Question about Sheltered Vitality spell and Sanctified Spells

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Hello everybody,
I'm an italian D&D player since 1986, but I'm facing something that is becoming a real problem between me (trying to balance the game)and my players (trying to unbalance the game). As you have read from the subject, I'm requiring assistance to deal with the contradiction (my opinion) regarding the casting of Sheltered Vitality (Libris Mortis, the spell conferes immunity to ability damage and drain "regardless of the source") when a sanctified spell expires. Among the components of many sanctified spells there is the Sacrifice that normally consists in ability damage or drain.
Now, I bring two examples of play and in both we suppose to have a caster with Sheltered Vitality in effect when the sanctified spell expires:
1 - Hammer of Righteousness (Instantaneous) and Sheltered Vitality: Being the sacrifice required to power the spell, does the Sheltered Vitality prevent the spell from being cast or just nullfies the sacrifice?
2 - Luminous armor (1 hour/level) and Sheltered Vitality: The spell manifests at the moment of casting, but the sacrifice occurs hours later, so the spell is effectively used. Reading the rules, Sheltered Vitality prevents the damage from occurring, but being the sacrifice required to power the spell, the damage should however occur (again, my opinion).
So comes the real questions: which rule has to be applied? Does anybody know if there will be an errata regarding the Book of Exalted Deeds?
Many thanks in advance,
Cristiano a.k.a. Klysandral

P.S. Same difficult with Energy Vortex/Protection from Energy

I think the same problems occur for vile spells and for example undead. Some vile spells do constitution damage, and undead are immune to it. There was a large thread on the wizard's board a wile back. I believe there are 3 possible outcomes in the exalted variant:

1) The spell works normally, sheltered vitality protects the caster from the drain.
2) The ability drain is a n essential component for the spell to work. Sheltered vitality blocks this drain. Without it, the spell fizzles.
3) Because the spell was cast voluntarily, the adility drain occurs despite sheltered vitality. (Or, the PC van chose to turn it off and on again just long enough to cast the spell.)

2 and 3 are balanced, 1 is obviously not. The abiliy drains in the vile and exalted spells are meant to offset the extra power the spell offers compared to similar spells of that level. Without the offset, what's to stop a PC from casting nothing but exalted spells?

whether you go for option 2 or 3 depends on your own and your players preferences. If you want the narrow interpretaion of the rules, option 2 is the way to go.

Thank you Slaad for your advice.
I agree that option 2 is the closest to the rules as I think the option 3 you suggest should work while gaming. Being all over 30, I'm quite sure that myself and my players will be able to work out a reasonable solution.

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