Explain Your Avatar Title

Off-Topic Discussions

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I grew my hair long. Cats play with it.

I am not Anonymous, but I play one on TV.

Also, I hated 'leet-tard' speak. I had a proclivity towards posting excessively erudite observations, more often than not with proper punctuation and occasional deliberate dialectic inflection to indicate phonetic approaches to the written word. Occasionally I would parody the latest meme in such a fashion, to the point of provoking declarations of 'monocle!'

The avatar of choice is due to a secret bit of anthropomorphic background, done purely for purposes of antagonizing a friend - there's a rather tasteless reason why the domino mask is appropriate, and that reason involves most portrayals of the typical procyonid lotor. There is a correlation between that bit of trivia and my ethnicity, again done to very specifically make a friend in a certain fandom undergo a synaptic segfault.

Xabulba wrote:
Chubbs McGee wrote:
When I was dating my now wife I was also getting close to a colleague at work, kind of had the opportunity to descend into all kinds of hell, so I broke it off. Anyway, she gave me the name 'Chubbs McGee' and I have kept it ever since.

My, what a cute little Teddy B...AAArrrGGG...help meeeeee...it's RIPPING OFF MY FACE!!!

And this has made me lurve his new avatar all the more.

I do an online talky thing under this name. It's also how my ex, who I'm now back on surprisingly good terms with, refers to me vis a vis the Series of Tubes as a whole.

And I am. The avatar was icing on the cake.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Probably posted this before, but long ago in college, a discussion of my membership in the Religious Society of Friends and how I could be a gamer at the same time:

Me: (playing computer games) Die die die die die die die!
Friend: You're being awfully violent! Isn't that against your religion?
Me: Look, I kill imaginary monsters because it keeps me from wanting to kill things in real life.
Friend: Aaah, so you're some kind of "death Quaker" then.

Mine is the street name of one of my Shadowrun characters. His real name was the same as the 8th Dwarf through the door at a certain hobbits house. The Ork in the team used to argue that Tolkien was a racist and elf supremacist. One of the Elves in the team thought that Tolkien was Ehran the Scribe.

I don't care, I don't give a $#!+

I am bad @$$

Starfinder Superscriber

It's my DJ handle. yes I know, cliche.

that reason involves most portrayals of the typical procyonid lotor. There is a correlation between that bit of trivia and my ethnicity, again done to very specifically make a friend in a certain fandom undergo a synaptic segfault.

So he's a furry raccoon and you're of African descent?

Sovereign Court

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I am of Celtic decent being Irish, and English, not to mention German. I admire Boudicca as a warrior queen of the Iceni. I do know how to use a sword, have red hair (not natural mind you) And I love to kick Roman arse. So since Boudicca is normally taken in many forums, I use IceniQueen no one ever thinks of that one, and not everyone understands it, unless you love history like I do.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
that reason involves most portrayals of the typical procyonid lotor. There is a correlation between that bit of trivia and my ethnicity, again done to very specifically make a friend in a certain fandom undergo a synaptic segfault.
So he's a furry raccoon and you're of African descent?

More like, I'm the one of African descent, whose avatar was selected as a raccoon to screw with their head. They were going to call me by said species avatar in public. I watched the lights come on just in time for them to nearly choke on the the abbreviated version.

Said person spent the next fifteen moments bruising my shoulder for nearly letting them nearly say that.


I choose to use this lack of avatar and symbol as my 'normal' generic respons type thing upon the Paizo boards.

On the few other boards I have been on "Peebo-Thulhu" was my prefered handle.

As for where such a creation came from? I have long been a fan of Fred Perry and one of his creations which is the 'Peebo'.....an inteligent, ambulatory, explosively returning 'toy' of his 'Gold Digger' comic universe.

The Peebothuhlu was just a way of personalizing something to suit myself. (^_^)

But here, upon the Paizo boards, I am happy to further my PbP characters or remain relaitvely unobtrusive. *Bows*

Treppa wrote:
Join the Treppa-nation! I already got I HAVE STICKS THROUGH MY HEAD!

BFFs, like, yeah know! Shuh! ♥

Liberty's Edge

I am one really sexy bird.

Liberty's Edge

Haven't a clue what mine means.

Shadow Lodge

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I don't get it.

Well, I'm transgendered, so I chose the female name I like best instead of my ugly male name. As for the surname, I got it out of Gary Gygax's name book while looking through names from the British Isles. I have no intention of using the surname I inherited from my father, as I have a vicious, unabiding, and completely justified hatred for the man, and I don't want anything he passed on to me.

Also, it sounds good. Flows nicely.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

My real first name is Jacob.

When I was much younger, my cousin (who visited often at the time) started calling me "Jake", then "Jakey", then "Jiggy".

Just sort of stuck.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Are you crazy, are you high?

Are you just an ordinary guy?

Are you with me, Dr. Wu?

That's what I thought it was as well.

Double Nickels on the Dime mofo.

I use this handle for everything. I've been using it for at least like 10 years now. I was this on the WotC forums back in the day. Its origins are perhaps too personal to reveal, but I like how it sounds aesthetically.

Liberty's Edge

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I post on an internet message board.

... makes sense to me >_>

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