Where do I find the Oozemaster prestige class

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

I know that its nearly time to receive issue 134 but one of the adventures in issue 132 left an indelible mark on my gaming. When the issue arrived I immediately tore into the AoW adventure to see what new horrors awaited. I was not disappointed and read the entire adventure. I briefly skimmed the other two adventures with Caverns of the Ooze Lord earning a sneer and a scoff. What tripe, who cares about puddings and slimes and such. Boring. What a waste of time. Campbell Pentney, crawl back into a can of Fosters and never darken dungeon's door again. Careless words of a fool.

Days passed and I wasted time at work reading Wingclippers Revenge. A fun little romp butchering fey and hobgoblins, what fun. Then I devoured the other articles, reading through each but skipping the bio of Ella. With a roll of my eyes I flipped past it.

Well, a month is a long time to wait for the next issue of dungeon. And curse my luck, #133 was MIA. The good people at Paizo rectified the situation but only after I was forced to submit myself to the wonderful pleasures of the Oozelord.

Yes, desperate for more Dungeon I reluctantly started to read Campbell's masterpeice and found myself a thrall to its sinister oozings. Not only did I love the adventure but soon Ella Mornel was making life miserable for my players.

I've played my fair share of paladins and rangers. Destroying rampant undead and stalemating orc armies. I've delved through various prestige classes and felt fairly satisfied until now.

My heart burns to be an Oozemaster. I long to avenge Morbion and set my slimes, puddings and oozes loose on the unsuspecting public. Any rank and file, half-baked wizard can raise an undead army but the last time I checked not many players could turn that pesky gelatinus cube that just devoured your rogue. After a lifetime of doing good, I am a fallen player and can't wait to take the path of darkness. Oh what terror I will sew. Well I could but I dont know where the @#%^ to find the Oozemaster prestige class.

I know this was wordy but I had to sing the praises of one of the best adventures I've ever had the pleasure to read. So please, if anyone can help, where can I find a reference on the Oozemaster prestige class.

Oh yeah, to the editor's of Dungeon, get Pentney on the phone and have him cook up some more oozy goodness.


Oozemaster first appeared, I believe, in Masters of the Wild. I'm fairly certain it has not been reprinted.

Thank you Zherog I knew that help would be forcoming quickly. I shall begin my quest for the ooze there.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Might be worth your time to check out Thrall of Jubilex from the Boo of Vile Darknes, too.

It's Oooze-tastic!


Here is a list of every Prestige Class ever published by WotC, with sources. Go nuts. :)


Oozemaster is indeed from Masters of the Wild and appears not to have been updated.


* dances *

Woohoo! My memory worked once this week! :)


Zherog wrote:

* dances *

Woohoo! My memory worked once this week! :)

So, what would it take to get all of Dungeon and Dragon's additions to the canon to be added to those wonderful lists?



Qualidar, I agree with you. The Thrall of Juiblex (aka Jubilex) is an excellent souce. I was just wondering if the Oozemaster had anything else to offer. thanks

Silver Crusade

Oozi McOoze wrote:
I was just wondering if the Oozemaster had anything else to offer

.. such as not having to offer one's soul to a demon-lord in exchange for power? ;op

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