Whole adventure overlay

Age of Worms Adventure Path


First, I want to thank you for the overload. This helps me to know the overall path of the adventure. However, I have two major questions/holes I need filled in:

1. The Seekers - You throw them in during the first adventure. However, little is known for the DM. I would like to ask if you could take a dragon article and flesh them out for me. I am using them in my own world (of my creation). I made them part of a 4 nation conspiracy to seek artifacts of the past for their own evil ends. However, I would love to have more of your folks take on them.

2. The Ebon Triad. Geez, that is a cryptic one two. And, you introduced them in Cauldron and here. That causes some slight confusion if I decide to throw my players into Cauldron later. Are we going to see more of their influence threaded into the upcoming adventures? I would like to request that. I understand Dragotha and the vampiress are key players in their org. However, I would love to see their followers appear in every module. That way they become the hated baddies. And, you could throw the seekers in there as their evil rivals. That would put the party in between the two evils. Fun huh?

Ah well, could you help on this.

And, PS, one thing. You guys left a few of the people in Diamond Lake out of the overload. I looked for the stats on several of the shop keepers and they weren't in there. Are you going to have those in later issues?

Thanks again.


Scarab Sages

Ric Mohri wrote:
1. The Seekers - You throw them in during the first adventure. However, little is known for the DM. I would like to ask if you could take a dragon article and flesh them out for me. I am using them in my own world (of my creation). I made them part of a 4 nation conspiracy to seek artifacts of the past for their own evil ends. However, I would love to have more of your folks take on them.

There are hints scattered around Dungeon/Dragon/Living Greyhawk Gazetteer about this organisation, including some very high-level members

like Eli Tomorast, from Maure Castle, and IIRC Rary himself?,
but going back to the 1st-Edition sources, I can't spot a link.

Is this organisation one that Erik made up during the Living Greyhawk/Dungeon years, then retroactively backlinked? Or are there any earlier articles out there with further information?

I know I can make things up, and am willing to do so, but if there is material out there, I'd rather use it, so as not to invalidate other adventures.

The group is enjoying the first chapter, and appreciating the grognard references so far. I was e-mailed an advert from 1983 with a certain trio of tomb-robbers on it (LOL), and if I could prove a link between them and some of the game's infamous Rogues' Gallery, then that would be the icing on the cake.

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