Basiliv |

Quick question about room #7. I'm not trying to nitpick, I just think maybe I'm not understanding the clue indicated in the adventure.
I don't understand the part about the extended fingers providing a clue. Isn't the sarcophagus pointing toward O when the PCs arrive? So wouldn't that mean the fingers were pointing toward I?? *scratches head*
Sorry for the confusion.

Lex Talinis |

Clever, yes, but I suspect a touch too subtle. No matter, as it is a very minor thing indeed.
I think that it is good that it is "too subtle" other wise no one would jump right into the "trash compactor" (even though the not so subtle crushed bones decor should be a sign that says "don't touch me, not even with your ten foot pole!"
Besides, I like to run a campaign where the PCs have to use there dense grey matter a bit more then just relying on the edge of their sword or axe... well, minus the big illiterate guy with a temper problem, him I expect to just mash things ;o)

![]() |

My AP2 group looks like it'll include a half-orc barbarian/bard modeled off of Tom Waits- I'm curious to see how that turns out. Hmm...
I try to encourage my PCs to pick up a few non-combat skills- so far, the Knowledge skills are really popular. I've had a few encounters where people would encounter some wierd fey and panic until the ranger said, "dudes, it's just a shadar-kai". Then they would hit it 'til it stopped moving.

Brian Carpenter |

I'm still a bit confused myself. If the passage that lies 40 feet off the ground of the blue chamber is the passage that leads to the Passage of the Face (Area 8), then do they PC's ever need to do anything with the sarcophagus or lanterns?
I realize that Area 7 is labeled "The Flase Tomb", but I just want to be sure. I would so die, if I were playing this instead of running it! :P

RatPunk |

...do the PC's ever need to do anything with the sarcophagus or lanterns?
Yes. The only way to deactivate the wind trap which prevents passage through the face is to light each of the lanterns in their respective alcoves. The only way to find the missing lantern is to move the sarcophagus.

FunGuyFromYuggoth |

My AP2 group looks like it'll include a half-orc barbarian/bard modeled off of Tom Waits- I'm curious to see how that turns out. Hmm...
Huge Tom Waits fan here, so, ya know, I think you should give that player's character extra XP. And I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see how he pulls that one off myself. Cool concept by-the-by.

LarryMac |

Clue solution: Three fingers on the right hand :: three clicks to the right (clockwise) which lands you on B... and to the "real tomb".
A very clever clue Mr. Mona devised...
VERY subtle I'd say, since the fourth finger was broken off (presumably long after the room and statue were created)

Nived |

Very stuble indeed, in fact this was the reaction from my players.
OOC Ragner "Wait you said it's finger is broken?"
me "Yes,"
OOC Ragner "Then I'm going to pull out the one I found with the wolves and put it back on."
IC Barbarian "Stop, don't do that!"
IC Rager "Why not?"
IC Barbarian "Because I don't want no hoobmajoob stone mummy to come popping out of that thing!"

Laeknir |

IC Barbarian "Stop, don't do that!"
IC Rager "Why not?"
IC Barbarian "Because I don't want no hoobmajoob stone mummy to come popping out of that thing!"
That's pretty funny! My players, despite being in their late 30s and being relatively mature, couldn't help making "pull it's finger" jokes for nearly 2 hours. Ex:<br><br>
IC Wizard: "Aaagh! Flames! A fire trap, close it, close it!"<br>OOC Rogue: "I told you not to pull it's finger."