# of Cultists (3FoE)

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

How many cultists are there supposed to be in room #3 (Chamber of the faithful)? I can't find a #...at EL 3 (1/3 cr ea.) I figure maybe 9?

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

A good question, and one we have discussed on the board before. We figured that given the EL3 for the encounter, the Dungeonmaster's Guide suggests seven to nine CR 1/3 Commoners is appropriate.

Check out the thread HERE.

Happy gaming.

Don Kenneth Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah

Liberty's Edge

Achilles wrote:
How many cultists are there supposed to be in room #3 (Chamber of the faithful)? I can't find a #...at EL 3 (1/3 cr ea.) I figure maybe 9?

Hmmm when you look at the EL level and divide a CR 1 monster by 3 (for 1/3 CR critters) it comes out to 9-12 cultists

Achilles wrote:

Hmmm when you look at the EL level and divide a CR 1 monster by 3 (for 1/3 CR critters) it comes out to 9-12 cultists

I think they should be CR 1/2, no? Isn't that the standard CR for 1st-level NPC classes?

Liberty's Edge

The adventure says CR 1/3

Liberty's Edge

Yep, what Greyson said and linked to. Thanks Greyson.

As the EL of the room is set (3) and the generic cultist is listed as 1/3, I figured that the # Appearing just slipped through the cracks of the editing process. I suggested 8 cultists and thus two cultists per PC for scaling purposes. Others think that more cultists are needed.

As an aside, you have to consider how many cultists are down in the Hextor area and how their interplay in Diamond Lake will be noticed. The assumption of most is that they're new "recruits" to the mines. Still, a particularly good Gather Information check by PCs in town should stir up a group of "miners" that known of the miners know about. Just a thought...and touched upon in a previous post in regards to the Faceless One and his kenkus working the town...

Liberty's Edge

Lol...I have 7 players...would 14 cultists be too much?

Liberty's Edge

Sounds right-on to me. Too many more and the combat becomes a real PITA to run smoothly.

Achilles wrote:
The adventure says CR 1/3

The adventure says a lot of things. It's full of typos. I counted them as CR 1/2.

Liberty's Edge

QBert wrote:
The adventure says a lot of things. It's full of typos. I counted them as CR 1/2.

The lack of a +2 bonus to a save at first level for Commoners and minimal skill points seperates them from the rest of the NPC classes and drops them to a 1/3 CR, equivelant to a goblin (but not as inhibited as a 1/4 CR kobold). If 1/2 CR Com1 are needed, give them MW weapons or a +1 to hit/damage from religious fervour.

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