Legendary Witches (PFRPG) PDFLegendary GamesHocus Pocus! Legendary Witches is the latest volume of our class-focused Pathfinder Roleplaying Game player supplements, this time focusing on the secretive crones, knowledge keepers, apothecaries, and sages of the ancient mysteries. The legendary witch redesigns the core class, expanding the role and powers of witch patrons and allowing greater customization for the witch’s familiar, as well as new and updated hexes and four new archetypes like the Dread Witch whose weapon is fear and the cryptic Templar of Secrets. Over a dozen expanded patrons grant a witch power worth bargaining for, from Community binding groups together to watch over an entire village to Darkness and its ferocious shadow familiars, Life enhancing a witch's healing arts and Seasons mastering elemental forces and flows. Each patron includes bonus spells, enhanced familiar options, unique hexes, and special boons. Whether adventuring in dark and distant lands or setting up shop in a large city, the legendary witch can bargain for the power to excel at any task their patron demands. Check out this 44-page Pathfinder First Edition class supplement today and Make Your Game Legendary! Product Availability
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