A DMs wish - an online NPC stat block "bank"


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In the same spirit, I guess I'm a little confused. Not to detract from anyone's submissions... but I thought Lilith's site is for NPC's, not monsters. I differentiate the two as anything designed exclusively for a combat encounter is a "monster," and anything the PCs interact with socially (but may later fight) is an NPC. As much as I appreciate the time and effort it takes to upload the stat blocks, do we need monsters on there? I'm just asking... hope this doesn't blow up in my face. :-(

I certainly think there's room for both. Any stat block, monster or NPC, that I can use instantly is greatly appreciated and usable.

However, I've only been loading NPC's, although isn't a monster with class levels also an NPC?

Woo! Great idea, Lilith! I am now officially a guild member.

One quick suggestion: Would there be any way of adding a sort of sidebar to the 'Add New Stat Block' page that would quickly run a search (probably keyword, race and class based) that would show you any similiar ones already in the database? I am aware that search is not operation yet, but this could really cut down on your workload and ensure that you don't have to weed through duplicates, especially as this grows larger. Anyways, just my two cp. Great job!

I think that having monsters could be useful--if you've statted up an advanced or templated creature, why not share it?

I'll leave it up to Lilith and the esteemed webnerds to figure out how to make it so we can call up lists of NPCs narrowly defined if that's what we are looking for.

Hey y'all, I've got some updates for you:

Random NPC Traits
MORE mannerisms, appearances, secrets.
ADDED Name generator, Origins, Family, Motivations, Odd Behavior, Insanities, Phobias, Taboos.
ADDED Name generator for servants.

Random NPC Traits
Pallo Sunwing

* Mannerisms
Disgusted by the opposite sex
* Appearance
* Origins
From a metropolis
* Family
Parents dead, 1 sibling
* Motivations
Become normal
* Physical
Black hair, brown eyes, unusual skin
Random NPC Traits

* Mannerisms
Believes agents of evil are seeking them out
* Appearance
* Phobias
Scotophobia Darkness
* Origins
From a forest
* Family
One parent alive, 2 siblings
* Motivations
Win a bet
* Physical
Copper red hair, brown eyes, dark skin
And to answer some questions:

Talon wrote:
..memorable NPCs need: three traits, an individual dream or wish that's reflected in the characters hobbies and interests, a secret, an encounter goal and an encounter mood...

Hopefully some of the above changes will help out with that. :-D If you've got more traits that you want to share, great. If not, I'm whipping out my "Character Traits" book and filling more in. Trust me, there's a lot. I did some refreshing (reload reload reload reload) on the pages and didn't see a whole lot of repeats. :-D For note, there is a whopping 1% chance that an "Insanity" will pop up.

Peruhain wrote:
Also, you have blocks for description, but they don't appear on the display--only your random generator does. It seems to me it would be best to let people enter description items, then let the user have access to the random generator if the description is missing or inadequate for the user's needs.

They do appear (if there's any entries), but it's at the base of the page, rather than on the sidebar. This is a good idea, I'll add it to my to-do list.

Peruhain wrote:
...optional bio block...

I've thought about this, but I'm hoping the sidebars will be enough inspiration without having to do a bio block. If I get overwhelming demand for it, I'll probably do it, but for now, it's on the back burner (on low, where I can hear the bubbles go "pop").

Peruhain wrote:
...little more room in the AC block...

Doubled the size (to 127 characters) - hopefully that's enough! :-P

Amal Ulric wrote:
...do we need monsters on there?
Peruhain wrote:
...if you've statted up an advanced or templated creature, why not share it?

My personal preference is for advanced/templated creatures, as they usually take longer to come up with. However, the site is for DMs that are out of time and need something quick, I don't see a problem loading up a couple of stat blocks for game that night. (I had this discussion with Archade, who has also been a great bug squasher!) What I don't want is the entire contents of the Monster Manuals loaded up - that's darn silly and not as useful for most DMs.

Again, my preference is for NPCs with class(es) or templated/advanced creatures (with or without class(es)), but I won't stop a onesie-twosie upload of a monster stat block.

I have the "Search" and "Requests" on my to-do list, as well as a adjustment to the NPC Random Traits generator.

Thanks again, everybody, for the feedback. Constant improvements are needed to continue to make this a great resource for DMs out there!

Only 26 to go until we reach 100 stat blocks!

Dark Archive

Hey Lilith!

I like the idea of a "request list" from users. That'd be swell.

As well, when you pull up critters by Challenge Rating, can you put a hyperlink on the races to take you to a list of the npcs for that race?

Also, with 74 stat blocks, the races list is already getting a tad unwieldy, and I imagine this will continue. Any way to compress by alphabetical headers, or put it in two columns, or something?

And finally, can you add the following 'recommended forms' for underneath empty fields when adding a stat block?

Class(es) - 'type full class names, ie Fighter 1/Wizard 5'
AC - 'ie 15, touch 12, flat-footed 15'
Resist - 'ie cold 10, acid 10, turn resistance +4'
Melee - 'ie +1 keen greatsword +16/+11 (2d6+12/17-20)'

Ooh! Based on what Archade said, maybe you could have the races list be tiered. For example, instead of it currently having Juju Zombie Half-Elf and Juju Zombie Troll as seperate entries, you could have 'Juju Zombie' and then have Troll and Half-Elf available once that was clicked.

Dark Archive

Tiering the races would be neat, but how many fields for races would you allow? I mean, look at my fiendish werehyena juju zombie human ... ;>

The Exchange

Has anyone checked out the Ferret of Legend that Thanis put in the DB. I love the Ferret!! He rocks, great job Thanis! Make a great familiar or animal companion!

Fake Healer wrote:
I love the Ferret!! He rocks, great job Thanis! Makes a great familiar or animal companion!

Hee hee... thanks! I couldn't resist statting it out once I thought of it. However, being that it's an outsider, it can't be an animal companion. Improved Familiar should work, though.

Waterdhavian Flapjack wrote:
Ooh! Based on what Archade said, maybe you could have the races list be tiered. For example, instead of it currently having Juju Zombie Half-Elf and Juju Zombie Troll as seperate entries, you could have 'Juju Zombie' and then have Troll and Half-Elf available once that was clicked.

Could this be handled with pipes, like the skills & feats?

So, anyone seen the Zombie Dragon yet? Recognize the reference? ^^ This is one I actually plan on using, eventually.

Another bug: If you put a negative number in the initiative, it doubles the negative (--1).


Genius, Lillith! Adding it to my favorites right now. I'll add a few in there when and as time permits. Great work.


You are truly a fantastic person! This has helped me out so much. I can't believe that no one has thought of doing something like this before. I can't wait to add some of my own.

Thanks again


Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
So, anyone seen the Zombie Dragon yet? Recognize the reference?

I got it...and I follow you up with a Fire Element Marilith!

Liberty's Edge


again, thanx so much for this; it's awesome!!!
One question I have:
The "Browse All" list is very helpful. Is it possible to change it in this way, that we could kind of sort it by clicking on the column headers (Name, Gender, Classes, CR, Campaign and Hook), so that if I click on CR the list changes in this way, that CR1/2 is on top and CR22 is the last entry?
Sorry, for this clumnsy text, but I didn't find other words.

Don't feel pushed in any way!

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Hey Lillith, Do you include ability boosting items on the ablilities list and figure them into the appropriate equations or only list them as combat gear and possessions and expect others to figure it in? Just wondering as I am about to load in some higher CR critters with items.

Daigle wrote:
Hey Lilith, Do you include ability boosting items on the ablilities list and figure them into the appropriate equations or only list them as combat gear and possessions and expect others to figure it in? Just wondering as I am about to load in some higher CR critters with items.

I figure them in to the abilities, and add the appropriate item into the possessions. The key with a stat block is that everything is already figured out for you, so you don't have to. :-D

Dryder wrote:
The "Browse All" list is very helpful. Is it possible to change it in this way, that we could kind of sort it by clicking on the column headers (Name, Gender, Classes, CR, Campaign and Hook), so that if I click on CR the list changes in this way, that CR1/2 is on top and CR22 is the last entry?

Don't worry, it made sense. Adding on my To-Do list.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah - Lilith, you so rock!!!

Liberty's Edge

I know this one has been referenced at least a couple of times: http://d20npcs.wikicities.com/wiki/D20_NPCs_by_Challenge_Rating

I've used it a lot previously and, for the most part, like the NPC variety.

Also, check out http://www.hallofhero.com/NPC3E/index.cfm

There are quite a few imbalanced characters here, but some good ones, too.

Some other useful sources:

Complete Adventurer, Complete Arcane, Complete Divine, Complete Warrior and A LOT of the new Forgotten Realms tomes. A sample character is used for each prestige class. Simply scan, save as a bitmap and print. Voila - near instant character. (Otherwise, just Xerox, but I like to bitmap it, so I can make adjustments.)

Also, check out WotC. PLENTY of NPCs there. Likewise, they've posted historically a lot of Chainmail NPC stats - good for followers and legions.

I know this post goes beyond your request, but I just wanted to share that there are LOTS of NPCs out there.

To Lilith - Wow. Good Deal.

This has potential written all over it. Thanks for the set up and I hope to contribute as many times as I download!

- Rath

Dark Archive

It sure is great! I've been trying to add at least one stat-block per day here.

Although, I'm getting caught up to where my players are in the campaign, and I don't want to add them until after they've encountered (and killed) them (as my group have web-savvy, reading types).

Thanks again Lilith!!!

Gimme an "L"!

Gimme an "I"!

Gimme an "L"!

Gimme an "I"!

Gimme a "T"!

Gimme an "H"!

What does that spell?

No, you morons! Not Illithid!! LILITH!!!


Dark Archive

Hmmm ... that gives me a monster idea ... Illithililith (a NG mind flayer Expert 5 / Sorcerer 6 who has a penchant for artwork, and keeping a menagerie of various creatures for 'observation') ...

How about just Lilithid?


The Exchange

First, I think the site is really nicely laid out. Minimalism ftw.

Second, I have requests for Lilith that, if implemented, might make the site even better.
1) Currently, sorting by Class and Race use just the first-entered word. I don't know what your implementation is like, but would it be possible to split those up into their component parts, as well as retaining the whole to allow for filtering of the data to get more specific results? e.g. a creature with type 'celesital dragon' might be split into links to 'celestial' and 'dragon', each of which will link to a page containing a list of the NPCs in the DB containing the word on which the user has decided to filter. A 'fighter/barbarian' would have a link to 'fighter' and 'barbarian' filtered pages.
What is currently being displayed would also be a good thing to keep around, in the form of another link perhaps.
2) Add a number beside each name in the sort pages that indicate the total number of items existent in that category. Another option would be to make a list of CR links by each category/CR/class set which would be links to specific entries/lists. This wouldn't scale terribly well, though.
3) Add the ability to comment on specific entries. I've not looked at everything on the site, but I know I saw a CR 22 zombie dragon that looked more like a CR mid-30s. :) It would be good to bring that to the attention of people browsing as well as the moderator. This could alternately be accomplished with a little vote on each page where you could say something's CR is too low, too high, or just right.

Additionally, I have a question. Is there intent to change sorting such that the page always looks like the browse page no matter what one is sorting by, or are the different layout purposefully different?

Anyway, thanks for putting together the site, Lilith. I hope it sees a lot of use!

Ultradan wrote:

How about just Lilithid?


I like that better. Much easier to say than "Illithililith..th th th." You get the picture.

Archade wrote:
Hmmm ... that gives me a monster idea ... Illithililith (a NG mind flayer Expert 5 / Sorcerer 6 who has a penchant for artwork, and keeping a menagerie of various creatures for 'observation') ...

They're all...my preciousssssss....

("The Menagerie" was one of my favorite Star Trek espisodes, by the way - ORIGINAL SERIES all the way!!)

janxious wrote:

First, I think the site is really nicely laid out. Minimalism ftw.


janxious wrote:

Second, I have requests for Lilith that, if implemented, might make the site even better.

1) Currently, sorting by Class and Race use just the first-entered word. I don't know what your implementation is like, but would it be possible to split those up into their component parts, as well as retaining the whole to allow for filtering of the data to get more specific results? e.g. a creature with type 'celesital dragon' might be split into links to 'celestial' and 'dragon', each of which will link to a page containing a list of the NPCs in the DB containing the word on which the user has decided to filter. A 'fighter/barbarian' would have a link to 'fighter' and 'barbarian' filtered pages.
What is currently being displayed would also be a good thing to keep around, in the form of another link perhaps.

It in da Works (in my secret menagerie of creatures...) to have a better searching/browsing feature. The way it's currently done doesn't quite work the way I want it to, but it was whipped together fairly quickly.

janxious wrote:

2) Add a number beside each name in the sort pages that indicate the total number of items existent in that category. Another option would be to make a list of CR links by each category/CR/class set which would be links to specific entries/lists. This wouldn't scale terribly well, though.

I've been thinking of adding a "count" to some of the browsing lists, specifically for Campaigns, CR and Contributors, so you're ahead of me there.

janxious wrote:

3.) Add the ability to comment on specific entries. I've not looked at everything on the site, but I know I saw a CR 22 zombie dragon that looked more like a CR mid-30s. :) It would be good to bring that to the attention of people browsing as well as the moderator. This could alternately be accomplished with a little vote on each page where you could say something's CR is too low, too high, or just right.

This is an intriguing idea, similar to what I saw at Hall of Heroes. If I do add this, it'll be after the "Request" feature.

janxious wrote:
Additionally, I have a question. Is there intent to change sorting such that the page always looks like the browse page no matter what one is sorting by, or are the different layout purposefully different?

This falls in the pesky-creatures-that-will-feel-the-might-of-the-Lillithid-and-will-deal-wit h-later category. Basically, that part of the layout was going to get a revamp later, when the adding/editing/updating interface was mo' better. Since it's mo' better, it'll be worked on.

Note Any updates will most likely happen later this week, after stupid-last-minute-promotion at work dies down a bit.

janxious wrote:
3) Add the ability to comment on specific entries. I've not looked at everything on the site, but I know I saw a CR 22 zombie dragon that looked more like a CR mid-30s. :) It would be good to bring that to the attention of people browsing as well as the moderator. This could alternately be accomplished with a little vote on each page where you could say something's CR is too low, too high, or just right.

To tell the truth, that CR is by the rules spot on. However, you're right, it doesn't look correct. I asked about that beastie a few months ago on these threads, but didn't get much feedback on what the CR "should" be, realistically.

Dark Archive

Doesn't the zombie template double the HD of a creature? I put up some Zombie Dire Lions and they're tough! But not horribly effective in combat ...

(PS - how do I embed a link or html tag in a message on these boards?)

The Exchange

Lillith said:
This falls in the pesky-creatures-that-will-feel-the-might-of-the-Lillithid-and-will-deal-wit h-later category. Basically, that part of the layout was going to get a revamp later, when the adding/editing/updating interface was mo' better. Since it's mo' better, it'll be worked on.

Note Any updates will most likely happen later this week, after stupid-last-minute-promotion at work dies down a bit.

Was that your last minute promo?
Hopefully someone recognized your genius and has rewarded you with your weight in gold and a promotion to Ruler of all You Puree'. ;P
love what you're doing and I will be posting stats shortly,(still gathering npc's and updating to 3.5). How do I add a signature to my posts. If I could figure it out mine would read "Lilith f-ing rocks!"


Wow - been away all weekend and come back to find this thing is just blowing up far beyond what I had first envisioned...

Lilith, I think I'm going to just bequeath this entire concept to you and go back to being a mild-mannered DM...the online stat-block bank is in good hands!

Great job,

The Exchange

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
janxious wrote:
3) Add the ability to comment on specific entries. I've not looked at everything on the site, but I know I saw a CR 22 zombie dragon that looked more like a CR mid-30s. :) It would be good to bring that to the attention of people browsing as well as the moderator. This could alternately be accomplished with a little vote on each page where you could say something's CR is too low, too high, or just right.
To tell the truth, that CR is by the rules spot on. However, you're right, it doesn't look correct. I asked about that beastie a few months ago on these threads, but didn't get much feedback on what the CR "should" be, realistically.

When I said that, I didn't realize how harsh the zombie dragon template is. Having now consulted my book, I stand corrected! :) One caveat: can you awaken the undead? Is there a spell that's being used that works on magical creatures/undead? The core awaken spell only works on trees and normal animals, iirc.

janxious wrote:
One caveat: can you awaken the undead? Is there a spell that's being used that works on magical creatures/undead? The core awaken spell only works on trees and normal animals, iirc.

There's an awaken undead spell in the Libris Mortis. I've got some questions about that one, too (I gave the dragon a +2 CR bump for it, based on table 4-4 in the Monster Manual)

So as not to derail this thread any further, all zombie dragon related questions can be directed to this thread.

Update: I've worked out a better search/sort system. It's working pretty good so far, just a few more tweaks to it and I'll make it live.

Something I do want to ask people is if they'd like a way to exclude certain sourcebooks when browsing or searching. For example, I don't have the Complete Arcane book, so I don't want to use anything out of that. Is this a feature that people would like to have?

Thanks for your continuing input!

Lilith wrote:

Update: I've worked out a better search/sort system. It's working pretty good so far, just a few more tweaks to it and I'll make it live.

Something I do want to ask people is if they'd like a way to exclude certain sourcebooks when browsing or searching. For example, I don't have the Complete Arcane book, so I don't want to use anything out of that. Is this a feature that people would like to have?

Thanks for your continuing input!

I've been typing in simplified explanations of all special class abilities my NPCs have from non-core books in the last stat-block, just as they do in the Dungeon. If everyone's doing that, you can still use an NPC even if you don't have the right book. If not, it might be helpful to have a way of excluding characters based on specific books from a search.

The Exchange

Lilith wrote:

Update: I've worked out a better search/sort system. It's working pretty good so far, just a few more tweaks to it and I'll make it live.

Something I do want to ask people is if they'd like a way to exclude certain sourcebooks when browsing or searching. For example, I don't have the Complete Arcane book, so I don't want to use anything out of that. Is this a feature that people would like to have?

Thanks for your continuing input!

put me down for the yea side, I would find that really helpful as my group doesn't use much besides the 3 core and a couple campaign books.


Lilith wrote:

Something I do want to ask people is if they'd like a way to exclude certain sourcebooks when browsing or searching. For example, I don't have the Complete Arcane book, so I don't want to use anything out of that. Is this a feature that people would like to have?

Thanks for your continuing input!

Yes, a "core/SRD" option would be great! The flexibility of just the core rules can be surprising at times, and we can get caught up in using the cool new thing out of the latest sourcebook when not everybody's got that.

I know I can.

Another thing that would be cool is if there were a place to mention what point-buy was used in creating the character. I've been trying to stick to 26 recently (equal to the elite array 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 8).

New sorting/browsing features updated and live. Test & Enjoy. Displaying results is more consistent. You'll see the keywords that each block is displayed under at the end of the block.

Lilith wrote:


New sorting/browsing features updated and live. Test & Enjoy. Displaying results is more consistent. You'll see the keywords that each block is displayed under at the end of the block.

Yay! Very cool. Though I now think that Left formatting the column headers is definitely the way to go.

Minor Suggestion: A link that looks like (^) so next to each column header that sorts by the reverse. So, for example, clicking on the one next to CR would display the highest CR at the top.

Perhaps I am a tad obsessed with wizards...
A list of wizards submitted to the bank (5 of the 8 are mine)

I added some "Core Notes" to my Acolyte of Transition. I hope this gives you some ideas.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
I added some "Core Notes" to my Acolyte of Transition. I hope this gives you some ideas.

I was thinking more of a filtering when browsing, than an actual display of an alternate NPC block on the non-core NPCs. I do like the Wee Jas Cleric though, you should add her to the rest of the list.

The reverse sort on the lists was a "I should do this" in my brain, but apparently said brain dribbled out my ears last night because I forgot to do it. (The Lilithid must have gotten to it...slurrrrp....)

Ultradan wrote:

How about just Lilithid?



If anybody writes that one up, its the next BBEG I place in my new dungeon "Halls of the Cyclops King". :-)

Humbly requesting more room on the Size & Type line...

Rothandalantearic wrote:
Ultradan wrote:

How about just Lilithid?



If anybody writes that one up, its the next BBEG I place in my new dungeon "Halls of the Cyclops King". :-)

Coming right up... :-D

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