Krypter |

Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in
D i m C a r c o s a

John Robey |

Just wanted to chime in here with thanks for "The King in Yellow" -- by a strange (perhaps even uncanny) coincidence, it just happens to be exactly the right level and right setup for my game THIS weekend.
I also like that it incorporates the Mob template (a neat mechanic I've been looking for a chance to use), the Alienist PrC, and bards (yes, can you believe it, BARDS) as the villains.
Even though the plot has been done many times, this is still an inventive, well-done adventure. Way to go!
-The Gneech

Krypter |

Just wanted to chime in here with thanks for "The King in Yellow" -- by a strange (perhaps even uncanny) coincidence, it just happens to be exactly the right level and right setup for my game THIS weekend. Eerie.
You don't happen to live near a lake, do you? Coincidences can be a sign of impending destiny.

John Robey |

John Robey wrote:Just wanted to chime in here with thanks for "The King in Yellow" -- by a strange (perhaps even uncanny) coincidence, it just happens to be exactly the right level and right setup for my game THIS weekend. Eerie.You don't happen to live near a lake, do you? Coincidences can be a sign of impending destiny.
Actually, I do. But I'm pretty sure there's nothing in it scarier than a couple of cormorants.
-The Gneech

Gwydion |

Krypter wrote:John Robey wrote:Just wanted to chime in here with thanks for "The King in Yellow" -- by a strange (perhaps even uncanny) coincidence, it just happens to be exactly the right level and right setup for my game THIS weekend. Eerie.You don't happen to live near a lake, do you? Coincidences can be a sign of impending destiny.Actually, I do. But I'm pretty sure there's nothing in it scarier than a couple of cormorants.
-The Gneech
You're doomed. DOOMED. Flee now, lest Dim Carcosa take you into its embrace!

John Robey |

Ran the first session of this over the weekend; due to the current events in my campaign I merged Act I and Act II into a single event (putting the manor house outside of the town with the transformed mob). So far, so good! The mob+pseudonatural dwarf battle in particular was quite a challenge for the group's fighter, who is used to pretty much steamrolling over everything. He ended up with 6 hp at the end of the battle, and probably would have gone down hard in the next round if the wizard hadn't managed to finish off the mob with a fireball.
They've taken the town's crazed mayor off with them to the city (Indar in the adventure as written, a local campaign one in my game) to add weight to their arguments for the play being cancelled, so I have to figure out how to resolve it, now. I'm thinking the King's Players may be stymied by a cancellation order and quickly take off for the next city down the road.
-The Gneech

Malkcntent |

Thanks guys for the kudos! This was my first published work and I'm pretty happy with it. James Jacobs worked with me quite a bit to make the final version the insanity-inspiring adventure you have before you and I'd like to thank James for helping me get this out there. If anyone has run the game, I'd love to hear some specifics about how it went.