Where have you place Cauldron in the Forgotten Realms

Shackled City Adventure Path

I am half-way through running Zenith Trajectory and have been putting off telling the players where Cauldron is in the realms. I have changed the setting to a Eurocentric, subtropical location but I haven't determined where to put it on the map. I would like to have it near the Sword Coast or the Dale Lands or Cormyr, but not actually in them. I seem to remember in the Forgotten Realms Box Set (2nd Edition) there being mention of a land near Cormyr that TSR left blank on purpose to give DMs the option of filling it in as they saw fit, but I can't remember the name of the nation. Anyone know the answer? My group of players are all 40 somethings who have been gaming a long time and our kids. Some of them are Very familiar with the Forgotten Realms Campain setting so I don't want to put it somewhere they have been before. Help!!!

DM Dave

I put it in the mountain range between Calimshan and Lake of Steam. Instead of Sassarine(?) I used Almraiven. The temple of Wee-Jas is the Temple of Kelemvor, and is run behind the scenes by a Myrkul cult.

I have set my AP east of the Chult Peninsula in the kingdom of Tashalar. Cauldron lies in the western side of the Hazurk (sp?) Mountains, south of Tashluta (my Sasserine). The city is surrounded by the Black Jungles. I used "Serpent Kingdoms" to strenghen the background story of the city and the Rundeen chapter in "Lords of Darkness" to add flavour to the Town Council.

Hope this helps


David Gunter wrote:

I seem to remember in the Forgotten Realms Box Set (2nd Edition) there being mention of a land near Cormyr that TSR left blank on purpose to give DMs the option of filling it in as they saw fit, but I can't remember the name of the nation. Anyone know the answer?

DM Dave

The nation was Sembia. It lies east of Cormyr and South of the Dalelands. It's south and eastern coast are bordered by the Sea of Fallen Stars.

rwauls wrote:
David Gunter wrote:

I seem to remember in the Forgotten Realms Box Set (2nd Edition) there being mention of a land near Cormyr that TSR left blank on purpose to give DMs the option of filling it in as they saw fit, but I can't remember the name of the nation. Anyone know the answer?

DM Dave
The nation was Sembia. It lies east of Cormyr and South of the Dalelands. It's south and eastern coast are bordered by the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Thanks! That was driving crazy! It is interesting to see the different approaches everyone took in placing Cauldron. Personally, the idea of a jungle kingdom didn't appeal to me nor did the dinosaur encounters. So I replaced the dinosaur encounter at the Lucky Monkey with ghouls, which worked out quite well. I also changed Tongueeater from a Werebaboon to a Werewolf with a minimum of effort. It has worked out well with the Eurocentric flavor of the campaign. Thanks again!

DM Dave

I've used the Lake of Steam north portion, that is a semi-volcanic area. That way I can some sidetreks to the Border Kingdoms (or Calimshan)

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