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Hey Paizo Staff -
I'm very pleased to see the new stat blocks. The old ones are great for giving a thorough run-down on a character, but they were terrible for use in the game. These ones are much easier to read while running an adventure.
Beyond that, they include modifications based upon likely tactics. Well, at least they include the modifiers for the rage special ability. I'm very interested in seeing stat modifications based upon likely spell effects and potions, as well.
So, good job making a break with the past. I'm not certain that these new stat blocks can't be improved, but they are a HUGE improvement over those in previous issues.
Troy Taylor |
Clearly, the new stat block format is the ABSOLUTE BEST innovation since 3.5 came out.
(Well, that and Robert Kuntz' Seven-Headed Juggernaut -- now that's a monster!)
Finally, a format that you can actually use during the game. The layout is so logically constructed, it's a wonder it's taken this long for someone to produce something like this. I know it takes up more space to publish in this format, but I think it's worth every column inch.
I especially like listing the higher level spells first. Now that's thinking the way a DM thinks.
Thanks for breaking us free of the dense paragraph mode.
If you guys can just apply that same inspiration to creating a more effective prestige class format to replace this latest creation from Wizards, then all will be right in the world. Or at least on Oerth.
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![James Jacobs](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/JamesJacobs.jpg)
Just to give credit where credit is due... Wizards of the Coast is responsible for the design and look of this new stat block. The editors here at Paizo were involved in its evolution from the start, but the majority of the development occured at R&D at WotC. They're introducing the new stat block format in Dungeon Master's Guide II.
superpriest |
Just to give credit where credit is due... Wizards of the Coast is responsible for the design and look of this new stat block. The editors here at Paizo were involved in its evolution from the start, but the majority of the development occured at R&D at WotC. They're introducing the new stat block format in Dungeon Master's Guide II.
Then it looks like I'll be buying that book or the Dungeon issue... or both. I gotta see this new format.
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![James Jacobs](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/JamesJacobs.jpg)
Spell Resistance appears on its own line, one it shares with the NPC's energy resistances (if any). Evasion, mettle, and similar abilities do appear on the same line as saving throws (at least, they should—it's possible we missed some in this first issue with the new stat blocks).
Damage reduction shows up on the hit point line (along with regeneration or fast healing) since it adjusts damage taken; it doesn't come into play until after the creature's AC has failed to do its job.
Of course... for the next few issues you can expect the stat blocks to go through a "settling" phase. Things might get moved around a bit, is what I'm saying.
Zherog Contributor |
Let me toss my hat in with everybody else who says the new stat blocks are a marked improvement over the old format.
I've always hated the standard stat block as they were simply unusable during an advenutre. Anytime I'd run one, I would end up writing out all of the relevant info myself, which felt like a waste of my time. These are easy to read and easy to use. Thanks for making the change!
I agree completely. When I ran Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil I had a three ring binder full of NPCs from that module, because I found the stat blocks in the back of the book to be unreadable during game play. My wife is going through the same thing now with City of the Spider Queen.
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Still don'T have #124, but getting more and more curious...
Can someone give me an example of how this new Stat Block looks like? Would be great!
I don't want to spoil anything from the magazine, but here it goes.
Character Name CR X
Gender race class level
AL Size type
init +x; Senses Spot +x, Listen +x
Languages Common, et all
AC x, touch x, flat-footed x
hp x (x HD)
Fort +x, Ref +x, Will +x
Spd[b] x ft.
[b]Melee Weapon +x (damage/crit range)
RangedWeapon +x (damage/crit range)
Base Atk +x Grp+x
Attack Options If any, like power attack, cleave, etc/
Combat Gear list of equipment used in battle
Spells Prepared (CL xth ie, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... +x ranged touch)
xth - spell (dc x), spell, spell (dc y)
x-1th - spell (dc x), spell (dc y)
Barred Schools if any
Abilities Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha
FeatsFeat 1, feat 2, feat 3
Skillsskill +x, skill +x, skill +x
Possessions combat gear, other stuff
Spellbookspells prepared, plus spell, spell, spell (if any)
Steve Greer Contributor |
![Imron Gauthfallow](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/6.-Id_portraitl.jpg)
Until I actually use these new stat blocks in my home game, I'm not sure if I like the change or not. Fear of change, old dog/new tricks, and all of that...
What I would like to know is when we writers can expect to see an updated Submissions Guideline download with the new format we should begin using. My biggest concern is about having to go through modules I've written already and am waiting on a green light from Paizo to submit the manuscripts. I can see having to go through them and change all of my complex stat blocks to the new ones. Not a pleasant prospect :(
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At first I was not happy with the new look... but it is growing on me. I REALLY like how you listed spells from Highest level down... that's something I've been doing quite frequently with my higher level NPC Spellslingers.
Let's see how the tweaks work out. I for one liked using the stat block as it was (ok maybe a slight tweak here or there). In fact I'm SO used to stat blocks I can't make heads or tails out of a regular Character sheet (especially the Skill section)!!!
--I am a Vrock, I'm a Tanar'ri!
Steven Muchow |
Maybe Eric can tell us... What do the little superscript 'B' items mean in the stat block. For example, For Rastiphan on page 39, he has Feats Track*, Run, Two Weapon Fighting*, Weapon Focus (longsword). Now each '*' in this message shows up as a tiny superscript 'B' in the magazine.
This is shown in stat blocks throughout (Mad Slasher pg 26, Lurking Strangler pg. 28, Todrik pg 39, Drow Fighters pg 70, etc.)
I like the layout of the stat block personally...
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I do not relish typing these things up for Living Greyhawk modules and hope they are never adopted. The spells prepared would be a huge pain, having to type the spell DC over and over again. As a frequent LG author, I do not want to see these adapted for the LG campaign, and do not find them an improvement over the current LG stat block.
Mike Hinds
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![James Jacobs](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/JamesJacobs.jpg)
The new stat blocks are indeed more time consuming than the old ones to create initially, but I've found that once I got used to them, they've proven quite easy to do. In any event, isn't the point of a pre-written adventure to ease the work load off the DM while he runs an adventure? If pre-figuring all of a wizard's spell save DCs can save even a few seconds of time during the game, isn't that extra effort during the adventrue writing stage worth it?
Shawn Merwin |
The new stat blocks, at least in my experience, aren't all that terrible to use or create. The tough part is going back and forth between the two for different projects. The RPGA's Eberron: Mark of Heroes campaign uses the new one, but the Living Greyhawk campaign uses the old one, but Dungeon has switched over to the new one, etc.
James is correct in that they are easier for most DMs to find things (or at least they will be once judges get used to them), so we writers are just going to have to bite the bullet and start getting used to them.
Phil. L |
![Thkot Tal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF20-13.jpg)
Is the new stat block Open Gaming Content, i.e. am I allowed to use it in my own publication? And does it make sense for a display format to be OGC (or not) at all?
This is exactly the same question I asked on another thread. None of the material from DMG II is OGC so the current answer to this question would be no (unless someone at WotC has said something to the contrary).
Koldoon |
This is exactly the same question I asked on another thread. None of the material from DMG II is OGC so the current answer to this question would be no (unless someone at WotC has said something to the contrary).
Phil -
The issue isn't one of content, but format, since the information is not new, just the method of presentation.
But I will still second (or third) that question and ask if use of the format is permitted for d20 publications.
- Ashavan
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For a Dungeon article, I'm sure the switch has not been too much of a hassle. When I'm writing a module spanning 4 APLs, then you're talking about a lot of stat blocks. In the current LG stat block format, the save DCs are pre-figured - add spell level plus a number. And while I agree taking a work load off of DMs is important, I have yet to see a tool I can readily get my hands on that is completely LG legal which spits out correctly formatted stat blocks. Usually such tools only have OGL material. Hence, I have to manually type everything in - anything that increases MY workload without a clear across the board benefit I'm going to avoid.
Alec Austin |
James: With regards to the new stat blocks, should adventure authors try to approximate them as best they can in their submissions until a revised version of the style sheets is released?
I ask because I've produced a decent approximation of the new format using the old stat block style, though I suspect it would take some work to make it match the new format exactly.
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![James Jacobs](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/JamesJacobs.jpg)
The new stat blocks are a little tricky as far as styles go. The best thing to do is to just write up the stat blocks in the same style as the rest of the body text. Don't insert lines into the text; we'll take care of that at this end. As long as the info's all where it should be physically, it's a simple matter for us to take care of the formatting.
Koldoon |
The new stat blocks are a little tricky as far as styles go. The best thing to do is to just write up the stat blocks in the same style as the rest of the body text. Don't insert lines into the text; we'll take care of that at this end. As long as the info's all where it should be physically, it's a simple matter for us to take care of the formatting.
Great! You're answering my question before I get to it... I was just about to ask about those lines...
That was the last thing I needed before sending out the Critical Threat on my desk!
- Ashavan