Dragon's own little black hole?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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Zherog wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
I usually send out all the rejections first before moving on to approval letters.
This is good news for the one query I still have out there. Unless, of course, you're just delaying the rejection letter to tease me. :P

that's good news for me as well - got no rejections, and so far only one "revise and resend" :) i forget how many other queries shade and i were waiting on...

I just got a reply from Jason, and though my proposals were rejected, I learned something useful, and thanks to Jason for putting up with my persistence. Gotta go try my hand at something else that will pass muster.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Wow, Jason must have burned the midnight oil (although, with the time zone differences, maybe the 10 p.m. oil). I heard back on all of my outstanding DRAGON queries.

30 ideas submitted, 3 accepted and a fourth accepted as a "Class Acts." I'm pretty happy with a 10% acceptance rate, especially if this last batch of queries was so chock full o' good ideas and proposals.


RavinRay wrote:
I learned something useful...

Well, share! ;)

Mike McArtor wrote:
Well, I did say "don't expect to hear," and not "you won't hear." So hey, it's like Christmas in July. If that saying didn't suck. And if Christmas was all about being rejected. So okay, it's like Valentine's Day in July! Or maybe The-Month-Leading-Up-To-Prom in July! Those are all about rejection, right? ;D


Forthwith, I hereby declare July 27th National Rejection Day.

As a corollary, July 28th is now National Rebound Day. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Jason seems to be dealing with both of my most recent "pitch weeks" this time, the one from December as well as the one from May. The May pitch week only yielded one green light anyway, so it's a good thing he added it to the other group. Now at least the slate is clear so I can get ready for the September pitch week coming up.

2 more down, 3 more to go... :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

One thrend is becoming clear, the stock of monster articles is waaay up. So far three of my four positive responses deal with new monsters.

Hal Maclean wrote:
One thrend is becoming clear, the stock of monster articles is waaay up. So far three of my four positive responses deal with new monsters.

Four shots, four misses on my part. Back to delving through my idea files, it seems.

Zherog wrote:
Well, share! ;)

Patience is a virtue. It may take a while, but responses do come your way. And it doesn't hurt to admit if one has been nagging.

Hal Maclean wrote:
One thrend is becoming clear, the stock of monster articles is waaay up. So far three of my four positive responses deal with new monsters.

of the two positive responses i got back so far, one was indeed monster-related, so you may be right. :)


RavinRay wrote:
Zherog wrote:
Well, share! ;)
Patience is a virtue. It may take a while, but responses do come your way. And it doesn't hurt to admit if one has been nagging.

I've heard Jason enjoys being nagged. ;D

Dark Archive Contributor

Shade wrote:

Forthwith, I hereby declare July 27th National Rejection Day.

As a corollary, July 28th is now National Rebound Day. :)

Ha! :D

Oh, and I forgot to share this little tid-bit.

I got home Thursday night and checked my personal email to find a FORM REJECTION LETTER from Jason. He sits 10 feet away from me!!!

Of course, I brought it up to him on Friday morning (with maybe a little bit of hollering as well) and he snickered the whole way through my tirade.

I shall have to devise my vengeance...

Mike McArtor wrote:

I got home Thursday night and checked my personal email to find a FORM REJECTION LETTER from Jason. He sits 10 feet away from me!!!

Of course, I brought it up to him on Friday morning (with maybe a little bit of hollering as well) and he snickered the whole way through my tirade.

I shall have to devise my vengeance...

Is he going to Gencon? We once filled a whoopee cushion with tear gas and put it under a guy's work car driver seat pad while he was attending a conference. Little masking tape to keep the end safely shut, but not too tight to not burst when sat upon....but then he did something much worse than what was done to you.

Sixteen rejections. Oof!

Dark Archive Contributor

farewell2kings wrote:
Is he going to Gencon? We once filled a whoopee cushion with tear gas and put it under a guy's work car driver seat pad while he was attending a conference. Little masking tape to keep the end safely shut, but not too tight to not burst when sat upon....but then he did something much worse than what was done to you.

I don't know, man... where can I get tear gas for cheap?

Uh... I mean... Jason, stop reading this!

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

Mike McArtor wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
Is he going to Gencon? We once filled a whoopee cushion with tear gas and put it under a guy's work car driver seat pad while he was attending a conference. Little masking tape to keep the end safely shut, but not too tight to not burst when sat upon....but then he did something much worse than what was done to you.

I don't know, man... where can I get tear gas for cheap?

Uh... I mean... Jason, stop reading this!

Whoa now.. I know this was a rough week and we were especially picky this time around, but Tear Gas, cmon now. That is a bit over the top.

I cry enough as it is.. dealing with all the rejection I must hand out.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Whoa now.. I know this was a rough week and we were especially picky this time around, but Tear Gas, cmon now. That is a bit over the top.

Yeah, a private practical joke between two people doesn't warrant tear gas--that is reserved for revenge for public practical jokes :)

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I cry enough as it is.. dealing with all the rejection I must hand out.


Heh, hehheh... teehee ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

::sniff... sniff::

... *snort* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Now THAT was funny. Please stop before I hurt myself. ;D

Mike McArtor wrote:

I got home Thursday night and checked my personal email to find a FORM REJECTION LETTER from Jason. He sits 10 feet away from me!!!

Well, at least now it's official.

BTW, such personalized communication is standard practice at my workplace ... for people sitting right next to you in the cubicle and who see you every day at a meeting.

Anyway, I consider myself in good company, seeing who else got query ideas rejected.

Mike McArtor wrote:

I got home Thursday night and checked my personal email to find a FORM REJECTION LETTER from Jason. He sits 10 feet away from me!!!

At least you got a response.

I've got a few out that I have sent in more than once and never heard back on.

Then again maybe I should just take the hint.

I got two rejections too, so I'm in good company as well.

Dark Archive Contributor

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Whoa now.. I know this was a rough week and we were especially picky this time around, but Tear Gas, cmon now. That is a bit over the top.

You're right, you're right.

Mustard gas would be more appropriate.

I mean mustard! Yeah! Mustard... in... uh... on... uh... your clipboard... yeah...

Liberty's Edge

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Whoa now.. I know this was a rough week and we were especially picky this time around, but Tear Gas, cmon now. That is a bit over the top.

I cry enough as it is.. dealing with all the rejection I must hand out.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

There's crying, then there's all the fluid in your head comes running out of your nose as your eyes, throat, and skin catch fire.

What's really freaky is my Drill Sargent seemed to be able to walk around in the tear gas room and yell at us with no noticeable effects to himself.

The render happily made a query & manpaste sammich out of my query as well.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, I didn't make a query. A thing I was thinking about, somebody else all ready sent in and got rejected, so I don't have much sense, but I got more than to send in an idea that somebody else got rejected for.
I just have been tear gassed in the Army is all. Everybody gets the tear gas room.

Heathansson wrote:

Oh, I didn't make a query. A thing I was thinking about, somebody else all ready sent in and got rejected, so I don't have much sense, but I got more than to send in an idea that somebody else got rejected for.

I just have been tear gassed in the Army is all. Everybody gets the tear gas room.

I've been pepper-sprayed as well, along with tased. I'd rather get CS, but tasing is preferable to pepper spray, since it is over when it's over and doesn't run back in your eyes when you take a shower later on. Plus, after getting tased, the endorphin rush is a cheap and legal high.

Dark Archive Contributor

farewell2kings wrote:
I've been pepper-sprayed as well, along with tased. I'd rather get CS, but tasing is preferable to pepper spray, since it is over when it's over and doesn't run back in your eyes when you take a shower later on. Plus, after getting tased, the endorphin rush is a cheap and legal high.

Hmm... I'd have to take spray over being tased (although I've never been exposed to either). That much electricity in my body would probably shut down my cybernetics. And that would make me sad (and maybe dead). ;P

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Mike McArtor wrote:

I got home Thursday night and checked my personal email to find a FORM REJECTION LETTER from Jason. He sits 10 feet away from me!!!

Wow, that's cold, words fail me...

It's so cold that it could reasonably be compared to a exceptionally cold object or perhaps even creature.

(I did mention that words fail me right? :) )

I'm still waiting to hear back on a final 15 or so ideas I sent in back in December, but out of the 45 or so I have gotten a response on four got a greenlight. For those keeping count, that's 41 rejections thus far, with a mimimum of at least a dozen more to come.

Volume, gotta love it... :)

My suspicion, prompted by the fact that the magazine keeps coming out each month despite the long wait on queries, is that Dragon has a huge backlog of decent articles. Until they burn through that inventory the bar just keeps getting raised all the higher.

Mike McArtor wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
I've been pepper-sprayed as well, along with tased. I'd rather get CS, but tasing is preferable to pepper spray, since it is over when it's over and doesn't run back in your eyes when you take a shower later on. Plus, after getting tased, the endorphin rush is a cheap and legal high.
Hmm... I'd have to take spray over being tased (although I've never been exposed to either). That much electricity in my body would probably shut down my cybernetics. And that would make me sad (and maybe dead). ;P

Actually, tasers don't interfere with pacemakers (supposedly), so you should be okay. It's like a whole-body charly horse and you can't move. Hurts like hell, but after a 5 second "ride" it's over. Pepper spray doesn't wash off easily, it only evaporates, so after you get sprayed, any pepper spray you got in your hair runs back in your eyes throughout the day, especially when you shower.

The key is not to get drunk enough to get tased.

Dark Archive Contributor

farewell2kings wrote:

Actually, tasers don't interfere with pacemakers (supposedly), so you should be okay. It's like a whole-body charly horse and you can't move. Hurts like hell, but after a 5 second "ride" it's over. Pepper spray doesn't wash off easily, it only evaporates, so after you get sprayed, any pepper spray you got in your hair runs back in your eyes throughout the day, especially when you shower.

The key is not to get drunk enough to get tased.

Hmm... Well that's reassuring (supposedly). I think you're right, though: the key is to just not get into the position where you're going to get gassed or tased or otherwise incapacitated. :)

Just a quick note to say thankyou, Mike, for promptly replying to my queries. I was pleasantly suprised this morning.

Thanks again.

Dark Archive Contributor

Neeklus wrote:

Just a quick note to say thankyou, Mike, for promptly replying to my queries. I was pleasantly suprised this morning.

Thanks again.

You're quite welcome! :)

Heathansson wrote:

There's crying, then there's all the fluid in your head comes running out of your nose as your eyes, throat, and skin catch fire.

What's really freaky is my Drill Sargent seemed to be able to walk around in the tear gas room and yell at us with no noticeable effects to himself.

Well, military grade CS is a bit stronger than commercial tear gas, particularly the pelletized type that they throw in the smudge pot in the gas chamber. That provides a stronger "dosage" than you might get from just being downwind of a gas grenade. As with most substances, it's possible to build up a resistance over time (much like the capsicum present in hot peppers). Iron discipline helps a bit, too. ;-)


Yeah, I got a pleasant surprise from Mike on Friday afternoon, too. He actually accepted one of my queries - I've had a real tough time hitting upon ideas he likes since CA went to two pages.

And in the meantime, Mike's been keeping himself busy, if this nifty little book is any indication. Of course, with that release date it was in the pipeline a while back, but not a peep or hint from Mike. You're too humble. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

RavinRay wrote:
And in the meantime, Mike's been keeping himself busy, if this nifty little book is any indication. Of course, with that release date it was in the pipeline a while back, but not a peep or hint from Mike. You're too humble. :)

Well, I was under contractual obligation to keep my mouth shut. :D

And now Jason too, with this one. Now we know why he's been late answering our queries! :D

Dark Archive Contributor

RavinRay wrote:
And now Jason too, with this one. Now we know why he's been late answering our queries! :D

Oh... yes... I'm sure that's the reason. ;)

Jason, if someone has sent you an article query (via dragon@paizo.com), or Mike M has sent you one on a writer's behalf, how long should one wait before emailing you to ask about its progress?

Holy bumpage.

Anyway, whats the usual turnaround for an article to response? I've recently got the PHB2 and figured my last Class Act might not go down very well...

Dark Archive Contributor

Neeklus wrote:

Holy bumpage.

Anyway, whats the usual turnaround for an article to response? I've recently got the PHB2 and figured my last Class Act might not go down very well...

Oh? Now I'll have to double-check my CA files. ;)

Usually, it takes about two months to hear back on a Class Act article of some kind. Sometimes longer. Rarely shorter. :\

I can always email again Mike. There were two articles enclosed, and I know Hotmail can be stupid sometimes when handling attachements or replies to emails with attachements.

Dark Archive Contributor

Neeklus wrote:
I can always email again Mike. There were two articles enclosed, and I know Hotmail can be stupid sometimes when handling attachements or replies to emails with attachements.

I hope to get to my Inbox this week, starting with today, so if you don't hear back from me by the end of next week (yeah, it's a long process) drop another post on this thread or (heh) try to email me. ;)

Mike McArtor wrote:
I hope to get to my Inbox this week, starting with today

Bring a shovel.

Troy Taylor wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
I hope to get to my Inbox this week, starting with today
Bring a shovel.

I hope thats a reference to the quantity of submissions rather than the calibre of my submissions.

Even if they don;t make the cut I am anxious to get the feedback.

And to Troy - you can't talk about my unread submissions as if they were bovine excrement - until I I see a rejection, I hold a monopoly on the colorful deprecative phraseology. "Bring a shovel" he says sheesh.

I only meant there would be a lot --- after all, there's some of my stuff in that electronic pile, too.

Troy Taylor wrote:
... electronic pile...

HA! You said "electronic pile"! Is it a steaming one, too? Hee hee.

I need to get more sleep. 0_o

Don't worry, I'm sure there're plenty of proposals in that "steaming electronic pile" from all of us to make Mike laugh and to make Mike cry. ;P

Good luck. Besides, if it's funny enough to make soy milk come out his nose with laughter, you may get a cookie! :D

However, I don't know if Jason or Wes like cookies.

deClench wrote:

Besides, if it's funny enough to make soy milk come out his nose with laughter, you may get a cookie! :D


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