Isaac Zephyr |

So I think I did another post about it, mostly to do with rules that got errata'd. With that sorted out, I need some build advice.
Character is Icon Human Envoy, the concept was a punk rocker so CN anti-authority and pretty laid back. Starting Human feats, Skill Focus Intimidate (and first Expertise Intimidate) and Veiled Threat so I can make more use out of a good Intimidate score with fewer concequences. It'll also make Demand a lot easier.
Improvisations I'm starting Dispiriting Taunt, and level 2 I'm planning on Universal Expression so I'll have a pretty solid combat presence. Even if I don't have much for damage.
Now looking at Feats for going forward, I'm thinking Improved Unarmed Strike (I want to punch things, or boot f*** some bug that gets too close) and I want Antagonize for level 5. After that I'm thinking mostly more Skill Focuses and Sky Jockey (much like feeding people a fist, I see the character as a bit of a speed junky. Fast ships and racing through the streets).
Future Expertises: Diplomacy, Computers, Engineering, Bluff. Only Talents I'm interested in are Convincing Liar, Well Informed and Slick Customer, so might invest in the Additional Expertise on Culture. Last one not sure. For the rest of my Improvisations, I'm only really interested in Quick Dispiriting Taunt and th Get 'Em line.
The bit I need advice with: I just got my hands on Pact Worlds, and the Skyfire Centurion archtype seems like it would be a good fit for being a great captain. The Combat Bond to buff Encourage for one ally in particular, change bonds when swapping between ship-time and land time so the support can be well taken advantage of. However, Lend Expertise, I've only got one combat feat planned (Improved Unarmed Strike) which makes that feature kinda beans. Concentrated Fire, since I'm the captain I can't see getting a lot of use in ship, though it might be good if say I'm bonded to the science officer they can use my max pilot rank for gunnery if we move 3 people to guns (I can't see our soldier doing much else on the ship). And finally Perseverance, since I'm not taking Medicine at all (need too many other captaining skills) the first part is redundant, but the second part could still be useful for reserve healing if our mystic falls.
The downside is taking this archtype, I don't see it super fitting the character's concept (I'm anti authority but part of the Skyfire Legion?) And it would push back Quick Dispiriting Taunt to level 8 minimum. Plus losing out on an Expertise, though right now I've still got a spare Talent which could Additional Expertise to get all the skill boosts I want.
So with all that in mind, would this be a worthwhile endeavor to take for +4 Encouragement? Would it be better to try and get one of my other players (perhaps the soldier as he'd have a bunch more combat feats) to consider Skyfire so they could share the BAB bonus on gunnery, or get the +4 from my encouraging (since it's two ways)? Or is there perhaps a better archtype that aids in the captain role that would be worth the trade offs?

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Can't comment on the rules part, but the Skyfire Legion isn't as big on authority as you might think. They're mercenaries, and their origins come fron fighting draconic tyranny on Triaxus. And besides, just because you have the archetype doesn't mean you follow their orders. Maybe you trained with the Legion and when your training was done you decided to choose your own destiny! B)

Isaac Zephyr |

Can't comment on the rules part, but the Skyfire Legion isn't as big on authority as you might think. They're mercenaries, and their origins come fron fighting draconic tyranny on Triaxus. And besides, just because you have the archetype doesn't mean you follow their orders. Maybe you trained with the Legion and when your training was done you decided to choose your own destiny! B)
True, or the character was just a gifted natural. Saw them in action or briefly spent time in one of their training camps to pick up the skills. Decided merc life wasn't for her and left.

Tyrnis |

Skill focus and expertise don't stack -- they're both insight bonuses.
There's basically no reason for an Envoy to ever buy skill focus in an ability that you're going to have an expertise die in, so you'll want to put your skill focus elsewhere (or choose a different feat.) You do get a small bonus at higher level, but it's really not worthwhile enough to spend a feat on.

Isaac Zephyr |

Skill focus and expertise don't stack -- they're both insight bonuses.
There's basically no reason for an Envoy to ever buy skill focus in an ability that you're going to have an expertise die in, so you'll want to put your skill focus elsewhere (or choose a different feat.) You do get a small bonus at higher level, but it's really not worthwhile enough to spend a feat on.
Oh I know. I wanted the expertise die reroll for intimidate, and the early spike, but future ones will be like, piloting, acrobatics, profession and possibly diplomacy for the reroll as well. Piloting is high on that list cause I'm not Ace Pilot, it's not an Expertise choice and as the captain I'm gonna need high for Orders and for when I'll have to take the wheel myself.