Dragon 340 is missing pages!!!!

Customer Service

At least mine is. I got mine in the mail yesterday, but didn't have time to look through it until tonight. I thought it felt a little "light". Sure enough, pages 50 thru 67 ARE NOT THERE!!! Has anyone else's issue had this..umm..issue? Erik!! What gives!?

Calvin Roach wrote:
At least mine is. I got mine in the mail yesterday, but didn't have time to look through it until tonight. I thought it felt a little "light". Sure enough, pages 50 thru 67 ARE NOT THERE!!! Has anyone else's issue had this..umm..issue? Erik!! What gives!?

Mine's okay...wonder what happened?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

Calvin Roach wrote:
At least mine is. I got mine in the mail yesterday, but didn't have time to look through it until tonight. I thought it felt a little "light". Sure enough, pages 50 thru 67 ARE NOT THERE!!! Has anyone else's issue had this..umm..issue? Erik!! What gives!?

This is a printing error. Contact our customer service department and they will take care of you.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

Your not alone, my magazine came with the same issue, or rather, lack of issue. :) I've already contacted customer service by email, but I figured I'd join the thread for a bit of fun.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

I've just gone through and sent replacements to those who've contacted us about their faulty Issue #340. Apologies all around.

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