list of laws in cauldron

Shackled City Adventure Path

anyone out there know just what a NG town have for a list of laws and punishments for them?
i know that there is laws and punishments in DM2, but its not specific.
i know the basics murder, theft & kidnaping, but are there degrees of such in a magic world and what other laws are there?


Here is a copy of Waterdeep's Civil Laws from the City System Box set. I suggest you buy this item (or rent) since copy write laws would prohibit me from posting the entire section online without the author's or publisher's permission.

Crimes and their corresponding sentences, as administered by the Lords and Magisters of Cauldron, can be roughly summarized as set forth below. Both Lords and Magisters are free to determine absolutely guilt and innocence, and set any lesser sentence they consider fitting (or none at all) if a crime is deemed justified or largely harmless and unintentional. A single act can result in multiple charges, under one or
more of the four "Plaints". Magisterial justice may be appealed to the Lords by anyone, but such appeals must be within nine days of the initial sentencing, and non-citizens of Cauldron must persuade a citizen of the City to appeal on their behalf. The four Plaints are the four different classes of aggrieved parties;
that is, those who are injured by a crime. They are Crimes Against The Lords; Crimes Against The City; Crimes Against The Gods; and Crimes Against Citizens. Under each Plaint are four classes of crimes. These four types of offenses are Severe; Serious; Lesser; and Minor.

The City is empowered to seize and sell the property of a convict to realize the money needed to satisfy the payment of fines or damages, without the consent of a convict. The family,
clan, guild, or business partners of a convict are never liable for the payment of a convict's fines or damages, unless they can be proven to have aided, abetted, ordered, or coerced a convict into the criminal activity in question. Temples and priesthoods are not permitted to pass or carry out sentences under the Third Plaint; only officers of the City may do so. Convicted beings may owe fines to the City and pay as they can over time, but only upon permission of a Lord or Magister, who will typically demand at least a partial payment immediately.

The First Plaint: Crimes Against The Lords

-Treason (including Assault Upon a Lord): Instant Death
-Impersonation of a Lord: Death
-Impersonation of a Magister: Death after flogging
- Forgery of an Official Document: Death or Exile (permanent) and Mutilation (loss of offending extremities, branding)
- Assault Upon A Magister: Death or Imprisonment (10 years) after flogging

-Theft, Vandalism, or Arson Against the Palace or Any Part of the City Walls: Enforced Hard Labor (as justice demands) plus Fine (costs of repairs plus 2,000 gold pieces)
-Impersonation of a Guardsman or Officer of the Watch: Imprisonment (as justice demands) plus Fine (5,000 gold pieces) and flogging
- Repetition of any Lesser or Minor Offense Against This Plaint: Enforced hard Labor or Imprisonment (1 month) and/or Fine (up to 1,000 gold pieces)
-Willful Disobedience of Any Edict Uttered Against One by a Lord: Fine (up to 1,000 gp) and/or Exile (up to 5 years)

-Unlawful Observation or Copying of an Official Document: Imprisonment (3 weeks) plus Damages (300 gp)
- Assault Upon Any City Officer Who Is Acting in the Line of Duty: Imprisonment (1 week) plus Damages (as justice demands; usually based on ability to pay; flogging if unable to pay anything)

-Blasphemy Against Lord, Magister, or any City Officer: Imprisonment in Castle Compound for Light Work Duty (4 days) plus Damages (20 gp)
- Impeding the Swift Process of Law by Delaying the Actions of the Guard, Magisters, or Watch: Imprisonment (2 days)

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