Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
wampuscat43 |
I call my guys Dominos for the way they keep delivering themselves into danger ("Check for traps? Naaawww..." "Scout out the owlbear lair? Heck no, I'll just mosey on in..."). I should've had the owlbear give them a tip for that service.
The name is also appropriate because once their low-hp paladin (their only real fighter) goes down, they all go down shortly afterward. :bagoverhead:
Patman |
The Lords of Diamond Lake, by the way, consist of all 11th levels, a Cleric/Paladin/Warpriest of Heironeous, a Barbarian/Tempest, a Wizard/Force Missle Mage/Elemental Savant, and a Hexblade8/Rogue3. They are pretty tough, as I let them roll stats, and the ranges came from 34-42 points...I've had several deaths though. They have bought 3 True Ressurections...treasure eaters...
Rob Bastard |
After a crap load of bad rolls, tactics, iner-party bickering, & getting stuck behind the slow-moving "Herman" (a troglodyte zombies which they'd brought under control) on the rope bridge in Horseshoe cavern, I told the players they will probably want to name their group. Almost immediately one of them blurted out "The Short Bus." Alas, it was rejected.
TPK Jay |
My group is actually the third re-incarnation of a group of charcaters we played in 2E, amazingly there was never a group name in any of those incarnations despite my suggestion that one was desrved. So after yars of being called "da Group," the Champions Belt forced an hour of debate that ended with...
The Botherhood of Fate
Golbez57 |
I thought the thread was "AoW Party Games".
"Every time you say the phrase 'green worms', take a shot."
"If your character dies following an ill-conceived charge at a much stronger enemy, finish your drink."
At any rate, I haven't found enough players to get the game rolling yet, but I'm going to encourage them to create a stable of friends in Diamond Lake called the "Diamond Lake Eight" or the "Diamond Lake Dozen" or something of the sort... that way, they'll have replacement characters with natural connections to the current PCs in the likely event that one or more of them makes an ill-conceived charge at a much stronger enemy.
*finishes his drink*