What time of year did you start your AoW campaign

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I am getting ready to start my own age of worms adventure path and was wondering what time of year people were starting their groups in.

I am using Greyhawk as the world and was thinking of starting in Harvester 595. My only concern would be that the end of the campaign could have some rather cold temperatures that wouldn't necessarily fit with the end of the campaign.

Just give me your take on it, please.

I started 1st of Wealsun 595. Since most of Greyhawk has a relatively mild climate, and most of the AP takes place indoors or below ground, weather probably won't have a huge effect. (The main outdoor adventure--LoLR--is in a demiplane that is not affected by Oerth weather). So far, the only adventure that should be somewhat affected is Lords of the Rift--one can imagine a bit of nastiness with characters perched on the edge of a tall cliff, fighting dragons. The Rift is far enough north to be fairly cold in winter, but Kongen-Thulnir's west-facing alignment on the north side of the rift should warm it up a bit, at least when the north wind isn't whipping down the side canyon it's in.

Anyhow, the Age of Worms is upon us--unseasonable weather might fit quite nicely with the apocalyptic theme of the campaign (think Wheel of Time here). Players could find green weevil grubs in their trail rations despite freezing weather, or the north wind could blow chill in the middle of summer, carrying a faint charnel smell with it. Etc.

I started mine in the middle of a warm spring, leading into a hot summer. I wanted it to be warming up a little and imagined the long drunken rowdy nights in Diamond Lake as being quite sweaty and sticky.

And it helps the PC's out because they dont have to worry about snows, ice, dying in the cold if its winter and if things happen to go bad for them in the wilderness (or if they dont have a nature-class friend with them like a ranger) they can still cope.

I took my cue from the campaign journal of Erik's game with the Dungeon staff and started mine at the end of Richfest in 595.

Thanks for all your answers. I think I am gonna stick with Harvester for now. It seems it really doesn't matter and I already had weather rolled up for that month. Might not be the best reasoning but what the hey?!?

I start my AoW campaign this wednesday with a group of guys I have never DM'ed for. Should be fun and interesting.

I chose summer specifically to avoid the treacherous winter that would beset a place like Diamond Lake (I've put my town in high mountains). I also wanted to give the town that summery feel of people outside at late hours because it's so temperate. It makes the Vein pulse with life!

Ian Ford 65 wrote:
I chose summer specifically to avoid the treacherous winter that would beset a place like Diamond Lake (I've put my town in high mountains). I also wanted to give the town that summery feel of people outside at late hours because it's so temperate. It makes the Vein pulse with life!

That was exactly my thinking also.

Scoti Garbidis wrote:
I start my AoW campaign this wednesday with a group of guys I have never DM'ed for. Should be fun and interesting.

Good Luck! :)

Also, have a think about when you envisage the Champions Games occuring. In my game, a number of months have passed from the beginning and the Games will end up being in the late part of Winter, which isn't what I intended, so I've had to explain this (to myself) as a way of enlivening an otherwise dull time of year in the Free City. I imagine a number of months, perhaps even years, should pass between the beginning and the end (I hate the thought of gaining 20+ levels in only a few weeks, as do my players!)

A nearly identical thread has appeared on these boards a couple times already but I'll go ahead and add my answer once again.
I started our campaign at the beginning of spring (equivalent to mid-March). I like campaigns to span years of game time so I keep a small calendar (like your bank gives you) to keep track of passing days/weeks/months. I also enforce training time for characters advancing in levels. My group tends to prefer hit-and-run tactics and the pace was also slowed by a couple character deaths (and the necessary fund-raising for their "raising"). Thus, it was mid-summer before the PCs finished with Whispering Cairn and early fall when they set out for Blackwall Keep. I was a tiny bit disappointed that I couldn't play up the oppressive humidity of a swamp in the throes of summer heat but I accepted it in exchange for the passage of time for the characters. This actually all worked out well since HoHR will take place over the winter (which isn't a big deal in the Free City) and I expect the Champion's Belt can take place in early spring.

I started AoW on Reaping 1, 595 CY. TWC & 3FoE took place during that month, EaBK took place in Goodmonth, & HoHR will take place in Harvester. This will provide a good opportunity for the Champion's Games to take place over Brewfest.

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