It's pronounced boo-LAY! |

I'm running the plain of Cysts encounter tonight, and I'm at a loss for how to run it.
I have some maps, but the whole plain is like 130x80 5' squares, and there's no way I have that much. I want them to be able to keep track of where they've been, so when they get TP'd back they don't have to start from scratch not knowing where they've been before.
How did you run the encnouter, or what advice do you have for me to run it? I'll post how it went when I can.
Thanks so much.

Marc Chin |

I used a sheet of graph paper to show their progress 'in miniature', and moved to my combat map when it became relevant. I also had to put pc miniatures off the edge of the map with erase-marker notes next to then (+100 feet that way, etc).
I ran mine very similarly;
Use graph paper at a 10' or more scale, then use a tactical map (either graph paper at 5' scale, a mat, or whatever you use) once the action starts; feel free to tape multiple sheets of graph paper together at the edges to make a larger sheet.
Time saving hint: Predraw the Plain of Cysts wide map ahead of time...you'll save a lot of player grumbling.

Pyrix |

I Photoshopped the original map to remove the lantern path (its on
http://therpgenius.com/ BTW). I gave the players a copy of that map drew an X on it and told them "You're there" and proceded to describe the lanterns path in terms of distance and direction. At each direction change the players marked an X on the map and drew a line back to the previous point of change. When they got teleported back to the beginning, they now had an exact route to retrace their steps to their last point of progress.
I wish Paizo would have released an official player handout version of the map because the one I made is kinda rough and low-res. Like you guys say, its a difficult section to run as intended without some sort of map.