Four Escape from the Asylum!


We have four new prepainted miniatures in stock!

I can't even count the number of requests we've had to make our own prepainted plastic miniatures. The best way for that to happen is for Reaper's line of unpainted metal Pathfinder Miniatures to do well enough that they can explore doing prepaints like the classic fantasy minis that their sister company, Asylum Miniatures, is doing. Apparently, Asylum's line is doing well enough that they've just added four new prepainted miniatures to the lineup!

First up is the Young Dragon, a strapping red that, though young, can instill fear into your adventurer's hearts. Then we have a Female Vampire, which could be of use for those of you playing the Council of Thieves or Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Paths. Asylum's Gargoyle is one bad mutha of a stone creature that should terrify your players! And finally, especially for Sebastian, they've made a Unicorn!

While we're on the topic of prepaints, I'd like to point out some other prepainted minis items you may want to nab for your game. First off, Skirmisher Publishing has their Orcs of the Triple Death line. These prepainted plastic minis come in several styles, allowing you to build a colorful orc horde in no time! You might also want to check out the prepainted resin scenery from Crystal Caste. These buildings are scaled to fit in with your other RPG miniatures and add a nice touch of realism to your game!

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Yea! Prepainted Paizo Pathfinder Miniatures would be the bomb! I haven't collected miniatures since Dungeons and Dragons busted the thing.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

But when are they making the Bella Sera minis for Sebastian?

Scarab Sages

I continue to be impressed by these pre-painted minis. The gargoyle looks cool - I may have to pick up a few of those. The unicorn looks cool as well.

Matthew Morris wrote:
But when are they making the Bella Sera minis for Sebastian?

I always use my box of garage sale ready 'my little pony' items from (cough) my cousin when RP'in Sebastian and Heathy. Usually one of the Sophies however does him in, like she usually does (there are over ten friggin Sophie figs in my collection, so she wins by attrition and abuse).

How stable are these minis? They have bases reminiscent of my minis from the '80s which always were falling over. Do they fall over if someone lightly bumps the table?

Scarab Sages

I've got several Legendary Encounters minis, and haven't had any trouble with them falling over. All in all, they're pretty sweet.

I am more then happy with the products so i ordered me some unicorns, a dragon, a sexy vampire......can't wait

wish the Gnolls were available.....seems they were planned..but no release date.

As for the orcs....i bought a couple dozen of each....but i added unslotted base to each to rank and file them into the greater horde. it was easier to have them conform to the rest.

LOVE THE ORCS...they fit nicely to the theme as green-skins.....want to add another hundred if me accountant will allow me.

they have a great look and feel if reaper could expand them into some action poises......then that would be sweeeeet. have some others minis....and they stand good on their own. but the skeletons.....they seemed to be undead to make them issue with most skeletons from the D&D minis too......but all stand secure....just off-centre unless ya use bend opposite and give them a toothpick.

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