Article on wild mages?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Not a request, but more like a question as to who would want to see such an article. I'm envisioning presenting some wild magic spells, stats and bios for a couple of prominent wild mages, and probably some magic items too.

for those who don't know, wild mages are from the Complete Arcane.

BOZ wrote:

Not a request, but more like a question as to who would want to see such an article. I'm envisioning presenting some wild magic spells, stats and bios for a couple of prominent wild mages, and probably some magic items too.

for those who don't know, wild mages are from the Complete Arcane.

I don't know a lot about the 3rd ed. wild mages, but I know they were one of my favorite things from the old 2nd edition and it would be fun to see them brought up to date in some form. I always liked the idea of people forming raw magic energies on the fly and the rules for magical mishaps when wild magic goes wrong were great!

I'll take a thumb through Complete Arcane.

One of my earliest characters was a wild mage from 2E. I'd love to see more material for them.

The wild mage was given an update in Complete Arcane.

for a hint of where i'm coming from:

I would love to see more written about wild mages.

The second edition wild mage was better than the current one in my opinion. The 3E wild mage is too tame for my tastes.

Bill Lumberg wrote:

The second edition wild mage was better than the current one in my opinion. The 3E wild mage is too tame for my tastes.

Absolutely. The Wild Mage should be "out there".

Boz, I hope you give 'em some crazy material.

I would enjoy such an article. I had a wild mage back in 2E and had a lot of fun with him. One of my players ran a wild mage in the Temple of Elemental Evil to great amusement.

That said, I wasn't really impressed with the 3.x version of the wild mage.


i will do what i can. :)

i submitted the query on monday. whenever it is read... hopefully the response will be a good one. ;)


There are problems with the concept of the wild mage in 3E. I wrote an article on mys site pointing out these problems, and present a feat and class that I think allows for a WM-type character that is still within the reasonable boundaries of the rules.

Of course some people may disagree with my assessment of the problems with the 2E class concept, may have a better solution to those problems, or both. :)

i'll check it out, thanks. :)

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