mobuttu |

After Darkthar's Way, one of the PC got infected by the wererats at Orak Baths. Reading the Lycanthropy disease description, I see that it there are two ways of curing it:
- A remove disease or heal spell cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher also cures the affliction, provided the character receives the spell within three days of the lycanthrope’s attack.
- The only other way to remove the affliction is to cast remove curse or break enchantment on the character during one of the three days of the full moon.
Besides the second option, through harder to acomplish, it's much easier to reach. AFAIK, the first option can only be done in Couldron by Embril Aloustinai (High Priest of Wee-Jass). Could you provide any inside on how would you think Embril would handle the situation in case PC plea for help?
- Sorry for my bad english.

VedicCold |

Technically, Ike Iverson can also perform these services, as he is a 13th level cleric. But you're still in the same boat, and how available this option is depends on what sort of relationship (if any) your group currently has with the church of Wee Jas. This early in the campaign, I doubt Ike would have any reason to refuse to provide the service to the PCs, as they have not yet taken any actions in direct opposition to the church's interests. You might play him as being arrogant and haughty, and even go so far as to have him require a greater "donation" to the church in return for the service, or even require some other special service. This, of course, would make the other options for removing the curse more attractive, but that means waiting for the next full moon to come around (which is of course entirely under your control).

DMFTodd |

I'd use the opportunity to setup the church of Wee Jas as the bad guys. Or at least the "not overly good" guys. I'd say Ike is not high enough level at this point. I'd have Ike meet them, let them know that Embril could heal her, but that she is very busy and only has time for true believers of the faith. Make them go somewhere else and do it the hard way.
I'd also use it as an opportunity to introduce cauldron's religious setup. The find the church that had their two high priests die lately, find that Jenya's priest is out of town, and that no others are that strong.
For my campaign, Wee Jas is a dwarven temple and has been closed to all dwarves. So my human that contracted lycanthropy cannot get it cured there and will have to go the harder route with a different church.
With lychanthropy, "no symptoms appear until the first night of the next full moon" (MM178). Is your player doing this as a precaution just in case they have it or did you let your player know they had it? I'm not sure what the right ruling is for it.

mobuttu |

I'd use the opportunity to setup the church of Wee Jas as the bad guys. Or at least the "not overly good" guys.
That's exactly what I did. Not only they charge a high fee to the service but Embril finally appeared suggesting the to embrace his new form and powers. He seriously took it into account until Coryston Pike (his fianceé) told him not to talk to her until cured from it.
With lychanthropy, "no symptoms appear until the first night of the next full moon" (MM178). Is your player doing this as a precaution just in case they have it or did you let your player know they had it? I'm not sure what the right ruling is for it.
Sure. He didn't notice anything until a rendevous with Coryston very late in the night at the Bath-house. They were having a bath when he raised his head up to the sky and saw the full moon through the crystals...It was a very dramatic scene (specially for Coryston ;)

Lilith |

As option C (and this is something I did in my campaign), you can have the player opt to keep the lycanthropy. I had him struggle with the initial change, losing his memory, having a violent streak, wanting to run in the woods for no particular reason. (The character is an elven druid, a diplomat's son.) I had him battle the initial chaotic urges and when he finally made 5 successful Will saves (in a row) at an increasingly high DC, he was able to successfully control his lycanthropy.
He still must change at every full moon, though, and he still has unusual habits that make him stand out.
Made for some REALLY funny and good roleplaying when the character's father found out that his son had become a werewolf. Such fun.

mobuttu |

As option C (and this is something I did in my campaign), you can have the player opt to keep the lycanthropy.
Yes, for some time I played with this idea, but baring in mind that he was bite by a were-rat (Chaotic-Evil) and the PC was a cleric of Tyr (Lawful-Good), I thought a full transformation and capacity control it and thus a transformation of his aligment to CE, would spoil the player idea about the character and ruin his diversion (he has very interesting plans about it).

jumpet |
Lilith wrote:As option C (and this is something I did in my campaign), you can have the player opt to keep the lycanthropy.Yes, for some time I played with this idea, but baring in mind that he was bite by a were-rat (Chaotic-Evil) and the PC was a cleric of Tyr (Lawful-Good), I thought a full transformation and capacity control it and thus a transformation of his aligment to CE, would spoil the player idea about the character and ruin his diversion (he has very interesting plans about it).
I have allowed a wererat PC in the past. Be aware, they are very powerful and I would not recommend it. Of all the lycanthropes, the wererat is the most powerful because it has the lowest LA!