The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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Dorn's hammer strike crushes the half-orc's skull, and the enemy collapses, clearly dead, next to the trap door.

Dorn attacks

Round 2 init: Alicia, Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Vhailor, Marikel, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Alicia, Dorn, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Alicia, Dorn, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
stunned (Enemy #18)

Updated map link

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel curses and drops his shield so he can climb the ladder to join the others.
(Up and in. Happy to take AOO's to get next to an enemy.)

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

With the ladder occupied and reticent to put himself in swinging distance of sharpened steel... Vhailor delays.

While Vhailor dithers fretfully, Marikel charges up the ladder and throws open the trap door, his shield clanging to the stone floor beneath him. The first thing he sees is the crushed and mangled head of the dead half-orc, virtually eye-to-eye with him at floor level; another half-orc, unarmed, stands unarmed, his falchion at his feet.

Katrezra, a wand in his hand, throws open the door at his back which leads to the wall. Stepping into the doorway, he presents a lava rock with a shattered triangular rune carved roughly into it and snarls a few horrible syllables. The three warriors on the upper floor feel a wave of fear and doubt roll over them, but the magical precautions Marikel took before entering the tower protect them from the assualt on their minds.

Vhailor delays
Marikel drops item, moves & opens door
Katreza opens door, 5-foot-steps to W13 & casts: Will saves Alicia 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 1 + 2 = 14 Marikel 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 20 Dorn 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 14

Round 3 init: Alicia, Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Vhailor (delaying), Marikel, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Alicia, Dorn, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Alicia, Dorn, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Updated map link

Vhailor, you can act at will; but your way and line of sight up the ladder are still presently blocked by Marikel on its top rungs.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia dives into a roll past Katrezra and plunges her rapier into his back. As she does so, she spits something at him in his own tongue.

"Death comes for you, traitor!"

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Despite his attempt to block the doorway, Alicia deftly tumbles between Katrezra's leg and the doorframe, coming up behind him on the wall in the open air and stabbing the hideous half-orc in the back.

Alicia moves & attacks

Round 3 init: Alicia, Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Vhailor (delaying), Marikel, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Alicia, Dorn, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Alicia, Dorn, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Updated map link

Dorn steps up next to the cleric, "Come to join the party, lad? Should've stayed home, it's not a very good one," he says with a wink as he attacks his new target.

5' step to AA 18; Attack 18

Mwk Warhammer: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 1 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

As the half-orc seems to easily sidestep him, the dwarf rolls his eyes in frustration. "See?! I told ya it stinks!"

AC 18; Hp's 31/31

Perhaps learning from the example of his very dead companion, the half-orc successfully moves his skull out of the path of Dorn's hammer. He glances at the falchion at his feet but is wise enough not to try to grab it up with the dwarf threatening him. Instead, he steps back and draws his bow, loosing an arrow at the dwarf which whizzes past his ear and smashes itself against the stone wall of the tower.

Dorn 5-foot-steps & attacks
Enemy #18 5-foot-steps to Y13, draws weapon & attacks Dorn 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Round 3 init: Alicia, Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Vhailor (delaying), Marikel, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Marikel)

Updated map link

Presume you mean to move to AA 11, Dorn? Marikel is still blocking your way up the ladder at present, Vhailor, but if he moves, you'll be free to join the others on the second story, if you choose. Creatures with a blue halo are on the second level.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Ignoring the archer, Marikel steps in behind Katreza, flanking him with Alicia. (X12)
"You fool. You could have had a life here and you threw it away. Why?"
With no shield, Marikel thusts his sword two handed at the sandwiched sorceror.

Masterwork Longsword (Flanking, Bless): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 22
Damage (Two handed): 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 = 12

Vhailor, you are alone downstairs with Carbonel and Marikel's shield. Marikel is no longer blocking your way up the ladder. Any action, or continue to delay?

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor looks at the shield, then the ladder... momentarily furrows his brow and then makes a move to ascend carefully.

Vhailor climbs the ladder to join everyone else on the upper floor.

Vhailor moves....

Round 3 init: Alicia, Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Marikel)

Updated map link

That's a single move action, Vhailor; you can use another action if you wish, though I'll point out that Enemy #18 has already been dazed and is immune to repeated castings for 1 minute.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor stops atop the ladder and ferrets around his person... revealing the wand that emits bolts of force.

Vhailor arms himself with a wand.

Katrezra scoffs at Marikel. "N lewe? Wil jy hê dat jy jou patetiese krabbel op hierdie heuwel noem?" Then he speaks, through a thick accent, words in the Common tongue. "You serffe your gott; I must serffe mine." He steps out the door, slamming it on Marikel with his gauntleted hand, and touches himself with the wand.

A life? Is that what you call your pathetic scrabbling on this hill?

Vhailor retrieves item
Katrezra 5-foot-steps to V13, closes door, & activates wand 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Round 4 init: Alicia, Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Marikel)

Updated map link

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia kicks open the door again, then takes a step back and prepares to stab Katrezra again. Move action to open the door, 5-foot-step to U13, then ready an action to attack Katrezra when Marikel moves into a flanking position.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
crit confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
critical hit damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 6) + 10 = 21
sneak attack damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5

Ali reopens the door, steps into position, and waits to deliver what she feels sure will be a killing blow.

Alicia opens door, 5-foot-steps & readies

Round 4 init: Alicia (readying), Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Marikel)

Updated map link

Dorn moves up to attack the lone half-orc left in the room, hoping to bring it down so they can all concentrate on the leader.

Move to Z 13; Attack 18

Mwk Warhammer: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

AC 18; Hp's 31/31

The half-orc manages once again to dodge the dwarf's blow; however, caught between Dorn and Marikel, and with his falchion on the floor near the ladder, he has few options. Frozen with indecision, he waits for a possible opportunity.

Dorn moves & attacks
Enemy #18 delays

Round 4 init: Alicia (readying), Dorn, Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #18 (delaying), Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver (delaying), Katrezra

Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
darkvision (Alicia)
bless (Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Carbonel)
protection from chaos (Marikel)

Updated map link

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"Then join your dark god," Marikel snarls. He steps to flank Katreza (W13)and lashes out again with his sword.
Masterwork Longsword (Flanking, Bless): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 26
Damage (Two handed): 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8

As Marikel steps into the doorway, Alicia's rapier flashes, cutting deeply into Katrezra's throat and spraying arterial blood across the stone wall. By the time Marikel plunges his own sword into the half-orc's torso, he may already be dead; he certainly is afterward, crumbling bloodily atop the wall.

Seeing the mastermind behind their sabotage fall, the half-orc in the tower throws down his bow and surrenders.

Marikel 5-foot-steps, triggering Alicia's readied attack, & attacks
Enemy #18 drops item

Combat over

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel rounds on their new prisoner, sword still in hand.
"Help us get the gate up, and the punishment for your crimes will be lessened."

The half-orc gapes at Marikel. "He told us to break it," he accuses, pointing at Katrezra's bleeding corpse. "I don't ... I ain't no blacksmith. We snapped it off. Breaking things is always easier than fixing them."

It occurs to you that, even if the mechanism has been broken, it still might be possible to raise the gate directly without the block and tackle, given enough strength lifting it.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel looks from Alicia to the fallen Katreza and back to Alicia again.
"Are you any good at fixing things, Miss Dawnblade?" Marikel asks with the slightest hint of a smile.

"The rest of us will see if we can lift the gate somehow. Including you," Marikel advises the half-orc. "What's your name?"

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia snorts and shakes her head. "Better at taking things apart, but who knows?"

With that, the rogue goes over to take a look at the mechanism. Disable Device is the only skill Ali has that might work, so....

Disable Device: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Tugging of Marikel's elbow Vhailor suggests "We might make decent attempt with brute force... just everyone grab here... there... of and over there and... ummm... pull?"

Examining the broken device, Alicia can see that there is no way short of soldering it or replacing the part to make the mechanism functional again. She can see how it should work, however, and if the portcullis were to be lifted manually, she believes she could jury-rig a make-shift stop to lock it in its raised position.

Female Human Rogue 4

"I could make a stop for it, if you guys can figure out how to lift it," Ali offers.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor stands still blinking... unsure of whether Alicia had heard his suggestion and ignored it... or whether his small voice had been lost in the mix. He repeats his suggestions a little more slowly and a little more loudly.

Vhailor Falk wrote:
Vhailor stands still blinking... unsure of whether Alicia had heard his suggestion and ignored it... or whether his small voice had been lost in the mix. He repeats his suggestions a little more slowly and a little more loudly.

You are, in fact, both on the same page. The only way to raise the portcullis with the wheel broken is to apply brute strength to lift it ... but unless a way to hold it in the open position is improvised, you all would have to stand there and keep holding it open. So it takes both Strength and Disable Device-or-Knowledge (Engineering) to let you keep it open for the retreating soldiers.

Marikel and Dorn, with the assistance of the half-orc who gives his name as Kagak, apply themselves laboriously to lifting the heavy portcullis, under the direction of Vhailor while Alicia stands ready to lock the broken gate in place when it is high enough. The three men have only gotten the bars high enough above the ground for the gnome to slip under comfortably when heavy footsteps can be heard hurrying down the way they recently came, from higher up the hill.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"Vhailor? Can Alicia lock it? We've company."
Marikel struggles to look behind, while keeping a wary eye on Kagak.

Much to everyone's relief (perhaps not Kagak's), the person approaching proves to be Omast Frum, armed and armored and hustling rather breathlessly down the hill in their direction.

Male Dwarf

"Padre!" the dwarf calls out as he approaches. "What's going on? They've been saying we've traitors inside the walls!"

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

"We had. A half-orc named Katreza organised the discarded half-orcs to take the gate house."
He glances to Kagak.
"Most of them are dead now, but they've broken the wheel. Help us raise the portcullis before the troops fall back. Miss Dawnblade is inside and can jam it open for now."

"Yeah, we could use all the help we can get on this one," he says, the sweat rolling off his face as he works to keep lifting.

Male Dwarf

The former Patrol Captain hustles up and and places his own shoulder beneath the heavy bars of the portcullis. With some effortful moments of struggle, the four men are able to raise the gate high enough for Alicia swiftly to lock the mechanism in place with a spoke of the broken wheel.

Omast Frum steps away cautiously, eyeing the portcullis warily in case the jury-rigged stop suddenly fails. "Who'd you say was behind this, Padre?" he asks.

Female Human Rogue 4

Having locked the mechanism in place, Alicia hurries down the ladder and outside to rejoin the others.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Omast Frum wrote:
"Who'd you say was behind this, Padre?"

"A half-orc named Katrezra recruited and bullied these half-orcs, mainly from the Howling Hound, to take the gate here and trap our fighters. He's dead in the right tower there."

Marikel gestures at the fallen around him.
"These are most of his followers. Miss Alicia may find some more clues on his person."
Marikel nods for Alicia to return to the tower.
"And Kagak here can tell you more. He's seen the error of his ways and will cooperate fully to atone for his treachery. I have to check the other tower. Miss Alicia found bodies there but we hadn't the time to find survivors."
Marikel glances behind Omast and frowns.
"Didn't you bring anyone with you?"

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia huffs and rolls her eyes and goes back inside the tower to search the fallen half-orcs.

Perception, take 20 for 25.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel will also channel to heal everyone as they gather round.
Channel Energy to Heal: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

Male Dwarf
Marikel Selentin wrote:

"A half-orc named Katrezra recruited and bullied these half-orcs, mainly from the Howling Hound, to take the gate here and trap our fighters. He's dead in the right tower there."

Marikel gestures at the fallen around him.
"These are most of his followers. Miss Alicia may find some more clues on his person."

"Katrezra," the dwarf muses. "Doesn't ring a bell. Not a local. Of course, no true Trunauan would betray his neighbors. Just this ringleader, lass!" he calls after Alicia as she returns to the tower. "We don't have time to count pocket change!"

Marikel Selentin wrote:
"Didn't you bring anyone with you?"

"We've already got the most part of our warriors at the palisade," he scowls back at the priest. "No point in letting the gate fall and people's homes burn because we're holding our best forces in reserve. I brought a handful down to reinforce the Upper Gate," he gestures up the hill behind him. "It's going to be up to us to defend this position if the palisade is breached."

Searching Katrezra, you find the wand he had in his hand, a scroll case, two vials, and a globular stone with an alchemical smell about it. He is wearing a nice set of chainmail with a gauntlet, but getting him out of it would involve time and effort Omast Frum doesn't seem to wish to spare at the moment.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4
Omast Frum wrote:
"It's going to be up to us to defend this position if the palisade is breached."

"Dorn, Vhailor."

Marikel nods at Kagak, then turns to Omast.
"I'll see if there's any other help left."
Marikel makes his way to where Alicia advised the bodies were. If he can he drags a ladder with him to reach them.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor nods at the instruction, and turns to Dorn with a wan smile. He proffers one suggestion "If we get them close and bunchy I've got a trick that might send a few senseless... but it's a pretty big if..."

The dwarf nods at Marikel before turning toward Vhailor. "Bunchy huh? I'll see what I can manage," he says, pondering his options. Looking back in the direction of Skyreaver, "Reaver! Gonna be needin' ya, me friend." The roc - preening his feathers - stops what he's doing and heads in the dwarf's direction at a leisurely pace. Noticing, Dorn can only shake his head and roll his eyes at the bird. "Pathetic."

Marikel finds the soldiers who had been manning the Inner Gate tossed unceremoniously into the windowless, doorless base of the uphill tower. The ladder that reached to the trapdoor has been destroyed to keep anyone who might have regained consciousness from escaping, but among the supplies stored in the tower, the priest finds a rolled rope ladder which can be quickly substituted. Like the townsfolk in the Killin' Ground, the Patrol members have been brutalized and beaten to unconsciousness but not finished off, presumably so they could be offered to the attacking orcs for sport.

Male Dwarf

"We'll get them bunched up for you good at the gate when we drop the portcullises," Frum assures Vhailor. "The trick'll be to let all our wounded through without letting too many damned orcs in with them. Drop the gates too soon, and you're trapping townsfolk on the wrong side of the wall; but drop them too late, and we'll have half the Twisted Nail in the Inner Quarter to fight. Come on, let's get these barricades set up. There's some good weapons to brace against a charge in that barrel over there, and we've got a few surprises for the damned orcs: two bundles of logs ready to be cut free and roll downhill to take the legs out from under them, and a boulder Gorkis Meeson doctored up for us. Got some goo on it you can light with a torch and send it down the hill at them as well."

The dwarf recruits Dorn and Vhailor to help him move the barricades into position, leaving a single path open for the retreating townsfolk to get through.


Barricades: Two lines of barricades are being set up on the hill inside the Inner Gate. Each piece is approximately 3 feet high and 5 feet wide. A barricade has an AC of 5, hardness 5, hp 20 per piece, and a break DC of 20. It costs two squares of movement to cross a barricade. A barricade provides cover but only to creatures within 30 feet of it. An attacker can ignore the cover if he's closer to the obstacle than his target. See PfRPG rules on low obstacles and cover.

Brace and Reach Weapons: A glaive (which has the reach special weapon feature), a guisarme (reach and trip), a halberd (brace and trip), two longspears (brace and reach), and a ranseur (disarm and reach) are standing upright in a barrel near the downhill barricade.

Fallen Orcs: While bodies and prone allies don't normally impede movement, the barricades and the craggy nature of the Inner Quarter's hill create a special exception. A square containing a single fallen creature cannot be charged through; a square containing two fallen creatures costs 2 squares of movement to cross; a square containing three or more fallen creatures costs 3 squares of movement to cross.

Flaming Boulder: Gorkis Meeson's prepared boulder can be ignited with a torch as a standard action. Starting the boulder on its journey downhill requires a move action and a successful DC 13 Strength check. The boulder travels in a 10-foot-wide path, attacking all creatures in its path. The boulder has a melee attack bonus of +10; on a successful hit, it deals 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage, plus 1d6 points of fire damage if it's on fire. In addition, any creature struck by the boulder must succeed at a DC 10 Reflex save or be knocked prone. The boulder will crash through any barricades in its path but will come to a halt when it hits a sturdy solid object such as the Inner Quarter's wall.

Rolling Logs: Two bundles of logs have been lashed on either side of the downhill barricade and can be cut loose to roll downhill with devastating effect. Releasing the lashings of each bundle requires two full-round actions (thus, releasing a bundle takes 1 character 2 rounds or 2 characters 1 round). Alternatively, a bundle can be released as a standard action by dealing at least 2 points of damage to the lashings with a slashing weapon. When unleashed, the bundle of logs tumbles down the hill in a 20-foot-wide path, attacking all creatures in its path. A bundle of rolling logs has a melee attack bonus of +15; on a successful hit, it deals 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage. In addition, any creatures struck by the logs must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or be knocked prone. The rolling logs stop when they reach the wall.

Sharpened Stakes: The uphill barricade is equipped with sharpened and splintered wooden spikes. A character who readies an action to impale an incoming attacker on the stakes as though readyng a brace weapon against a charge deals 2d8 points of damage to an enemy that ends its movement on the barricade in a square threatened by the PC.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel prays to Iomedae over the unconscious guards and channels a burst of positive energy which closes their many wounds.

Channel Energy to Heal: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10

"Friends. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Marikel Selentin. I'm with the Church of Iomedae. You've been betrayed by elements from within Trunau, but my companions and I have defeated them and now hold the inner gate. While the traitors within have been dealt with, the battle still rages without. Trunau needs us to rise to its defence. Return with me to your posts and may Iomedae, Goddess of Valour and Righteousness, bless us all. Trunau forever! Live free or die!"

Marikel leads the troops back to the inner gate, giving Alicia a meaningful glance as he does so.

Female Human Rogue 4

The Balladeer:
Ali retrieves the wand, vials, alchemical globule, and scroll case. She also makes an attempt to remove the gauntlet from Katrezra separate from the chainmail, but failing that, kicks the corpse for good measure and rejoins the others outside.

Alicia comes back holding an armful of items as Marikel arrives, and returns a puzzled look for his meaningful glance.

Marikel's channeling gets all but one of the eight soldiers back on their feet; the last is groggily conscious. He helps them up the rope ladder, across the wall, and down the other tower to rejoin Omast in the open.

Male Dwarf

The dwarf inspects the bruised and bedraggled Patrolmen. "You two, you're in no shape to fight," he separates the two most injured. "And you two," he points to two more, "you're little better. Back to the Longhouse with you. The rest of you, you ready to fight?" Getting an affirmative answer, he directs them, "You two, man the gatehouses. Yes, I know that one's broken; when the last of our people have fallen back, you pull out that pin and drop the portcullis on the damned orcs. And you two, man the barricades and be ready to close up the path of retreat behind our folk."

You have four Patrol members to help you defend the Inner Gates. They will follow Omast's orders at the beginning of the combat; after that, they'll be yours to direct.

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