player. what do you guys think?

Cpt_kirstov wrote:

After clearing out the lizards, my party got zealous and tried to burn all of the eggs...... as a kender this made me interested in having what they didn't want me to have so i took one of the lizardfolk eggs.... this session it's scheduled to hatch and I want to try to raise it - anybody have any tips on how this can be handled?


my wife plays a kinder and she is now forbiden from reading this post.

as for advice all i can say is be all the kinder you can be. keep me updated how they handle it.

my thoughts;
1. they wouldn't be able to call it dnd because that's been labled.
2. yes, it would have to be writen by gamers.
3. yes, it would have to be over seen by gamers.
4. it would have to be a compleatly original story.
5. if the set it in forgotten realms (for instance)they would only be able to hint at the big picture, the history, the familliar things that we gamers would relate to(legendary characters, no big story of fimalier characters, but somthing new to every body.

if they could make a movie with the quality of say BREAVEHEART or LOTR, the amount of money that could be made is phanominal.

I'm taking over the AOW campaign from our old DM and i had no idea how much info we missed by just hack and slashing our way through every thing. I was just as guilty as they but i'm getting some good advice here. thanks.

I'm not as big into the useing the computer as i used to be and i've found that my players respond to hand made maps better.

my recipe
graph paper
bakeing sheet

just pour some of the coffie into a bakeing sheet and let the sheet of paper soak in it for a min then ppull it out and let it dry. then draw your map on your new peice of pachment. the paper is wrinkled and discolered. but it's not brittle. you can bun the edges too but just don't over do it or you could burn useful info.

I don't mind my players prefering hack and slash to politics, but how do i get them to interact with the world a little more, and not just with a sword?

*cackling* I'm taking notes. My PC's are gonna murder me!!!

ok guys that sound familiar. i appreciate it. i guess i just need to look a little closer at the material.

ok i must have mised it thanks

our dm moved so i'm taking over for him

i'm actually taking over for him

my goupe just started and nobody can figure out what the heck a nacroturgen is can any one give me a hand?

I'm taking over for my old dm, who regretfully had to move, and to top it off i had to work the night they encountered Filge.all i know is that they killed him and took the worm in the jar. I don't even think they looked at the journal. This group is more into straight up hack-and-slash. I've got my work cut out for me.