Three Word Game, Anybody?

Forum Games

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Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

seeking the ultimate

costume for Halloween

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

the holiest day

of cow manure!

The sickness spread

Sovereign Court

like warm syrup

across Kanut's kingdom

,sounds of vomiting

could be heard

coming from every

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

tight-chested throat

draped with gaudy

vomit balls filled

with curdled milk.

******off topic (jeez! we are some sick so-and-so's) LOL!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Puppies, unicorns and

ettins flapped feebly

through the sewer

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

but glistening sweet

pears were served

to ravenous wraiths

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

. Rainbows and sunshine

enthralled the king

Dark Archive

eating raw entrails

coated in vomit.

**********off-topic: I completly agree, drunken_nomad! We are sick!!! Mwaahahahahaha!

Pushing away platters

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

of fluffy bunny

, the king reached

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

his bunny limit,

and burped fur.

The champion lizardman

turned a cartwheel

over the fur-burpee

Sovereign Court

running for touchdown

vomiting all over,

spilling cheezy poofs

and some fur,

on the bad

evil tainted pot-pie.

Orlando Bloom bought

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

three keen scooters

then set fire

to a sandwich

covered with ***you guessed it...*** vomit!

The stench made

Sovereign Court

the babies laugh

and the centepedes

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

wriggled delightfully. Corn

made Orlando blush

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