Beholder Figs

Shackled City Adventure Path

Does anyone know a company that makes a good beholder fig?

Big Mac

Well, I don't know if there is a beholder figure out there... but there's a gauth figure in the Archfiends D&D minatures set, and a beholder figure is coming in the Deathknell D&D minatures set, due in March 2005.


I used the one from Reaper. It is number 2712.


Dark Archive

Me too Busker, but remember that miniature is an "eye beast" and is clearly not a beholder ;) Just like I am using 02809 attercops for ettercaps even though, for copyright purposes, they are obviously nothing like them :) If WOTC actually sold miniatures that weren't packaged randomly and painted by some colour blind half-wit then maybe I'd buy theirs (the Chainmail and 3.0 D&D figures are perfectly acceptable and thus I bought lots of them). However enough ranting about miniatures (and I use the term loosely) has already occurred in general ;)

WOTC came out with a pewter beholder mini before Chainmail came out. You might be able to find one on ebay. Otherwise, try this Hackmaster "beholder":

The Hackmaster line is from Kenzer and Company and have at least two beholder figs.

Beholder K&C4059

Lewd Beholder K&C4061

When I got these a couple years back the store guy said the line is discontinued so you may have trouble locating them. The only bad thing about the figs is that I haven't gotten around to putting them together yet, but now that I'll acually be using a beholder...

here is a link to a pic of the Deathknell beholder. Pretty sweet.

I am using the eyebeast from Reaper as well. Conviniently, they also have a dark stalker and dark creepers are on the way in November or December. Our group has been quite sporatic about playing, so I might be able to use them when they come out, but if not, I have some gnome minis that can stand in....

Craig Shannon wrote:
Me too Busker, but remember that miniature is an "eye beast" and is clearly not a beholder ;) Just like I am using 02809 attercops for ettercaps even though, for copyright purposes, they are obviously nothing like them :) If WOTC actually sold miniatures that weren't packaged randomly and painted by some colour blind half-wit then maybe I'd buy theirs (the Chainmail and 3.0 D&D figures are perfectly acceptable and thus I bought lots of them). However enough ranting about miniatures (and I use the term loosely) has already occurred in general ;)

Hey! I'm color-blind! (*uses open locks skill to get into your house and repaint all your miniatures*)

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