Is there a black hole in the submissions room at Paizo?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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I know Gatekeeper's been dark for a little while now, but I'm going to try to take care of that soon. Rest assured that we probably have your manuscript, we just haven't had a chance to look at it yet (there are some in there from back in May). While you're of course welcome to write in and check if you feel something may have gone missing, you'll make the whole process a bit smoother if instead you just watch these boards. When you see a sudden flood of "Woot! I'm in!" and "Damn you, render!" posts, you'll know that we've started cleaning house. If you haven't heard from us in, say, a week from when those start, <i>then</i> there's a chance that things went missing. In short: remember that every "what's the status?" email we answer is one less submission we get to read in a given time period. (Plus it fills up that inbox with unanswered messages, which makes us feel like baby seal clubbers. Specifically, baby seal clubbers who've forgotten their clubs and have to go home emptyhanded, sending their children to bed without warm seal innards to play with. Now that's sad!)

Thanks, everyone!


Dark Archive Contributor

James Sutter wrote:
Specifically, baby seal clubbers who've forgotten their clubs and have to go home emptyhanded, sending their children to bed without warm seal innards to play with. Now that's sad!)

Dude. I'm kicking you out of the vegetarian club. :P


What? He didn't say he was going to eat it...



It's true - VEGANS are the ones who don't like exploiting or harming animals. As a strict vegetarian, I reserve the right to wear a baby seal as a hat. 'Cause damn, those things are soft.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Apparently, seals think people make pretty soft hats.

Paybacks are hell...


Has anyone heard anything from the Gatekeeper yet? I've lost radio and radar contact with three of my submissions and fear the worst....

Shroomy wrote:
Has anyone heard anything from the Gatekeeper yet? I've lost radio and radar contact with three of my submissions and fear the worst....

I hate to be the one telling this to you, but as I was coming home yesterday I suddenly heard a strange noise in the bushes. Now, as I live in a bad neighborhood, was 120 XP short of gaining a level and was quite famished, I threw a hand grenade into the bushes... I am really sorry man... but they were delicious, so cold and so sweet...


Stop clubbing baby seals!

Medesha wrote:
Stop clubbing baby seals!


Just so you know...the render is alive and well. It teleported in, backstabbed a critical threat of mine from Sep 11, and looted the body before it hit the ground. Damn!

Same here. Render took out one of my Campaign Workbook offerings, too.

One thing: Neither of the last two rejections I've gotten have had any commentary on why the articles were turned down. This makes it very difficult to offer the editors what they are looking for. Might I humbly suggest that if they editors were to devote more time to this matter, they might find the quality of submissions they get to turn down improving?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

baudot wrote:

Same here. Render took out one of my Campaign Workbook offerings, too.

One thing: Neither of the last two rejections I've gotten have had any commentary on why the articles were turned down. This makes it very difficult to offer the editors what they are looking for. Might I humbly suggest that if they editors were to devote more time to this matter, they might find the quality of submissions they get to turn down improving?

Yes, the rending has started anew....

And I agree with Baudot, I probably received the same notice as he did. I do understand that there is a backlog, and every suggestion offered means adding to the backlog, but still, we do want to be published eventually.

I will however submit my Critical Threat to one of threads here on the Paizo boards so it can be reviewed by my peers. I was proud of that piece. So proud.

Hmmm, are the editors clearing out the CW articles first or has anyone received anything regarding an adventure query?


No adventure query replies here.


I'm currently going through and cleaning up the CW backlog - once that's taken care of, I'll (hopefully) be able to start in on adventures. Now for a few quick notes:

On submissions: I realize that the form letters are hard to take (believe me, I've received my share - sometimes from people in this office!), but it's honestly the only way we can make it through the pile... there's just not that much time in the day. That said, I generally try to give personal commentary on any close-but-not-quite submissions that require significant internal debate on my part before being rejected. That doesn't mean that if you get a form letter, your proposal wasn't well done (it could be too close to something we're already running, a pet peeve of one of the staffers, etc.), just that something central to the article made it not a viable option.

On Critical Threats: In thinking about the Critical Threat section, we've come to the conclusion that the best use of this forum is to focus on "iconic" villains - the master torturer, the charismatic cult leader, the badass bounty hunter, the mad scientist, etc. - that DMs can plug into their game with minimal alteration. Think of your favorite movies - we want those larger-than-life villains that everyone recognizes, but which still have a story or characteristics that make them unique and memorable. In short: instead of saying "this NPC is cool, I'll make him the villain in my game," we want people to say, "Okay, I need a ____" and then open Dungeon to find exactly what they were looking for, fleshed out and ready to rock.

We realize that this is a fine line to walk - "How can we keep it interesting and yet completely recognizable and useful?" - but such is the burden of the CT writer. The key word is "utility." What DOESN'T work under these new guidelines are super-complicated monster NPCs (half-dragon medusa artificer/shadowdancer without her snake hair) or NPCs the party isn't supposed to fight (if it's not an obvious adversary, it belongs in The Cast). While crafting these, always ask yourself, "What's this villain's role in any given game?" If there's not a quick and easy answer, it's probably not going to be useful enough to warrant publication.

Hope that helps clear things up. Thanks again for all the submissions, and keep 'em coming!



P.S: We're also welcoming submissions to our new "Wandering Monster" section, introduced in issue 141, in which we run either brand new monsters or update old favorites in a two-page, Monster-Manual-esque format. We ask that you please follow the organizational structure shown there, but otherwise - send us whatever you like.

Have an idea of a classic D&D monster that's never been updated? What about a completely original homebrew beastie? All are welcome in the new section.

Let the submissions stampede begin!

James Sutter wrote:
P.S: We're also welcoming submissions to our new "Wandering Monster" section, introduced in issue 141, in which we run either brand new monsters or update old favorites in a two-page, Monster-Manual-esque format. We ask that you please follow the organizational structure shown there, but otherwise - send us whatever you like.

How should be construct these queries? Do you want the completed monster, a rough outline indicating all the sections of the format, or just a simple paragraph stating the creature's basic description, CR, and type?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Construct them like critical threats. We don't need queries; just send them in. The wordcount should be about 1250 words (statblock included). Use the latest version of a Wandering Monster as a guide for what elements to include.


Shade wrote:

How should be construct these queries? Do you want the completed monster, a rough outline indicating all the sections of the format, or just a simple paragraph stating the creature's basic description, CR, and type?

As with all other Campaign Workbook submissions, we want to see the complete article, as finished and polished as you can make it. The only exception to this policy is for regular contributors (who I will arbitrarily define here as "people who have published at least two CWs or adventures in Dungeon"), who may send quick one-sentence or one-paragraph descriptions of their ideas to test the waters. (We still won't accept anything until we've seen the full manuscript, but it'll save you time if your idea is something we're already doing.) And lest you think us unduly prejudiced, let me point out that the difference is not because we like the regulars better, but because we already have a solid grasp of their writing styles.


I sit right next to James Jacobs. I can see his computer screen. And yet somehow he always manages to snag the replies right out from under my nose... I would have sworn the current adventure never left his computer screen. The man is a ghost!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I am the shadow on the wall, the dance of moondust upon the wind, the prickling of the hairs on the back of your neck.

Thanks to the Jameses for the quick replies! :)


Hmmm. Maybe I should have posted my latest whiny request (the one about a certain Avatar) here instead of sending an e-mail.


Uri Kurlianchik wrote:
Shroomy wrote:
Has anyone heard anything from the Gatekeeper yet? I've lost radio and radar contact with three of my submissions and fear the worst....
I hate to be the one telling this to you, but as I was coming home yesterday I suddenly heard a strange noise in the bushes. Now, as I live in a bad neighborhood, was 120 XP short of gaining a level and was quite famished, I threw a hand grenade into the bushes... I am really sorry man... but they were delicious, so cold and so sweet...

LOL. Just saw this. That's so Chaotic Evil of you ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

And that's three,

This last CW went the distance though, it was deemed "interesting".

Ah well, I'm out of submissions, back to the drawing board.

half-fiend medusa shadowdancers = Out
Plug and play baddie = In

One more question regarding Wandering Monster submissions: Do we need to send a separate Standard Disclosure form with each monster, or will one labeled "Wandering Monsters" suffice?

James Jacobs wrote:
I am ... the prickling of the hairs on the back of your neck.

Clearly an HR violation. Let me know if you require legal counsel Mr Render. ;-)

Shade wrote:
One more question regarding Wandering Monster submissions: Do we need to send a separate Standard Disclosure form with each monster, or will one labeled "Wandering Monsters" suffice?

I would err on the side of one per submission as the Dungeon editors don't let me get away with "Adventures" for the two or three adventures I have forthcoming. You might want to name your monsters in the disclosure form as well. It has been my experience that monsters can get awfully upset at being slighted.

Dragon though has much looser rules regarding this or so I have been lead to believe. There you can submit whole articles of monsters and call it "Fred" if you like. But whatever you do don't even think about submitting anything involving y-a-k f-o-l-k to Jason. Old wounds take time to heal.

The salt is coming though!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Great Green God wrote:
But whatever you do don't even think about submitting anything involving y-a-k f-o-l-k to Jason. Old wounds take time to heal.

Jason had, what, like a tequila-fueled yak binge in college? An unfortunate tattoo? Or what?

Do tell all!

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

Jason had, what, like a tequila-fueled yak binge in college? An unfortunate tattoo? Or what?

Do tell all!

Well, we don't rightly know, but word has it that Wes is allergic to spriggan almost as bad... Something about smelling of cabbages and having small hands. Speaking of cabbage - Hmmm maybe I'll do this on your design site.

Don't go anywhere I'll be right back.



I have an odd question (we'll pause briefly so the peanut gallery can make their comments. Odd? From Zherog? Who woulda thunk it.)

I know 1250 is the max word count for a Campaign Workbook. What's the minimum? Or putting the question a slightly different way, at what point is an article just too short?

*grumbles about low CR critters not having enough abilities to pad his word count*

James Sutter wrote:

P.S: We're also welcoming submissions to our new "Wandering Monster" section, introduced in issue 141, in which we run either brand new monsters or update old favorites in a two-page, Monster-Manual-esque format. We ask that you please follow the organizational structure shown there, but otherwise - send us whatever you like.

Have an idea of a classic D&D monster that's never been updated? What about a completely original homebrew beastie? All are welcome in the new section.

Let the submissions stampede begin!

Two questions:

A) Can we submit playble races?
B) Can we stamp on people until they are physically dead?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1,250 words is the necessary amount. Not much over, not much under. It's certainly possible to do a low CR monster as a Wandering Monster... I'd actually think it'd be easier than a high CR one since you won't have as much worries about too many abilities eating up too much words. For low CR monsters with small stat blocks, you'll just have to compensate with a more interesting ecology, tactics, treasure, lore, description, and other sections.

For playable races, I'd MUCH rather see monsters that are ECL +2 or less. If your new monster's tougher than a drow, it's better served as a monster than a PC race.

Can we offer a glorious illustration to fill out the space of a low-level Wandering Monster article containing somewhat less than 1,250 words?

Ashenvale wrote:
Can we offer a glorious illustration to fill out the space of a low-level Wandering Monster article containing somewhat less than 1,250 words?

That I think is included in the package and what gives them a little layout manuverability to fudge things one way or another with the word count. All they need to is reduce or enlarge the image, and ta-da. However if you wanted to be the one to supply the artwork for your own article (say for instance you are Ashnvale) I would say send it in (with contact information) and see what they say. If they like it I imagine they might email you back and take it with the restof the proposal. If not they might use it as inspiration for some other artist to render.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Correct; if you want to include an illustration of your monster, go ahead and do so. We'll forward it on to the art directors and they'll make the decisions on if they want to use it in the magazine.

The illustration doesn't impact the length of the article though. If you give us something that's far off of being 1,250 words, we can't use it without adding to the word count ourselves or by cutting word count. We're FAR more likely to just reject it, in this case.

1,250 it is!

Just remember: "I thinkspacesareoptional."

See only two words in that quote.


On another thought, the Dungeon site hasn't been updated for last issue and the next is about to ship...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

James Sutter wrote:

P.S: We're also welcoming submissions to our new "Wandering Monster" section, introduced in issue 141, in which we run either brand new monsters or update old favorites in a two-page, Monster-Manual-esque format. We ask that you please follow the organizational structure shown there, but otherwise - send us whatever you like.


Are templates acceptable (with an example of how to use said template ofcourse)?

Woontal wrote:
On another thought, the Dungeon site hasn't been updated for last issue and the next is about to ship...

They're just skipping over the tired Logue-Pettfest and moving on to better things. ;) Though I must say the Johnathan Richard's peice with all the beholders was very good. Alas it was not enough. Maybe if they had expanded it to say 80 pages...


All ribbing aside, It was a very solid month for Dungeon. Even the Needleman returned.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Darkjoy wrote:
Are templates acceptable (with an example of how to use said template ofcourse)?

No templates, please, for two reasons.

1: There's not enough room to do a template.
2: The game's got enoguh templates, to the point where I'd rather see any new templates justified by an adventure with lots of flavor behind it.

Might as well ask about the other biggee: How about true dragons (assuming one fits within the wordcount)? The dzalmus in last month's Dragon seemed like it would fit.


Well, I've finally gotten myself out of the lab, and happily procrastinating on my storyhour enough so that I've finally written up and submitted a set of four adventure queries.

This of course just means I get to wait patiently before they're stamped with a rejection notice. ;)

[But hey, two of them involve 'loths, be that a positive thing or not!]

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shade wrote:
Might as well ask about the other biggee: How about true dragons (assuming one fits within the wordcount)? The dzalmus in last month's Dragon seemed like it would fit.

My gut reaction is that a true dragon wouldn't fit. More to the point, I'm not all that interested in seeing true dragons as wandering monsters. I'd be MUCH more interested in dragon monsters that don't have the baggage of the age category system attached, like a wyvern or sunwyrm (Fiend Foilo) or an ambush drake (Monster Manual 3) type critter. No spawn of Tiamat, though. There's enough of them already.

James Jacobs wrote:
My gut reaction is that a true dragon wouldn't fit. More to the point, I'm not all that interested in seeing true dragons as wandering monsters. I'd be MUCH more interested in dragon monsters that don't have the baggage of the age category system attached, like a wyvern or sunwyrm (Fiend Foilo) or an ambush drake (Monster Manual 3) type critter. No spawn of Tiamat, though. There's enough of them already.

Fair enough. I figured it probably needed to be asked. :)



Has anyone heard anything back regarding adventure queries that weren't outright slaughtered by ye olde render since October? It's been a while since I sat and watched this thread every minute of every day. ::sigh:: I'm back in it and impatiently waiting :\

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