EHunter's page
20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
At the WofTC's D&D website there is a random city builder download called Building a City. It is under downloads for the Players Handbook I think. Each city district is given total population (550 for Warehouse, 350 for Noble Estates) as well as exact compositions (338 commoners, 60 warriors, 8 wizards, etc). Descriptions of neighborhoods are flavorful, and the list of shops, buildings is complete - though they are generic.
I'm sure you know to check out the Shackled City Resource website for more info.
For specific buildings and locals the D&D website includes a section called Viscious Venues which as detailed desriptions of buildings, Philandal's Livery and Courier Service, Forgotten Garden, Sinister Fountain, House of Metege, Courthouse, all of which could be used as urban encounters. All of these are free to download and ready made.
I used "A Dark and Stormy Knight" as an adventure before the characters arrive in Cauldron. This is available for free download on the D&D website. The premise is easy, while journeying to Cauldron, a thunder storm forces the characters to seek shelter in an old tor.
Just to add to what is here...
I plan to use a series of adventures (available for free on D&D website) as a Journey to Karran Kural quest. Since Kurran is all icy I think a fitting location for this towb would be in the mountains south of Cauldron. This will allow me to flesh out the Haunted Village, Khurok, and the area south of Cauldron. Here is a list of contenders in order of the journey.
Altar of Ghostly wealth
Part of the Pack?
Fallen Angel?
Ill Wind in Friezford 14 (Haunted Village)****
Harvest of Evil
Stone Dead? 14
Black Rain? 15 assault on temple of st cuthburt
The Kaorti Ubercyst
Cult of Tharizud
Mind War
Frozen Whispers
Viroe’s Aerie
A question of Ethics 12
Fiat Accompli 12
Frozen Whispers
The Cave of Icy Wonders
Into the Frozen Waste
Tower in the ice
A Frigid Demise
Winter’s Heart Glacier
Crumbling Hall of the Frost Giant Jarl
I'm thinking of using the adventure Force of Nature (available for free download on D&D wesite) as a supplement encounter before Asylum. This is a 17th level encounter and might be adaptive to epic play.
The synopsis is the modrons establish order out of chaos by controling nature (as it happens, a volcano). Perhaps the Church of Wee Jas knows about this machine and as kept this secret since its founding in Cauldron... it could even be the reason for establishing the Wee Jas church in Cauldron, to keep the machine running, or even the reason for founding Cauldron in a volcano.
The adventure takes the characters on "a whirlwind tour of the elemental planes" and includes a rogue modron (anarchist modrons?). Sounds to me like there are some epic elements within this context - planar travel, the four elements, a secret history of Cauldron's founding, church conspiracy a la Da Vinci Code and anarchist modrons.
I assume the Alleybashers are a front for the Last Laugh, so their demise will be taken for granted (Last Laugh uses them as fall guys). To keep the Last Laugh on the radar however, I replaced many of the coins in the Kopru Ruins with "Jester" variants. I think the Ebon Triad would object to using "minted" money.
In addition, I increased the value of a Jester coin to 100 gp. This reflects the steady corruption of Cauldron's economy by the Last Laugh. I the future I will increase these ten-fold more as Navalant's power wains away.
Last Laugh "markers" highlighted the the journey to the Kopru Ruins as well. No more ideas on the Last Laugh yet - but the counterfiet thread on other boards suggests this is an obvious route to develop.
And Flood Season's most obvious loose end... the hillfolk. Are they only mentioned in the index?
The half-orc army inspired me to create a backstory to explain their presence. I used material from D&D's website ("The Village of Camiram", "Seawell") and ran the characters through these adventures before they reach Cauldron. The characters successfully unite a half-orc tribe with humans to defeat a true orc tribe. Naturally, some half-orcs are discontent and choose to leave the Tribe of the Crescent Moon. Enter half-orc malcontents.
I flesh out all the journey times between adventures with Viscious Venues, Maps of Mystery, etc. The lack of detail annoys me (but I'm probably obsessive compulsive ((I think most DM's are))).
Did not recieve Dragon issues 338, 339.
Did not recieve Dungeon issues 330, 331.
Am I eligible to recieve these issues?
I use Greyhawk City's symbol for Cauldron. This is a link of chains over a castle and turrets above six "coins". The "shackeled city" image was too hard to resist.
Here is the way I justify Jzaridue's exit into Ghelve's Locks.
I say there is another entrance/exit into Jaridine below Ghelve's Locks. Perhaps the last flight of stairs up to the shop fold up and down. A sealed off hall leads from the staircase to an outside wall (one of the rings around Cauldron, on Ash Street). This old gatehouse had its doors sealed when Jzaridune was evacuated. Ghelve's Locks was the Jzaridune's outpost on the surface, a safehouse, it's secret entrance was for gnomes only.
This explanation allows for merchandise to be traded between Jzaridune, the Underdark, and Cauldron. There is still only a ten foot avenue to transport items, and the stairs still need to be circumvented, not to mention an elevator. But magic could help eleviate these concerns.
Details on the Malachite Fortress imply that it was built by gnomes and dwarves. The gnomes subcontracted out to dwarves for security. The Malachite Fortress should be considered a branch of Jzaridune. I say the jail cells were converted apartments/barracks for a population. The fortress was not finished, so more homes would have been built.
Another dungeon of gnomish homes could be hidden within Cauldron's depths. Perhaps they have collapsed.
First, have not run adventure yet.
Next, my first thought's about how this adventure incorporates with the other AP settings is mixed. Having goblins sneak into Cauldron to create mischief reminds me of having skulks sneak into Cauldron to create mischief. Even the context for both campaigns is similar: Ghelve = Orak, dungeons under Cauldron, an appearance of Jil. A little repetitious. Jil helping the PC's is incongruent as well, but is not unworkable. In fact, the characters should not even recognize her. I have Cauldron’s chief investigator infiltrate the thieves guild and she may pass the message on to the PC’s. Or my standard bum might have info for the PC’s.
I do think Valhantru pressured the Last Laugh/Guard to deal with this embarrassing situation. For one thing, this is the second event which Valhantru let get out of hand recently. Kidnapping, graffiti – this bad press could draw the attention of more heroes and crusaders. Niether Valhantru nor the Cagewrights appreciate this situation.
Until I DM the adventure I won’t know if Drathkar is a TPK. But I am glad Skie’s sells a raise dead scroll. I will heighten Drathkars dramatic attacks for role playing purposes, he will certainly be memorable after his third encounter with the PC’s.
Drathkar’s Way does an extremely good job in providing the characters with experience points so that they can complete Flood Season.. When I first read Shackled City I thought; Life’s Bazaar, 1st level; Flood Season 4th? Where’s the adventure path? I added more side treks to insure the players would reach 4th in time for Flood. The dungeon trek itself continues SCAP’s tradition of new and invigorating settings. Drathkar’s Way succeeds brilliantly in this regards.
Incorporating the Blue Duke and the half-orcs helped me tie the preface adventures I ran for SCAP. There is no impact on whether the orcs will enter Cauldron according to the editors. For my campaign, the players might realize the impact they made when they united two barbarian tribes. Some of the tribe members dislike the union enough to leave it and become mercenaries. Valahantru is especially pleased with this turn of events. United they stand, divided they fall.
I decided to have the three planes connected by the same planar junction. Description follows:
507 Year of Planar Junction
A ritual of Planar Junction opens gateways to Celestia, Oerth, and the 507th layer of the abyss, Occipitus.
Carcerian Demodands infiltrate Oerth and inseminate their cursed genes into civilization. Thus are spawned, the Shakleborn.
Demon Prince Adimarchus invades the Celestial Heavens. He is defeated and cast into the Abyss. Saureya, an angel, is cast into the Abyss with Adimarchus. Saureya and Adimarchus torment each other as best they can; Adimarchus abuses Saureya in the hope of converting him, Saureya fosters paranoia within Adimarchus to such an extent that Adimarchus creates the Test of the Smoking Eye.
Demon Nabthatoron leads an invasion of demons into West Grayhaunt. He is exiled to Oerth when his army is routed by Surabar Spellmason at Redgorge.
This way, the main elements/characters of AP are at least connected to each other by a doorway they all have shared. I have this planar junction happen every 507 years.
With some of the items, logistical concerns such as health, food and shelter are addressed without having to be accounted for (i.e. subtract one days rations, subtract 2 torches used).
This will save time during the campaign - speed up the story = less bored players - and might even extend the life of a player character's sheet - less erasing and adding.
Automatic ropes and hiding equipment let players help characters become stealthy when needed - they are good substitutes for rogue like skills, which are not that popular in our group.
Other items let the players spend gold, and a lot of it, to permanently improve their skills. Most players won't pass up an opportunity to improve their ability scores. The key here is to spend the players gold. First, they will continue to appreciate the gold they earn. Second, this lets me "control"
the players spending habits - i.e. they will not try to purchase +5 swords of critical, mass damage, spell immunity when they are spending their gold on these "necessary" items.
I think there are a lot of powerful bonus items which, when added up, create monty haul campaigns. I try to limit the amount of these items any way I can. Hopefully, by providing alternate choices for treasure gathering, there is a subtle control vs. overt, no you can not buy that this century control.
I am going to try and replace the magic items sold at Skie's with magic items that can make life easier for the DM. I try to automate as much of a campaign as I can. The following is a list of some of the items from the DM's Guide and a magic item in this month's Dragon.
Earing of the Wolf - so the characters can hear whats going on when they split up.
Muryland's Spoon - so they can eat without having to buy rations.
Some Periapts (Health and Wound Closure).
Various Manuels and and Tomes - characters always appreciate skill improvement.
Daern's Instant Fortress - insant home.
Maybe some elven cloaks and boots - I like em'.
Boat, folding - instant watercraft.
Rope of Climbing - always need rope.
Bags of Holding - good for loot, and I won't have to worry about encumbrace.
Various Figurines - everybody loves pets.
Heward's Handy Haversack - I really hate calculating weights and penalties.
It's on page 30, under description of Redgorge.
A section on taxes - a small section.
A timline from 3000 to 2 years before Life's Bazaar begins.
Specific write-ups on Kingfisher, Hollowsky and other regions around Cauldron.
Here is a list of taxes to be assessed during the Shackeled City Adventure Path. They should get the characters dander up. This is not an original list, it comes from a Dragon Magazine article.
1 Life’s Bazaar Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
What are the monthly taxes, then? Well, now.
There is the Consumption Tax assessed in all stores and markets. It is assessed at ¼ copper piece in the silver on all sales.
Certain goods are designated as luxuries and are subject to the Luxury Tax of 1 copper in the silver.
There is the general Inheritance Tax of 1 silver in the gold.
And of course, we collect tariffs on goods imported from other lands. These rates vary, depending on the state of our relations with the kingdom in question, but they probably average about 1 copper for every 100 pounds of weight of the goods.
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
2 Drakthar’s Way Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
Oh, yes - we have the tolls collected at booths on certain bridges and roads.
How much is the toll? A mere trifle. Hardly enough to pay for the upkeep. A person on foot pays 1 copper, as does a beast or a cart, while a coach or chariot pays two pence. Yet it all adds up.
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
3 Flood Season Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
Primarily, there are two. A Market Tax is assessed on every adult and every beast to enter a walled town on the monthly Market Day, of a copper each. And then there is the Alien Tax. Resident aliens are required to pay 1 silver for each adult each month, and non-resident aliens pay twice that. Diplomatic personnel are exempt from such taxation, of course.
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
4 Zenith Trajectory Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
What about the seasonal taxes? What are they? Oh, various, various. Indeed, they are probably the backbone of our taxation system. They yield the greatest revenue, and the most regular.
In the spring, every hearth is taxed, from the meanest cottager's hovel to the greatest lord's castle.
Then in summer, the Land Tax is due. Every acre of the kingdom is assessed: a tribute to my staffs perspicacity and enterprise! We also collect the Nobility Tax at that time. Each family displaying tokens of nobility, such as crests, coats-of-arms, household uniforms, and the like, pays 5 golds for the privilege. It is a mere trifle, yet as I said before, it adds up.
In autumn the temples and shrines collect the Tithe: one silver in the gold on all produce, rents, and profits from the land. Sad that it is so steep, and none of it goes into His Majesty's coffers. The churches collect the Tithe, and we collect the Income Tax at the same time. Isn't that quite a lot at one time? No, I think not. The Tithe covers mostly profits from land, while the Royal Income Tax is mostly assessed against merchants and such. There is very little overlap. And the tax on incomes is a mere copper in the gold.
Are there any taxes due in winter, Lord Chancellor? Indeed, indeed! Winter is the very season of taxes. There is the Poll Tax assessed on every head in the Kingdom, the Magic Tax on all magical items, the Sword Tax on every edged weapon, and the Henchmen Tax on all who have retainers.
What we fail to get in the warmer seasons, we recoup in winter, you see. Hiding and running away are far more difficult in the depth of this frigid season, and so taxes are far easier to collect. Pay or freeze, Master Scribe! Oh, yes, that is their choice! Pay or freeze! Oh, yes. Quite.
Poll Tax: Adult, 2 c; child or marketable beast, l c; riding horse, l s.
Magic Tax: Potion, l c; scroll, l s; book, 3 s; ring, 5 s; wand, 10 s; miscellaneous item, 12 s; weapon, 1 gold; artifact or relic, 20 golds.
Sword Tax (on all edged weapons 9 or more inches long): 1 c for every 2 inches of edge plus 1 c for each pound of weight.
Henchmen Tax: every henchmen, 2 s; every hireling, l s.
Hearth Tax: simple dwelling, 1 c; simple dwelling in town, 2 c; simple dwelling in walled town, 6 c; large dwelling, l s; large dwelling in walled town, 3 s; inn, 10 s; manor, 1 gold; castle, 10 gold.
Land Tax: per acre under cultivation, l c; per acre lying fallow, ½ c; per acre of woodland, ¾ c; per acre of barren land, 1 gold; per acre of pond or lake, ½ c; per acre of town-land, 6 c; per acre of fortified land, l silver.
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
5 The Demonskar Legacy Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
Royal licenses are required of all who would engage in certain trades. A peddler’s license to sell his goods costs a copper per market day, while a beggar's license costs a copper each season.
A manufacturer's license is 2 golds per year, a scholar who desires to operate a school must pay 10 golds per year, while vintners, brewers, bakers, and such pay 2 golds per year.
To realize a revenue on the many goods and services produced in the kingdom is a mammoth task. And there are always those who render the Mayor good service, and rightly expect some reward for their pains. So the Lord Mayor grants certain monopoly rights to his favorites, and all such as deal in the goods or services specified in the grant must pay the monopolist the price that he proclaims. In return, the monopolist must pay the Mayor 2 golds a year.
What sort of goods and services are offered by monopolies? Oh, the usual. Salt, wool, silk, iron, hawking and fencing schools. . . . a wide variety of things.
We have the usual legal fees and duties. A small list.
For the privilege of bringing suit in a royal court, 10 silvers. And if a suit is argued in the royal court, the Mayor gets ten percent of the amount sued for, or a minimum of 30 silvers, from the person who. Is adjudged in the wrong - in addition to what the loser must pay to the winner, whose damages recovered are taxable as income. Harborage in any port is 1 silver a day. To import certain items costs 20 golds, while to export certain items not at your exclusive risk is 10 golds. A bond of 10 silvers is required to leave the country.
Naturalization costs 15 silvers. To practice the profession of magic-user costs a person 15 golds a year. Non-humans must pay 5 golds a year.
These last two assessments are bonds for their good behavior, you understand.
And, to purchase a writ from a Royal Justice costs 5 silvers.
Moneychangers and lenders are charged five percent of their profits a year. 'Tis a varied list, to be sure. Yet we leave no stone unturned, for who knows what may be underneath it?
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
6 Secrets of the Soul Pillars Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
A benevolence is a grant of money given out of sheer good will. On occasion, the Mayor must needs ask for such from the temples and priests, or his nobles, or such other class of folk. And they search their hearts, and find that they love the Mayor. So they freely offer to the Mayor what he needs. On occasion, the Mayor himself will give a benevolence to some other institution or person. But everyone loves the Mayor, and is glad to see that his expenses are met. Is it not sot?
Are there not always yet a way or two more to extract money from the coffer? To knight a son, a fee is required, usually 50 golds or so. If an heir is a minor when he cometh into possession of his estate, then the Office of Wards runs his estate for him and realizes all gain from the land and possessions until he reaches his majority. And of course, in time of need, the Mayor may offer other honors in his possession for a consideration.
Such as offices, titles, the right to marry a certain noblewoman. Part of our task in the Exchequer is to take deep thought and discover the price of things and men. And I trow we do it well.
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
7 Lords of Oblivion Tax Notice
"Nothing exists that is sure but the Dark Angel and the Revenue Collector."
Truly, we who care for the weighty concerns of royal finance appreciate the opportunity to convey to the world at large somewhat of our view of things.
Alas, it falls upon me and my very inadequate staff to garner the treasure that all the Lord Mayor’s other men compete to spend. Since we are vastly
outnumbered by the scatterers of His Majesty's store, we must compensate by being vastly more inventive than they, finding novel ways to gather it in.
There are levies. Emergency taxes, mostly. Yet certain ports pay a regular levy of ship money to the Exchequer, which helps support the navy. Nobles, towns, villages, and guilds are required to provide the Mayor a set number of archers, infantry, cavalry, and supplies each year at their own expense. And the list could go on - but, alas, I cannot. Affairs of State, you know.
A strong sword and a full moneybag - these maketh a kingdom to prosper.
Her Excellency, Terri Stanheort, Chancellor of the Exchequer, serving Lord Mayor Severen Navalant of Cauldron.
I found the numerous treks around Shackeled City can provide ample opportunities for wilderness adventures. I scoured the D&D website and found some prewritten adventures to fill in while the characters journey to the dungeons. I agree that there are too many dungeons under Cauldron, so I moved Karran-Kural to the mountains south of Cauldron. It makes more sense that an icy tomb/lab would be located in glaciers and frozen wasteland to me. Here is an outline of these adventures.
Note that the Haunted Village is now ripe with opportunities for clerics and undead combat, the fozen trek to the mountains is a survivalists nightmare, and several waterbourne treks are included - even a desert is around Shatterhorn.
Arrive on the coast of the Amedio Jungle – Village of Camiram (Seawell)
A Wreck Ashore
Bad Light
Journey to Cauldron – Unfamiliar Ground (adv. in Dungeon)
A Dark and Stormy Knight
Arrive in Cauldron – Life’s Bazaar
Find the Missing Wands
Flood Season Begins
Death at the Lucky Monkey
Return to Cauldron – Dry Spell
Flea market, Itinerant Flea Market?
Hunt Begins -Investigation
Shopping, darling… Magic Shop
City Scenes
Sinister Informant at the Sinister Fountain - Hah!
The Old Kincep Mansion
Ways of the Sword?
The Hanging Tree
Into the Korpru Ruins
Zenith Trajectory
Umberhulk Attack
Dinner and a Deal
The House of Metage (role playing for fine clothes to wear to dinner)
City Scenes?
Dinner at Cusp
Journey to Crazy Jared’s (about 3 day’s worth of wilderness type adventures –mostly role playing)
The Hillside Farm
The Misty Vale
Something’s Cooking
The Ettin’s Riddle
Base of Operation
The Blasted Heath
The Old Stone Bridge
The Ruined Tower
Journey to Pit of Seven Jaws
Road to Nowhere
Use the waterfalls cavern map from dungeon 122 May
Journey to Bhal - Hamatugn
Dragonsbreath Basin
Spider, spider…
Test of the Demonweb?
Wilderness adventures on the way back to Cauldron
Fallen Angel?
The Alchemist’s Eyrie?
House of Harpies?
Alek Tercival
Legacy of Aramitana – when the characters want to rent a home
Demonskar Legacy
Chaos in the streets riot
Tygot’s Old Things
Ministry of Winds?
Haskin’s Manor
Thicker than water ???
Journey to Redgorge
Hill of Ravenous Beasts
One Last Riddle
Eyefor an Eye?
Part of the Pack?
The Old Stone Bridge II
The Coldstream Bloomery
The Old Gristmill
Redgorge Village
Redgorge and The Chisel - the Village of Relmornth - the Monsters of the Moon
First Appearance of dead Guys on Parade? And nasty Surprises
Jungle Journey
Ill met on the river of Dreams
Tower of Deception?
Shoals of Intrigue
The Old Oak Tree
Voice of the Destroyer
Test of the Smoking Eye
Return to Cauldron
Eye for an Eye
Temple of Redcliff 10
To Quell the Rising Storm 10
Road to Oblivion 11
Self fulfilling prophecy 11
Woodland Cottage
Welcome Back
Tarsus’s Banquet 10
Sheeps Clothing 11
Thicker Than Water 9 - 12
Lochfells Secret (on coast) 14
Matters of Vengence 14
Black Rain 15
Death and Magic
Weaving a web of evil
Journey to Ruins of Karran-Kural
Ghosts of Aniel
The Kingsfields
Lest Darkness Fall and Start at the End and Treasure of the Black Veils
Altar of Ghostly wealth
Part of the Pack?
Fallen Angel?
Ill Wind in Friezford 14 (Haunted Village)****
Harvest of Evil
Stone Dead? 14
Black Rain? 15 assault on temple of st cuthbert
The Kaorti Ubercyst
Cult of Tharizud
Mind War
Frozen Whispers
Viroe’s Aerie
A question of Ethics 12
Fiat Accompli 12
Frozen Whispers
The Cave of Icy Wonders
Into the Frozen Waste
Tower in the ice
A Frigid Demise
Winter’s Heart Glacier
Crumbling Hall of the Frost Giant Jarl
Ruins of Karran – Kural
Cave of Spiders 9
Environmental impact 8
Road to Oblivion 11
Stone dead??? 14
Haunting Lodge 17
The Brass Trumpet
The Greenleaf Shop
Party at House Rhivadi
House Vhalantru
Hunt for Vhalantru
A Meeting of Minds
The Mountain Awakens
Thirteen Cages
Revelations and Descent
Fiery Sanctum
Force of Nature 17?
Strike on Shatterhorn
Denziens of stone Bog
Twisted Wood
The shadow Glade
The Thunder Below 17
Eye of the Sun
The Crawling Jungle
Shrine of the Feathered Serpent
All adrift on the Dune Sea
Desert Sands
Monks of the Burning Tiger
Ruins of Shatterhorn
Picture from dungeon 116
Under Shatterhorn
Force of Nature 17 WeeJas excuse
War of Dragons 18
An Icy Heart 18?
Spawn of Madness
Research Orthrys
I use a "Creation Preamble" as a catalyst for character development. After graduating from Greyhawk College/University of the Flaness, the characters are so in debt that they indenture themselves to one of three different organizations: The Scion of the Green Reagent, Harpers Agent, and Red Fellowship (I edited the same templates from the RPGA site). I think two of these groups relate well with Cauldron's secret societies - the Striders (Harpers and the Chisel (Red Fellowship. The Green Regeant may be a St. Cuthbert fellowship. Here is a copy of part of the introduction I use to hook the players into Cauldron.
Graduation at Greyhawk
From the dark alleys of slums, to the alabaster spires of palaces, the city of Greyhawk quenches your thirst for diabolic secrets and truths’ divine. While peasants till the soil, woodsmen strip the forest, and knights quest ‘cross valley; you delve in a sea of scrolls, mine mountains of scholars, and journey mythic roads for enlightenment. For two years research, writing, listening, reading, investigation and performance are the hallmarks of your academic career. Graduation marks an end to this scribes’ life and commences your pursuit of fame and fortune.
Fame and fortune come at a price, however, with choices both profound and ordinary. When you were enrolled at the University of the Flanaess, cost was not a consideration. Earning a college degree opens many doors and the choice to take one path or another. Many roads lay before you, and some decisions await your scrutiny. Three offers to exorcise your debt exist.
After your ceremony of graduation, a debt must be paid to the benefactor’s who financed your education. And the Green Regency, Red Fellowship and Grey Council explain a task that you are qualified to perform in exchange for the room and board at U.F.
Minister Sauul explains “In the interest of commerce, the Free City of Greyhawk established many trading outposts throughout the Flanaess. Eight centuries ago a wizard, Surabur Spellmason, established towns, villages, and colonies on the coast of the Amedio Jungle. One city, Cauldron, honors its’ fealty to the Grey Council, grants trade provisions for the Red Fellowship, and provides sanctuary for agents of the Green Reagent. Though Lord Mayor Severen Navalant has not asked for any assistance, it is in Greyhawk’s interest to protect our relationship with this honorable community. Pursuant to our agreement, the Council, Reagent and Fellowship ask you to journey to Cauldron, reconnoiter the landscape, investigate town disturbances, analyze dangerous situations and report, by way of courier, on events that unfold in Cauldron.
Jon Hawkins, captain of a sailing schooner, will conduct you to the Amedio coast and provide directions to Cauldron.”
And here is the letter which explains the characters direct involvement with Cauldron, which they open when they reach Cauldron.
Good journey,
Built inside the mouth of a dormant volcano, the town of Cauldron is aptly named. The town’s buildings, tightly packed and built from volcanic rock and wood, line the inner bowl of a dormant volcano. Cobblestone roads form concentric circles around a small lake of cold water. Although the town’s sewage seeps into the lake, local clerics routinely purify the water for the citizens in exchange for charitable donations to their temples.
A 50-foot-tall fortified wall of black malachite encircles the city, tracing the outer rim of the volcano. Four roads descend the outer walls of the volcano, becoming major thoroughfares that lead to other towns and distant realms. The districts nearer the rim of the city tend to be occupied by upper class families and elite merchants. The closer one gets to the center of town (and the closer to the pungent odors of the central lake), the shoddier the construction and the more dangerous the dark alleys.
In these dark alleys few find solace, especially since a recent string of disappearances and robberies have plagued the townsfolk. People have been taken from their homes during the night, and the town guard has been unable to identify the culprits or locate the vanished citizens. Moreover, the victim’s homes were stripped of portable valuables.
Besides the four major thoroughfares within the city, Cauldron can be prescribed into quarters: a Noble and Foreign Domain, Merchants Row, Ministers, Scribes, and Clerks Squares, and the Artisans and Craftsman’s Guild Halls. On the shore of Crater Lake, piers, slaughterhouses, and docking facilities harvest this liquid’s resources. Underground, every strata is honeycombed with basements, tunnels, sewers, and cysts. These connections, often called the Silent Highway, provide a network to communicate, trade, and collaborate with the Underdark.
Seek Lord Mayor Severen Navalant or Captain Terseon Skellerang to discover details of these events. Arvin, an innkeeper at the Shady Dragon Inn, will supply you with simple accommodations.
Here is a copy of the first newspaper. I am currently running Life's Bazaar and so I have only published this copy. I will post other copies of the Scroll and Feather as they are published. I print on both sides of a single sheet of paper, no reason to waist paper, and I use parchment paper for a (melo)dramatic effect. I use two columns on the first page, but this didn't translate in the e-mail.
All of the ideas for these newsletters come from other sources: Relgore Himtooth comes from Dry Spell, a perfect third level adventure to be set between Life's Bazaar and Flood Season. Relgore's name could even be changed to Drakthar to foreshadow Drakthar's Way (the new Shackeled City adventer). The message board contributed Vhalantru's quote, the pictures come from D&D's website (Sharn images and the Minatures' Monster Gallery). Rumor's in Cauldron will make up the bulk of the information contained in the papers. Nothing is original.
I even mail these papers out to my players between game sessions (with their characters names on them of course) for another (melo)dramatic effect. By giving the players downtime to digest relevant information, I think it contributes to the dynamics of the game. Offstage events like tax rate hikes will be introduced and even taken care of between game sessions. The Stormblades editorial will question (if not insult) the player's actions. Perhaps the characters will publish responses?
Scroll & Feather
Need a Sharp Sword? Find the best prices in Cauldron at GURNEZARN’S SMITHY.
Kidnappings Continue
For over three moons a score of Cauldron’s citizens have disappeared. In the latest incident, four children were kidnapped from Lantern Street Orphanage. Despite Inspector Innvar’s assurances that his best man is trying to find the missing persons, Cauldron’s citizens worry that there are nefarious forces at work in and around Cauldron. Some explanations:
“Evil cultists are kidnapping people and sacrificing then to an evil god who has two heads and tentacles for arms.”
“A magical disease is causing people in the city to vanish. The same thing nearly wiped out the gnomes of Jzaridune 75 years ago!"
“A cloaked figure collided with me in the street and knocked me down. She uttered some horrible curse, glared at me with her ghostly face and haunting blue eyes, then strode off.”
Who or what is responsible for this crisis? Could a secret guild of Halfling rogues be responsible for the kidnappings and robberies? One thing is for sure, Keygan Ghelve is one of the finest locksmiths in the world. Only a skilled rogue or spellcaster could bypass one of his locks without the proper key.
Image of Bugbear goes here
Wanted: Relgore Himtooth 2000 gp Reward. The bugbear known as Relgore Himtooth is the leader of a band of humanoid thugs that prey on travelers and raid small farmsteads, stealing the valuables within and occasionally murdering the occupants. Contact Sergeant Skylar for reward.
Revelations or Hersey?
One of the stolen orphans is the offspring of the Dwern and Iomogen Stormshield, two adventures who perished a few years back.
One of the children kidnapped from the orphanage is the bastard son of the Lord Mayor.
Jeneer Everdawn, one of the missing townsfolk, did volunteer work at the local orphanage. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Page 2
Picture of city council meeting goes here (I used scene from Sharn.
Lord Mayor Navalant, Lord Taskerhill and Lord Vhalantru give audience to Inspector Innvarr
In the name of the Lord Mayor, Lord Vhalantru withdraws Cauldron’s men-at-arms from their outposts and patrols. Lord Vhalantru’s remark, “In an effort to concentrate our search for the missing kidnap victims.”
Cauldron’s nobility, lead by Annah Taskerhill, vow to find the missing children.
From Caldron’s Exchequer - Someone in Cauldron trades in strange currency. Coins stamped with a jester instead of the sovereign. The authorities are trying to find the source – Terri
Merchants Announce Fishermen’s Longest Day Festival celebrated this Starday. A prize is awarded for the strangest creature fished out of Crater Lake. Who knows what will appear in the fishermen's nets this year? Perhaps the infamous tentacled beast lurking in the cold depths of the lake?
Heard On the Street
Coryston Pike, one of the kidnapped victims, feared for her life days before she vanished. Gryffon Malek and Krylscar Endercott knew each other. They would meet each other after hours at the Tipped Tankard and drink until the wee hours of the morning. Now they’re both gone!
On a related note, While traveling to Cauldron, the characters completed a couple low level adventures. In "Unfamiliar Ground",I used images of succubi, demons and devils (culled off the D&D site of course) as graffiti for Hazerrack's cave. Then I made the Translator's Ring in "A Dark and Stormy Knight" translate Abyssal and Celestial when it was identified. One character remarked that a theme is developing based on angels and demons/devils. What could be more appropriate for a campaign based on Shackeled City?
In Jzaridune, another thematic vision presents itself to foreshadow Occipitus. Some of the treasures are paintings of fantastic landscapes - the image of the Plain of Cysts (and other hell regions) is a sure fire way to foreshadow Test of the Smoking Eye.
Here is a copy of Waterdeep's Civil Laws from the City System Box set. I suggest you buy this item (or rent) since copy write laws would prohibit me from posting the entire section online without the author's or publisher's permission.
Crimes and their corresponding sentences, as administered by the Lords and Magisters of Cauldron, can be roughly summarized as set forth below. Both Lords and Magisters are free to determine absolutely guilt and innocence, and set any lesser sentence they consider fitting (or none at all) if a crime is deemed justified or largely harmless and unintentional. A single act can result in multiple charges, under one or
more of the four "Plaints". Magisterial justice may be appealed to the Lords by anyone, but such appeals must be within nine days of the initial sentencing, and non-citizens of Cauldron must persuade a citizen of the City to appeal on their behalf. The four Plaints are the four different classes of aggrieved parties;
that is, those who are injured by a crime. They are Crimes Against The Lords; Crimes Against The City; Crimes Against The Gods; and Crimes Against Citizens. Under each Plaint are four classes of crimes. These four types of offenses are Severe; Serious; Lesser; and Minor.
The City is empowered to seize and sell the property of a convict to realize the money needed to satisfy the payment of fines or damages, without the consent of a convict. The family,
clan, guild, or business partners of a convict are never liable for the payment of a convict's fines or damages, unless they can be proven to have aided, abetted, ordered, or coerced a convict into the criminal activity in question. Temples and priesthoods are not permitted to pass or carry out sentences under the Third Plaint; only officers of the City may do so. Convicted beings may owe fines to the City and pay as they can over time, but only upon permission of a Lord or Magister, who will typically demand at least a partial payment immediately.
The First Plaint: Crimes Against The Lords
-Treason (including Assault Upon a Lord): Instant Death
-Impersonation of a Lord: Death
-Impersonation of a Magister: Death after flogging
- Forgery of an Official Document: Death or Exile (permanent) and Mutilation (loss of offending extremities, branding)
- Assault Upon A Magister: Death or Imprisonment (10 years) after flogging
-Theft, Vandalism, or Arson Against the Palace or Any Part of the City Walls: Enforced Hard Labor (as justice demands) plus Fine (costs of repairs plus 2,000 gold pieces)
-Impersonation of a Guardsman or Officer of the Watch: Imprisonment (as justice demands) plus Fine (5,000 gold pieces) and flogging
- Repetition of any Lesser or Minor Offense Against This Plaint: Enforced hard Labor or Imprisonment (1 month) and/or Fine (up to 1,000 gold pieces)
-Willful Disobedience of Any Edict Uttered Against One by a Lord: Fine (up to 1,000 gp) and/or Exile (up to 5 years)
-Unlawful Observation or Copying of an Official Document: Imprisonment (3 weeks) plus Damages (300 gp)
- Assault Upon Any City Officer Who Is Acting in the Line of Duty: Imprisonment (1 week) plus Damages (as justice demands; usually based on ability to pay; flogging if unable to pay anything)
-Blasphemy Against Lord, Magister, or any City Officer: Imprisonment in Castle Compound for Light Work Duty (4 days) plus Damages (20 gp)
- Impeding the Swift Process of Law by Delaying the Actions of the Guard, Magisters, or Watch: Imprisonment (2 days)
I publish a newsletter/newspaper for the characters to read. It is rife with the rumors provided by the AP, as well as advertisements for Cauldron's shops, pictures of Cauldron's nobility and noteworthy events. This tool facilitates information gathering in a somewhat dramatic way. Vhalantru's words are quoted and his actions recorded; the Stormblades latest exploits are published; Lady Rhivadi's extravagant parties are reviewed, Tygot banters about his collection of artifacts. Foreshadowing the weakness of Lord Mayor Severean Navalant's reign could occur weekly in a published journal (Yes, the Cagewrites would squash a free press - perhaps Nidrama is it's editor)?
Perhaps the pen could be mightier than a sword when it comes to information gathering?