It's a mad mad mad mad world!

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Smenk promised a town of plagued peoples that his brother Allustan would heal their illness if they signed a one year contract to work in his mines.

hmmm... jeez - looks like I scrwewed up already... Allustan is supposed to be Lanod's brother? whoops. But I needed a way to take the 1st level party I just started and ran through the TOR AT HIGHTOWER and started BURNING PLAGUE (free downloads from WOTC.. did I mention they were free? BTW: they were free) needless to say the party caught the plague... and I warped a buncha stuff around to hook them into AoW.

I also did stupid things like:

Party lost ALL belongings other than clothing in the transit to Diamond Lake to work for their new Boss Smenk.

Insert mass information pamphlet to players of game about background of DL.

On the parties first day of freedom (read no longer under contract to work for Smenk) they got their 10 silvers for the day. Headed for their favorite tavern they've been to many many many times "The Feral Dog" and blew their last days pay on ale, dogs, and a map that a conman sold the Cleric of the party for all 10 silvers she had. They wanted to question him, but he got drunk pretty quick and forgot he even sold a map to anyone bumped into a bigger Albino Orc that he made mad and knocked him out cold on the floor. They were told about a haunted mine that no one would work anymore (whispering cairn or haunted mine... whatever... they'll find out it's a tomb when they get there)

It was a map to a house everyone passed by everyday to and from their way to work and home... a shambled shack no one ever really paid attention to. But whoa! low and behold it belonged to the man that drove their caravan transport carts belongings trunks. (I think thats a run on sentence)

Hey hey ... they aren't mad at me for taking away all their stuff anymore! wow... that house sure does look a lot like the one in dragon magazine (but wait I seemed to have screwed that all up too... it didn't belong to some driver guy? did it?)

I'm sorry Mister Wizard- your spellbook was in the trunk under the Rogues who "used to have a flask of acid" that broke. The acid seems to have trickled all over and destroyed a bunch of stuff his and your stuff. Oh well looks like you'll have to apprentice to Allustan to get a new book and some spells. (wow that worked in my favor-now I can control what spells the 1st level wizard gets in his book! Mwah huh hah!)

They still need to find / get the deed for the house (did I mention they haven't even found the previous owner slumped over the kitchen table... dead and decaying... stench and stink all over with an empty potion bottle in his hands?) I wonder if the town thinks they did it since they'll be looking for the deed?

Wait a sec... They haven't even started the whispering cairn adventure yet. I better get in gear and get them goin'.

to dungeon staff-
thanks for miraculously timing my random act of subscribing to the start of the age of worms and start of a group I "just" put together. I have no idea how you did it but THANKS guys! Oh... and I can't get enough of the artwork you give away as supplements to the campaign... I work at a company that has around 12 twentythousand dollar printers and love printing this stuff on high quality large format paper! (yes, I'm spoiled in that dept.) and the group I play with loves them too... it gives more feeling and atmosphere to the game session.

How you do it for under 4 bucks an issue I'll never be able to figure out? I can't even by a pack of smokes for that! If you complain about the price - you either need to stop buying it / stop subscribing / get a job / get a real job that pays you in $ / or beg your parents for a bigger allowance. GW's White dwarf is almost twice as much. And comparing the price to Playboy or Maxim (or even Playgirl for you women out there) isn't even a comparison... I mean they don't even talk about D&D in those magazines! They're just one BIG AD for plastic surgeory (It's a great ad- don't get me wrong I'm not a switch hitter or a weirdo who don't like chicks or anything)

To those who are going to tell me stop stroking the staff, and that think I should complain they get things corrcet and perfetc all the time period end of statement... I have the belief that "tough love" and "double negative is positive reinforcement" doesn't work. I'm happy to get what I get when it comes to this... cause frankly- where else in the world can I subscribe to a magazine like this? My goodness it comes DIRECTLY TO MY FRONT DOOR!? Sign me up!

If / when I think there's a mistkae in the magazine: I'm a bright enough person to either figure out the mstiake or make something up (see above description of how my lame game is going already if you need an example of how to make something up)

To all the complainers who aren't asking me to complain too, but think I'm attacking them, I'm not. I don't think it's a constructive way to spend my time... I'd rather cheer on the dungeon and dragon staff and see what comes next from them. I mean I'm so far behind in the campaign right now there's plenty of time to wait for overload and other .pdf handouts for printing supplements and stuff. And that's playing every week for 4 hours. ( I know I know i can hear you guys now... 4 hours? jeez tht's NOTHING - we play for 72 hours every Saturday! whatever- that's how much time you have... not me I have 4 a week and I'm happy about making that much time)

*raises one hand waving like the president after giving a speech that didn't make any sense*

"See ya'll on the boards later!" ~ Craig

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