kilthea |
Need some help finding the name to a sci-fi animated movie I watched back in the early 1980's(?). It was a story about a group that finds a sphere or orb (It's not Heavy Metal!) which is evil. Somehow the group travels to the future to find out the organism has become all-powerful & godlike. I think they travel to the past when it was relatively weak to destroy it. It speaks to them in a malevolent voice. That's all I remember. Does this ring any bells with anyone? I would love to find out what the movie was. Thanks!

Great Green God |

Jack was late 90's so it sounds like Heavy Metal to me. Evil voiced orb shows the future, past and other worlds and how powerful it will become unless stopped is pretty much Heavy Metal, unless you have more to go on. Was it anime or just homegrown animation? What were the characters like. Names would be good. How is it not like Heavy Metal.

Eternity |

It could be Ursula K. LeGuin's "Light Years".
There is an organism that looks like a brain. In the future it is sending troops back to collect people from the past... There is a group that sends a boy/man out to find out what is going on. He travels to the future and in the end does destroy the organism. I have it on tape. There are also a group of mutants that speak in a strange past/present/future tense. Think this could be it?