Core Beliefs - Dragon #338

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I'm pretty excited to see an article coming out that appears to provide real detail into the core (Greyhawk) dieties. It is something I have been wanting to see for a long time.

I see #338 features Boccob. I assume we can expect more. Who else can we expect to see? St.Cuthbert perhaps?

banks! wrote:
I see #338 features Boccob. I assume we can expect more. Who else can we expect to see? St.Cuthbert perhaps?

Where's the Eberron love? If any setting needs to fluff up religious content it's the latest one.

Will any of these articles be helpful in an Eberron campaign?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Probably not, unless you want to use members of the core pantheon in your Eberron game, or unless you want to rename some of the core deities to match their Eberron equivalents (which isn't always as easy as it sounds, unfortunately).

We have plenty of other Eberron content coming up, though.


Erik Mona wrote:
We have plenty of other Eberron content coming up, though.

Great news! Anything cool you can hint at?

banks! wrote:

I'm pretty excited to see an article coming out that appears to provide real detail into the core (Greyhawk) dieties. It is something I have been wanting to see for a long time.

I see #338 features Boccob. I assume we can expect more. Who else can we expect to see? St.Cuthbert perhaps?

No comment on this particular issue.

I just wanted to say. . . best screenname EVAR!!!

And watch out for Mr. Buttle. . .

Scarab Sages

As much as I like Greyhawk, what deities info can they possible put out that hasn't been put into a gazillion other recent products.

The Exchange

With Greyhawk being dropped by WOTC, I would like to respectfully say....It would be nice if people would stop trying to kill this setting. I personally despise Eberron. I have never complained about the mags containing info on it. Now that Greyhawk doesn't have a home, I hope the mags will increase their use of the setting to help all the Greyhawk fans who were callously thrown aside by WOTC for some wanna-be sci-fi/fantasy setting. I'm not saying to remove all Eberron from the mags pages, I can see that there is a good fan-base for it, but its just not fair to keep trying to beatdown a tried and true setting by saying "oh, isn't there enough about this setting already." Greyhawk has been neglected almost completely by WOTC since the intro of 3.0, at least let it live in the mags.

Aberzombie wrote:
As much as I like Greyhawk, what deities info can they possible put out that hasn't been put into a gazillion other recent products.

The different churches and their beliefs could be more fully fleshed out. If you've ever looked at Green Ronin's 'Book of the Righteous' you know what I mean.

In most cases, TSR/WotC never really got into this more than just a couple of paragraphs for each god at most. The bare bones of the religions are provided for the Greyhawk gods, but that's it.

Having creation myths, relations between the gods, outlook of the clergy towards other faiths, etc fleshed out would be pretty cool. Maybe try to go into the history of the different pantheons (Suel, Flan, etc) before they merged into the current conglomeration, and what happened when the pantheons and their followers collided.

I can only wish though. I just hope it isn't in the same format as 'Deities and Demigods', with stat blocks taking up half the page count.

Fake Healer wrote:
Greyhawk has been neglected almost completely by WOTC since the intro of 3.0, at least let it live in the mags.

Although there are rumors buzzing around, I don't think that WotC have officially dropped anything. They are leaving it to the RPGA as far as I've heard. And it wasn't until the 3.5 revision that the supplement books, like the Complete and Races series, started becoming less Greyhawk oriented as far as examples and naming is concerned.

The Exchange

Sorry Lance, you're wrong. Wizards has been quoted as saying they will only be supporting Forgotten Realms and Eberron settings. They don't feel as though they can support more than 2 setting and The Realms was a no-brainer, I just don't understand how the decision to drop an almost 3 decade long campaign was made. It doesn't matter because the decision was made and it is official, they just haven't decided if or who to turn over rights to.

it'll come back sooner or later. unfortunately, my money is on "later."

Fake Healer wrote:
Sorry Lance, you're wrong. Wizards has been quoted as saying they will only be supporting Forgotten Realms and Eberron settings. They don't feel as though they can support more than 2 setting and The Realms was a no-brainer, I just don't understand how the decision to drop an almost 3 decade long campaign was made. It doesn't matter because the decision was made and it is official, they just haven't decided if or who to turn over rights to.

Umm..isn't generic D&D basically Greyhawk?

ARe THese ARticles GOing TO BE LIke THe DEmonomicon ONes, AS IN, THey WIll HAve STats FOr BOccob, PRestige CLasses BAsed ON BOccob, ANd MOnsters RElated TO BOccob IN SOme WAy?

"Umm..isn't generic D&D basically Greyhawk?"

Maybe in the sense that Spam is basically Black Forest ham...

Dark Archive

Lance Schroeder wrote:

Having creation myths, relations between the gods, outlook of the clergy towards other faiths, etc fleshed out would be pretty cool. Maybe try to go into the history of the different pantheons (Suel, Flan, etc) before they merged into the current conglomeration, and what happened when the pantheons and their followers collided.

I can only wish though. I just hope it isn't in the same format as 'Deities and Demigods', with stat blocks taking up half the page count.

I could not agree with this more. Not having seen the Green Ronin product, I was hoping it would be similar to how the old 2E Book of Priestcraft detailed each faith for the best setting ever produced, Birthright.

Lord Doombringer wrote:
Umm..isn't generic D&D basically Greyhawk?

Not really. It borrowed a lot of names from Greyhawk, but not the real Greyhawk background.

Lord Doombringer wrote:
AS IN, THey WIll HAve STats FOr BOccob,

The stats for Boccob are in Deities&Demigods, and not something that's really usefull in (I just guess) 95% of D&D campaigns, even the most epic ones. He's just too powerfull (well, he's a god), not even anywhere near the CR 30 clowns that the 3.X archfiends are.

Yamo wrote:

"Umm..isn't generic D&D basically Greyhawk?"

Maybe in the sense that Spam is basically Black Forest ham...

Post of the Day!

Exactly. I think the reason Greyhawk is hurting is because to so many people it is just generic D&D. If you really knew the setting, and alot of its history and other things about it, you would think otherwise. I can remember playing in a lot of games and advenutres set in locales that were not generic at all.

I think one of the shames about losing Greyhawk is it signals the victory of the over-magicked settings. I love Eberron, don't get me wrong. They have a TON of magic, but they handle it well, and relatively logically. FR, on the other hand, is a world full of level 20 wizards and every village with an archmage. It is sad that a world where magic is a little less common, and therefore a little more special, is the one that gets the heave-ho.

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