Three Word Game, Anybody?

Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

Britney Spears is

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

exiting the limo

Liberty's Edge

with her pet

Silver Crusade

psuedonatural gibbering mouther

Liberty's Edge

named Harris Piltdown

Silver Crusade

and showing off

Liberty's Edge

her new improved

Silver Crusade

bionic breast implants

Liberty's Edge

;"oops," she said,

Silver Crusade

"I did it

Liberty's Edge

wit' Keven Federline,

and Glenn Danzig

Liberty's Edge

who sang Mother

to my mother!"

The Exchange

Poor Britney, she

Liberty's Edge

just can't catch

the last pokemon

Liberty's Edge

like she caught

Grand Lodge

the mumps from

Liberty's Edge

that guy she

Grand Lodge

interacted with at

that backdoor clinic

Liberty's Edge

the Mickey Mouse

Clubbers frequented to

Liberty's Edge

treat acne, bubonic

and demonic plagues.

Liberty's Edge

Speaking of demonic,

Grand Lodge

Chip and Dale

possessed by Graz'zt,

Liberty's Edge

went totally nuts

(get it? They're chipmunks! Nuts!)

and stole the

Slug of complete

Silver Crusade

Uselessness from the

Liberty's Edge

San Diego Zoo,

Grand Lodge

where it had

a lung transplant

Liberty's Edge

a pedicure, a

Grand Lodge

phrenological personality adjustment

Liberty's Edge

ala Joe Pesci,

Grand Lodge

and, finally, a

fresh coat of

Liberty's Edge

coconut body oil

Grand Lodge

applied by trained

Liberty's Edge

dominatrix elephant seals

Grand Lodge

from the renowned

Liberty's Edge

penguin spanking exhibition

Grand Lodge

at the Museum

of Weird Stuff.

Silver Crusade

Once they had

Liberty's Edge

milk and pepsi

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