Whale-Druid adventure

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Back around the birth of 3e – maybe before, I’m just not sure – there was a Dungeon adventure that featured a whale with druid levels. Does anyone remember what issue that was in?

I remember thinking at the time what a great concept that was, and as I’m looking for sea-related adventures right now, I’d love to pull that one out. Any help is greatly appreciated.

the dungeon you are looking for is an epic scale adventure about a druid who gets trapped into the form of a humpback whale by three assassins. the module is written for 21st level and above. i don't really know the number of it, but i used the npc assassins for another adventure. i did read the adventure you are speaking of, and it isn't that great IMO. the idea seems a little farfetched, and the execution of it seems a little of plot hammering, but the main villains are pretty cool. i wouldn't suggest it for any party that is lower than 18th level, because these guys don't mess around and could kill a weaker party. anyway, hope this helps.

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of "The Razing of Redshore." It features a cachelot whale who was once the companion of an aquatic druid, was awakened by her, and now is a druid himself. It was designed for 20th level characters as a means of introducing the Epic rules into a game (it was published at about the same time as the 3.0 Epic Level Handbook was released). The whale druid was guarding a mystical pool in the ocean that had allowed his former druid mistress to breach the 20th level threshold, but it's been discovered by a cabal of assassins who, somehow, have managed to access the pool and all become 21st level. That's about as close to a general plot summary as I can remember; I have the issue, and can look up the specific number for you if you're interested.


It's issue 92. For clarity, that's the May/June '02 issue; Sept/Oct '02 was also labeled 92 on the spine, but is actually 94.

Fantastic – thank you all for the quick responses! I appreciate the plot summary as well. It may not be exactly what I’m looking for as an adventure, but I’ll definitely give it another read. Now I just have to find that issue amongst my archived boxes in the attic... so, anyone have a spare locate object scroll?

Uhhh... I used my locate object scrolls finding my keys this morning...

The Shadar Pool mentioned in that issue was pretty spiffy too...

Scarab Sages

Yeah, some hack named James Jacobs wrote that Redshore thing...

Actually, I think that issue #92 was awesome through and through. I loved Redshore (you WILL respect the druid!), I thought 'The Swarm' was a really fun low-level adventure, and I was working a group toward the Githyanki themed 'Interloper's' adventure before it imploded (the group, that is).

There's another adventure that featured a druid/whale combo - The Quadripartite Rod or some such title. It had 4 different tests the PCs had to do - an efreet in a burning tower, a lich I think, another I can't remember - and then the final test had something to do with a druid that lived within a whale and you had to convince her to give you the whale's heart or something. To stop a rampaging chaos beast.

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