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More new Pathfinder RPG–compatible PDFs!

January is traditionally a quiet month when it comes to new print products... but the Pathfinder RPG–compatible PDF front has been exploding! Normally I'd wait until the end of the month to blog about them, but there are already enough to merit a full look at all the new digital coolness!

Oathbound Seven is the new core rulebook for Oathbound from Epidemic Books Co.. It contains everything you need to run an Oathbound campaign. This is not a simple update of Bastion's d20 Domains of the Forge setting book—it's a careful compilation of all six previous Oathbound books, reworked, expanded, and enhanced, with plenty of new material for returning Oathbound fans. Oathbound Seven picks up the story of the Forge seven years on, revealing a period of intense strife and chaos that has seen marked changes in the character and order of the world.

The Book of the Summoner from Thor's Gate features expanded summoning tables and new summoning feats and spells, along with new races and new monsters. Quick-reference sheets for summoned creatures and eidolons are ready to print and use in your game.

A Necromancer's Grimoire: The Book of Purifying Flames from Necromancers of the Northwest provides rules for the exciting magic of the pure flame—a magical, holy and righteous fire which burns only the wicked and evil. The righteous and pure of heart can pass through such flames without fear, and more potent pure flames even heal or bolster holy and upstanding warriors of virtue.

Masters of Disguise from Spes Magna Games features the masque, a new 20-level base class whose talents with disguise cross over into the supernatural. This PDF also includes favored class options, the Disguise subdomain, new rogue talents, expanded uses for Diplomacy, Disguise, Linguistics, and Use Magic Device, four new combat feats, rules for customizing equipment, 12 new spells, and 13 new magic items.

#30 Haunts for Houses from Rite Publishing provides you with 30 Haunts to harass, frighten and antagonize adventurers. These unquiet spirits provide interesting encounters of CR 1 to 15. There are bleeding walls, wells that lure the unsuspecting, doors that lock themselves, and fires that start without a spark. These ghostly locales and the special conditions necessary to resolve them bring terror to your game like nothing else.

Raging Swan Press has two new PDFs: Troglodytes of the Tentacled One includes six new feats, two new class features, four new spells, two new magic items, twelve stat blocks ranging in CR from 1–9, and a new template: the degenerate creature. Bard’s Tales II is a resource of easily customisable Lovecraftian stories, legends and poems interspersed with some lighter material designed to bring your bard’s performances to life!

Finally, Avalon Game Company has three new PDFs: Avalon Treasures: The King's Thrown, Avalon Encounters: Wrydstorm Plains, and Avalon Magic: Gemstone Magic.

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Glad to see some oathbound love

And thanks for the rite pub mention for #30 haunts for houses

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