Stranger in a Strange Land!


Our Price: $39.99


Brave the Shadowfell in the latest Dungeons & Dragons 4E boxed set!

The sinister secrets of Gloomwrought await, the city where your heroes can be more than just dust and shadow! Within Dungeons & Dragons: The Shadowfell—Gloomwrought and Beyond, a Dungeon Master will find enough material to keep players busy in the dim streets of Gloomwrought for months!

A 128-page book is dedicated to detailing seven districts in Gloomwrought, complete with locations, maps, quests, monsters, and villains a-plenty. Environs close the city are discussed, as well dipping into the five other regions of the Shadowfell—their factions and inhabitants are just the start! This book is brimming with adventure hooks for campaigns of any level for Dungeon Masters eager to play in the Shadowfell.

Separate from the main book is the 32-page encounter book, perfect for when the players inevitably go off the rails. This book contains encounters from 4th to 24th level, including skill challenges as well as a rooftop chase!

The Shadowfell is an insidious place, and can slowly drive your characters mad. Included in this boxed set is the Despair Deck, a new mechanic to show your players how this twilight realm affects their characters through apathy, fear, and madness. Overcoming these effects will bring you benefits, while failing it can bring disaster to you and your party!

With inspiring art, tokens for gameplay, and an exciting new environmental effect mechanic, The Shadowfell—Gloomwrought and Beyond tests your characters to see if they really are the stuff of heroes!

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Land of ice and snooooow!

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