Starfinder Society Scenario #1–99: The Scoured Stars Invasion

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A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-8.

Balancing time against the lives of the myriad trapped Starfinders, nominated First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo authorizes a dangerous mission to return to the fated region of space known as the Scoured Stars. The might of the resurgent Society is finally poised to breach the formerly impenetrable barrier surrounding the trinary system. The galaxy pauses to watch if a new generation of Starfinders can save those once lost. A mission of exploration and a mission of mercy, this return to the Scoured Stars will undoubtedly shape the future of the Starfinder Society.

Content in The Scoured Stars Invasion also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction. Content in this scenario also contributes to the ongoing year of the Scoured Stars storyline.

Written by Mikko Kallio

Scenario Tags: Exclusive, Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship

Note: Starfinder Society Special 1-99: The Scoured Stars Invasion may be played or GMed twice, one in each level range (1-4 and 5-8). This means you can earn a total of four Chronicle Sheets if you play and GM the special twice at different tiers. As always, a character may not have multiple chronicle sheets from the same adventure.

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4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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The Jinsul; a worthy adversary.


The 99 series is well done. 1-99 comes out with a winner! I love how well thought out the world building is with the Jinsul. They are terrifying advensaries and have a well constructed culture so they are more than generic bad guys.

The scenario plays out with a lot of pulse pounding adventure. I just love it! And the boon you get is really nice . . .

Space Multi-Battles


A great multi-table (played & DMed) that opens up to a lot of different ways of going through the storyline, and moving around a very diverse series of situations.

Clever, Epic, and Exciting



The Scoured Stars Invasion is the first multi-table Starfinder Society special event scenario. With multi-table specials, several groups of players run through each part of the scenario simultaneously and, together, influence the overall result. This special is the finale to Part 1 of the Year of the Scoured Stars and the launching point of Part 2. I played the Iconic Raia in a mid-to-high tier (I don't remember exactly which) at PaizoCon Asia-Pacific in 2018. There's a lot to love about this special, and some awesome surprises. As with any special (or even regular scenario), the GM you get will have an enormous influence on the players' experience, but, as written, this one is top-notch.


It's all led up to this! From its debut, the in-universe premise of Starfinder Society organized play was that the bulk of the organisation was lost on an expedition to a mysterious system called the Scoured Stars. Several Year 1 scenarios (including # 1-11, # 1-13, and # 1-17) tell how the remnants of the Society (and its new recruits--the PCs) have pieced together some of the history of the Scoured Stars system and obtained a way to lower the golden "Godshield" that now prevents access to it. The goal is to get in, recon the system, see if there are any survivors, and get out . . . fast! But there are a variety of mysterious threats within the system, and one of the eight civilisations that originally fled the Scoured Stars (the insect-like Jinsul) return just in time to wreak havoc for the Starfinder fleet.

The Scoured Stars Invasion starts with an exciting moment: the entire remaining Starfinder fleet exits the Drift and arrives outside the Godshield. Luwazi broadcasts a message asking everyone to make final preparations and double-check that all systems are on-line and ready. This is a clever way of giving those tables that have already mustered (gathered all their players and ready to go) something to do while waiting for the others. PCs can take on little tasks (like checking the engines, cleaning missile tubes, boosting crew morale, etc.) that involve a minute or two of role-playing and a couple of skill checks. There are some useful one-use boons for the table that can be obtained, but more importantly, it's a good way for players to get acquainted with one another and their characters. Very smart design. Once all the tables have mustered, Luwazi uses the tear-shaped obelisk (from the Izalguun) to lower the golden shield. This mission is a go!

Part 1 is titled "Reconnaisance." Essentially, each table gets to choose one of five missions to go on based on some capsule hints in a handout. When a table completes a mission, it counts as one success, and when 2/3 of the tables have reported success on a mission, no other tables can begin it. When a table completes one mission, it can move on to any of the others, in any order. It's a very flexible way that allows different groups to look at their strengths (and interests) and choose custom challenges. Before going on, I'll mention that page 9 of the scenario has an excellent map of the Scoured Stars system--a trinary system composed of the stars Agillae, Bastiar, and Callion. The available missions, with the location and individual giving the briefing, are as follows:

Recon # 1::) "Planet of the Dinosaurs" (Agillae-2) (Fitch): The fleet has received an emergency transmission coming from the wetlands on Agillae-2. After the PCs land and start traversing the wetlands towards the source of the signal, they have to overcome a variety of rough terrain and obstacles through skill checks. Having a good GM able to describe the challenges in an interesting and engaging way would be a real advantage here; ours just read out a bare description and asked for skill checks ("Flying creatures attack you. Roll Medicine or Survival") and it was pretty boring. After the skill checks, the PCs find the source of the signal: a Starfinder emergency beacon. Unfortunately, a pack of carnivorous dinosaurs have also made their nest near it! After dispatching the dinosaurs, the PCs will learn that the Starfinders who set up the beacon have unfortunately all perished, but there are clues to a larger group having established an outpost on another planet. A sad story when you think about it, but a good little mission with a mix of skills and combat.

Recon # 2::) "Starship Graveyard" (Agillae-5) (Historia-7): Scans of the system show that several Starfinder vessels crash-landed on the same spot on a planet, forming a veritable graveyard. The PCs are sent to investigate, but as they breach atmosphere, a computer virus somehow enters their ship's systems and makes everything go haywire. Crew members can use a variety of skills to try to repair and control various systems, but a crash is inevitable. It's a very exciting scene. There's a lot of text for the GM to interpret quickly here, and good preparation would be key. Once planet-side, the PCs enter a linked-conglomeration of ships and discover several Starfinders, only to discover they're mind-controlled by some sort nanite intelligence! I got myself an Infamy here for dispatching the Starfinders in a lethal fashion, which I thought was perfectly fair. The PCs also discover dozens of Starfinders held comatose in stasis chambers.

Recon # 3::) "Lifeless Spaces" (Bastiar-4) (Naiaj): Scans detect a fully operation Starfinder vessel, Aeon Horizon, but it doesn't respond to hails. The PCs board to find no crew members present. When they reach the bridge and start to download the ship's logs, a self-destruct sequence initiates, the airlock doors seal, and several "huskborn" monsters right out of Aliens attack. This one was on rails in a bad way, as the airlock doors coincidentally remain sealed until the huskborn are defeated, there's no clue why the self-destruct started, there's no way to stop it, and yet there isn't actually a timeline to escape or consequences for delay. I found such a heavy-handed and nonsensical approach frustrating when playing. Give me autonomy and consequences over rails and safety any day of the week.

Recon # 4::) "The Third Kind" (Bastiar-7) (Zigvigix): Scans detect several derelict ships drifting amid the ring system of a giant ice planet. When the PCs fly over to investigate, they get a message from a Starfinder vessel called the Empyrean Eye and its captain, a very suspicious woman named Katryn Mathius. Mathius attacks if the PCs don't answer her questions very carefully, but what she doesn't realize (though the PCs should figure out) is that she's dead and the Empyrean Eye is a ghost ship! My table didn't do this one, but I really like the concept. I feel bad for the GM though, as it looks really tricky to draw the necessary scene on the very dark starship hex grid.

Recon # 5::) "City of the Ancients" (Callion-2) (Radaszam): A technologically-advanced megacity is detected in the narrow habitable zone of a tidally-locked planet. When the PCs land to investigate, they can search five locations in any order: a factory, a library (containing historical records on the Izalguun!), a military base, a residential area (with no living inhabitants, just robots cleaning and repairing a city abandoned millenia ago), and a shopping mall. This one also has the possibility of the players avoiding combat through good role-playing, but it's not likely: there's a very touchy artificial intelligence who will probably send killer robots to off the PCs just like it did when the Starfinders visited the city a year ago. It's basic, but good.

Part 2 is "Evacuation." Once enough tables have completed recon missions, the overseer announces the next phase of the scenario. In this one, the fleet starts to evacuate the groups of Starfinders discovered in the previous set of missions. Again, there are five possible missions that each table can choose to play:

Evac # 1::) "The Last Outpost" (Agillae-1) (Fitch): The PCs land at the outpost they learned about from the matching recon mission, to find several groups of Starfinders alive but menaced by carnivorous plant creatures called bluethorns. In what's probably the coolest moment in the scenario, the previous First Seeker (Jadnura) arrives and blows away half of the monsters with one cinematic sweep! The PCs still have to escort the survivors as the remaining monsters continue their attacks. It looks pretty exciting, and I really wish my table had played this one: I didn't learn about the big revelation that Jadnura had been found until after the special was over. As an aside, there's a very cool picture of the character on page 24.

Evac # 2::) "Cracked Mirror" (Agillae-5) (Historia-7): This one has a solid premise. The PCs have to enter a virtual world to set free the minds of the Starfinders who are being held comatose in stasis tubes. The PCs can speak to three different groups of Starfinders and try to convince them that they're "living" in a mere simulation. How the necessary skill checks relate to persuasion is opaque and hard for a GM to convey naturally. Persuading the groups gives the PCs bonuses when they fight the strange keeper of the virtual world (a guy named Jodain), who has the ability to transform round-to-round into different types of monster (a cool idea, but there's no explanation of who the heck Jodain is or why he's trapped the Starfinders in his simulation). The reappearance of Jadnura was a big deal, but an only slightly-less-big-deal is that the PCs find Historia-6 on this mission! My table did play this mission and I have no recollection of Historia-6, which means that either I was very distracted or my GM sucked and didn't even bother to mention it (and there's a pic--somewhat disturbing admittedly--but GMs, show pictures of the NPCs to your players!)

Evac # 3::) "God's Home" (Bastiar-8) (Naiaj): The PCs are sent after a group of Starfinders presumably holed up in an air-filled cave on an icy moon. It turns out this "cave" is actually a Jinsul temple; maybe that's why they're mad at humanity? From the looks of things, the Jinsul worship a pretty evil deity who is fond of blood sacrifices, and this "Slumbering God" may have created the Godshield to begin with. Anyway, the PCs have to fight a host of summoned demons to rescue the Starfinders trapped within the temple. I notice that for some of these missions, the text makes reference to keyed rooms, but there are no corresponding labels on the maps--this must make things extra stressful for harried GMs.

Evac # 4::) "Lava River Rescue" (Bastiar-2) (Zigvigix): Ziggy is a delight. Just saying. Anyway, emergency signals are coming from Bastiar-2, a planet with major seismic and volcanic disturbances. It's a race against time for the PCs to rescue a small group of Starfinders from one threat while another tries to hinder them. It's a solid set-up.

Evac # 5::) "Sands of Oblivion" (Callion-1) (Radaszam): This mission to rescue Starfinders trapped on a desert planet is very different than the others: it uses the Chase mechanics, as PCs race in vehicles while a massive armored worm tries to eat them. It looks complicated (my group didn't do it), but a change of pace could be good.

Part 3 of the scenario is "Sudden Arrival." In a bout of curious timing, as the Starfinder fleet is evacuating those trapped in the Scoured Stars system, a massive battle-fleet of Jinsul ships arrives! Each table must choose to engage in starship combat with the Jinsuls to help defend the fleet, or continue with the evacuation missions from Part 2. The starship combat is pretty easy, but I like how Jinsul landing parties interrupt the evacuation missions and complicate things on the ground.

Part 4 of the scenario is "Escape from the Scoured Stars", and the name is apt. The Starfinder fleet is outnumbered and outgunned, so it has to make a fighting retreat out of the Scoured Stars. The PCs get a choice of two options. First, they can choose to repel Jinsul boarding parties. This is what my table did, and it was a solid capstone with waves of Jinsul attackers culminating in the appearance of a heavy-hitting commander. The alternative mission is more starship combat: protecting a transport until it can get to a capital ship and then a counter-attack mission to drive away a Jinsul capital ship. The concept sounds cool, but reading through it, the combat has a lot of board-game like elements that I think would slow things down too much.

The scenario concludes with a brief congratulatory message from Luwazi, but also a warning that the Jinsuls are sure to rear their ugly heads again soon. This is a scenario that has no failure state-- how often the tables do or do not succeed on missions doesn't affect the story in any way.

Now, on to some ancillary points. In terms of difficulty, I thought The Scoured Stars Invasion was on the low-end; I don't remember worrying that my pre-gen was going to die at any point. The scenario does a fantastic job making use of the NPCs (faction leaders and Venture-Captains) that have appeared in earlier scenarios. The special, like many other Paizo specials, has an "aid token" mechanism but the instructions on how to use it are overly complicated in the hustle and bustle of a special--I think it needs to be kept simpler even if the goal (one table directly helping another table) is a good one. GMs really need to prep for specials, more than anything else they run. I've now been to one special with a well-prepared GM (a deep knowledge of the scenario, along with minis, face cards, condition table-tents, etc.), and two with under-prepared GMs of the "I'll figure it out as we go" variety, and the difference in my enjoyment of the scenarios was dramatic. Specials are complicated and have so many little details that preparation is the key to success.

Credit has to be given to Mikko Kallio and the organised play development team for the massive undertaking a special like this must be. The scenario is 72 pages long(!), and the sheer number of stat blocks, sub-tier planning, linking parts, etc., is an impressive accomplishment. The story told in the special is suitably epic and important for the future of the Society, and sets a clear "before and after" for some of the stories that can be told. I have a criticism here and there, but overall this a fantastic scenario and one that shouldn't be missed.

All Multitable Specials Should Be Structured This Way


GM'd this on Tier 1-2. Prepped for all Tiers except 3-4. If I could give this 4.5 stars, I would have.

This was the best multitable special I've ever run. In PFS, the multitables have gotten more bloated and time-crunched every year, so I was afraid the first SFS multitable would be the same. Boy was I wrong! The organic flow of Parts 1-3 allowed each table to go at their own (brisk) pace, without the constant frustration of other tables cutting encounters short for the entire house. There was even a way that if an encounter was resolved while your table was working on it, your table could 'gift' your success to another task. This allowed every table to make meaningful contributions to the overall House successes, despite differing degrees of table optimization. I can only hope PFS takes this structure to heart moving forward. This was the first time in years that I haven't been frustrated with the frantic pace set by other, more optimized tables. Bravo, Paizo! You done good!!

The Good:
The player handout allowed each table to choose the missions the table was best suited to handle, while avoiding missions that the PCs were unlikely to be able to complete.
Incidentally, this meant that the table was able to either seek out starship combat or avoid it completely, according to the table's preference. The paired nature of each mission (Recon in Part 2 and Evac in Part 3) added some nice flow between Parts 2 and 3, allowing the PCs to either continue to work on missions they had begun, or switch to different rescue missions. Completing both of the 'paired' missions also increased player understanding of what was happening, which kept the often-chaotic atmosphere of multitable play to a minimum.

The Meh?:
The table I ran made a clear choice to avoid starship combat, so I can't address those parts of the scenario.
The only other 'meh' moment was during one of the Recon missions- the PCs were exploring several locations in a fully automated megacity. The 'meh' part was that several of the listed locations the {PCs were encouraged to explore contained absolutely *nothing* of value! No information, no clues, no encounters, no loot.
Just... explore this area, make a couple of Perception checks, (correctly) conclude there's nothing of interest here, and move on.
It was very strange, rather dull, and felt like a waste of time- a huge 'no-no' for a multitable, where time is a precious commodity.
But oh well.

The Bad:
As I mentioned above, my table opted out of Starship combat, so I can't address that. The only thing that I can really call a 'Bad' was the chase in one of the missions. I've been running (and playing) PFS chases for years. I GM'ed an SFS scenario earlier in the season that contained a chase on 4 separate occasions. I'm familiar with chases and they don't give me any trouble. Except this one. This might have been the most poorly-worded chase I've ever seen. Even using the (very helpful) handout which can be found in the GM Shared Prep folder for this *specific chase* didn't improve matters. Even with all the players working together to try and make sense of that chase, we got nowhere. GMs, if you possibly can, steer your table away from that one mission! Without that miserable chase, this would have been a 5-star review.

My Favorite Special


This is a fun, balanced, and cohesive special with an immersive environment and a fulfilling story. I've run and/or played every PFS special, but I honestly believe that this is my favorite.

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The Exchange

Starfinder Charter Superscriber


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm looking forward to this.

Is it usual to promote these sorts of special scenarios fifteen months before they are released? Or is there some kind of limited release earlier than June 2019?

Also, will it be part of the SFS subscription?

Normally (at least that is the way it is in pfs) multi-table scenarios are run at conventions and are available for sale one year after that.
So my guess is this one will get limited release at gencon 2018 and then anyone can buy it in 2019.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:

Is it usual to promote these sorts of special scenarios fifteen months before they are released? Or is there some kind of limited release earlier than June 2019?

Also, will it be part of the SFS subscription?

Multi-table interactive specials like these typically release in the summer, are available to play at conventions, and then become available for purchase one year later. #1–99 debuts at Origins 2018 and will feature at dozens of conventions worldwide until June 2019, when we expect to release it to the public for sale.

Ah, cheers. Thanks GreyYeti and John.

Are they included in the subscription when they become available?

The Exchange

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
GreyYeti wrote:
So my guess is this one will get limited release at gencon 2018 and then anyone can buy it in 2019.

My understanding is that this special will be played at Origins (in June.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know this is the way things have always been done, but I really hate that these are exclusive to cons. My home group has been faithfully playing through every scenario in order over the past year, watching the storyline build, and we won’t get to play or even read about the conclusion for a year. Yes, I know online cons are a thing and are great, but that doesn’t suit everyone’s schedule or preferences.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


This is my feeling too, to be frank. I realise everything isn't for everyone. Nonetheless, deliberately crafted scarcity is always annoying when you're on the outer.

EDIT: That may have come off snarkier than intended. It's more disappointment than any true annoyance, in my case.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If your homegroup can get 3 tables together on the same day, nothings stops you from asking your local VC to provide the scenario for that day.

Damanta wrote:
If your homegroup can get 3 tables together on the same day, nothings stops you from asking your local VC to provide the scenario for that day.

I do appreciate the suggestion, but by "homegroup" I mean literally the same four (sometimes five) players showing up every two weeks at my home. There was a while there were only three players, so the GMPC Iconic had to be played . . .

Damanta wrote:
If your homegroup can get 3 tables together on the same day, nothings stops you from asking your local VC to provide the scenario for that day.

We struggle with one table. :(


I can't wait to play this one!

John Compton wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Is it usual to promote these sorts of special scenarios fifteen months before they are released? Or is there some kind of limited release earlier than June 2019?

Also, will it be part of the SFS subscription?

Multi-table interactive specials like these typically release in the summer, are available to play at conventions, and then become available for purchase one year later. #1–99 debuts at Origins 2018 and will feature at dozens of conventions worldwide until June 2019, when we expect to release it to the public for sale.

And just how many tables will we need to play simultaneously on convention to qualify for 1-99? Can they be multicity tables?

Nice! Eagerly awaiting the requirements on number of tables and the maps that will be used.

Starfinder Superscriber

This contradicts with the Paizo blog post "Origins—Launching into a New Starfinder Society Season", which says it'll be exclusive until Gencon 2018.

Has there been a change of plan?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I believe what that means is that it can only be run at Paizo-approved conventions between Origins and Gencon. After Gencon it can be run at any convention that gets RVC approval. (And then in August 2019 it will be opened up.)

Starfinder Superscriber

That answer seems to contradict with the blog post;

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Looking ahead, players, GMs and organizers can view "The Scoured Stars Invasion" special akin to the mid-season finales that have become popular in modern media. This event will have some major repercussions that the campaign will explore into the second half of its now-extended season. To maintain a cohesive narrative and not punish players who don't have the chance to attend the events debuting the special, we won't be directly following-up on these events until at least a month after the exclusive window ends. This gives local lodges a chance to run the interactive prior to delving into any scenarios that touch on the ramifications.

Season 1 ends at Origins 2019, so if the exclusive window for #1-99 is extended to June 2019 then this is less a mid-season finale than an early season finale. This leads me to believe that there's been a miscommunication within Paizo about this product.

For all of our planning purposes it'd be good to have this sorted out.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That just means that there won't be scenarios tied to the fallout from 1-99 until September (since the Paizo-exclusive season ends with Gencon).

Basically, everything that has come out about this fits in directly with how Solstice Scar part A worked last year. I would be shocked if they were changing what they were doing with multi-table specials without making it abundantly clear.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay! I can't wait for the other 88 SFS Scenarios ^w^

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What maps will be used in this scenario?

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Maps Appearing in Starfinder Society Scenario #1–99: The Scoured Stars Invasion:

-Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Mythos Dungeon
-Pathfinder Map Pack: Starship Decks
-Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Wasteland
-Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Starfield
-Starfinder Flip-Mat: Space Station
-Custom Full-Page Map (Overseer GM only)

Dark Archive

Thurston Hillman wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Woo! I have all of those maps except for Space Station but I'll have that way before Gen Con anyway! Thanks Thursty!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'll be requesting this one for my Con in September.

Will we be able to request it for running in July or will this be one of those that it previews @ Origins and then the final won't be able to be scheduled until after Gen Con?

Manifold Host

I am going to be playing this at GenCon on Tier 5-6! So exciting!


Dark Archive

Starfinder Superscriber

I just signed up to run this at Gencon hopefully I get selected to. Am looking forward to seeing this.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I am signed up for Saturday night at Gen Con as well to play in this, tier 5-6.

There are still 128 tickets out of 180 available for that tier so I hope more people sign up for it. However, all 300 tickets for tier 1-2 and 230 of 240 for tier 3-4 are already sold. Tier 7-8 still has 80 of 120 tickets available. Obviously folks are still on the lower levels when it comes to Starfinder Society. So, 218 of your best Starfinder buddies can still sign up at Gen Con!!

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Noted Error in Current Download:

The map for area E should instead use the same map as area B. There was a mix-up in the files and it's currently showing an incorrect (Mythos Dungeon) map.

Fedor Checherov wrote:
John Compton wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Is it usual to promote these sorts of special scenarios fifteen months before they are released? Or is there some kind of limited release earlier than June 2019?

Also, will it be part of the SFS subscription?

Multi-table interactive specials like these typically release in the summer, are available to play at conventions, and then become available for purchase one year later. #1–99 debuts at Origins 2018 and will feature at dozens of conventions worldwide until June 2019, when we expect to release it to the public for sale.
And just how many tables will we need to play simultaneously on convention to qualify for 1-99? Can they be multicity tables?

Please, tell me, what is minimum number of simultaneous tables to apply for running this special. It is important for our small Moscow SFS lodge


Tier 7-8 Gen Con! WOOO!!

Starfinder Superscriber
Thurston Hillman wrote:

Noted Error in Current Download:

The map for area E should instead use the same map as area B. There was a mix-up in the files and it's currently showing an incorrect (Mythos Dungeon) map.

Does this mean that Mythos Dungeon is no longer needed?

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

Arc Riley wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:

Noted Error in Current Download:

The map for area E should instead use the same map as area B. There was a mix-up in the files and it's currently showing an incorrect (Mythos Dungeon) map.

Does this mean that Mythos Dungeon is no longer needed?

No, the Mythos map is used in other encounters.

Dark Archive

Can you play out of tier for this scenario? My friends and I bought tickets for tier 3-4, but due to GM credit I would end up level 5 when we hit gencon?

Grand Lodge

Where in the Scoured Stars storyline does this #1-99 appear?

#1–00: Claim to Salvation
#1-05: The First Mandate
#1-09: Live Exploration Extreme!
#1-11: In Pursuit of the Scoured Past
#1-13: On the Trail of History
#1-17: Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear
#1-20: Duskmire Accord 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Varun Creed wrote:

Where in the Scoured Stars storyline does this #1-99 appear?

#1–00: Claim to Salvation
#1-05: The First Mandate
#1-09: Live Exploration Extreme!
#1-11: In Pursuit of the Scoured Past
#1-13: On the Trail of History
#1-17: Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear
#1-20: Duskmire Accord 9

After #1-17 (I asked the same question at Origins)

Though I don't really think of #1-00, #1-09 and #1-20 as being part of the Scoured Stars story line.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

Wolffauer wrote:

After #1-17 (I asked the same question at Origins)

Though I don't really think of #1-00, #1-09 and #1-20 as being part of the Scoured Stars story line.


The scenarios you mentioned are part of our ongoing Salvation's End story arc, which is something that's likely to be one of the select non-season stories we pursue throughout the campaign.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Will there be a disadvantage to playing this before 1-17? I am frustrated that I do not think I will have time to play it before my Gameday.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Medrick wrote:
Will there be a disadvantage to playing this before 1-17? I am frustrated that I do not think I will have time to play it before my Gameday.

I played the special at Paizocon UK, and then 1-17 the next day, no real disadvantage honestly! :)

So I inquired about the storyline at GenCon, but my 9-block GM brain dumped it hardcore.

What are the 'must-haves' before the Scenario (no spoilers) for story impact after 1.05?

Thank you for your patience, trying to get someone up to the level I'm playing this at during SKALCon (3-4) and would like to get the story ones on the right character.

Sovereign Court

Flush Gurdon, Custodian wrote:

So I inquired about the storyline at GenCon, but my 9-block GM brain dumped it hardcore.

What are the 'must-haves' before the Scenario (no spoilers) for story impact after 1.05?

Thank you for your patience, trying to get someone up to the level I'm playing this at during SKALCon (3-4) and would like to get the story ones on the right character.

#1-01: The Commencement

#1-05: The First Mandate
#1-11: In Pursuit of the Scoured Past
#1-13: On the Trail of History
#1-17: Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear

References to many other things throughout 01-99, though they did not do 100% of the things that I expected.

#1-21 feels like a response to #1-13 and #1-99, but is part of a different storyline.

Other Storylines:

Claim to Salvation line:
01-00: Claim to Salvation
01-09: Live Exploration Extreme
01-20: Duskmire Accord 9

Into the Unknown storyline:
Q1: Into The Unknown
01-03: Yesteryear's Truth
01-10: Half-Alive Streets
01-21: Yesteryear's Sorrow


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

any reason why this is not available? just learning about society (only played 1 time, but it was AWESOME) and trying to learn the ropes.

Yakman wrote:
any reason why this is not available? just learning about society (only played 1 time, but it was AWESOME) and trying to learn the ropes.

The specials are exclusive to conventions for a period of time (1 year), after that it should be available for sale. The top of the page says June 2019.

So -- you've announced the start of the second season, yet this adventure still isn't available for sale?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Any update as to the release of this bad boy?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have no inside info, but my guess is that it'll be released after Origins (June 12-16).

7 people marked this as a favorite.

As today is the last day of June and the product is still tagged for release June 2019, any update on when this actually will be released?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

On a similar note, will 1-98 Into the Perplexity ever be released in PDF?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Sliska Zafir wrote:
On a similar note, will 1-98 Into the Perplexity ever be released in PDF?

Doubtful. (Thurston Hillman discusses 1-98 in the thread below.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
John Mangrum wrote:
Sliska Zafir wrote:
On a similar note, will 1-98 Into the Perplexity ever be released in PDF?

Doubtful. (Thurston Hillman discusses 1-98 in the thread below.)


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