Hopefinder Survivor's Guide (PF2E) PDF

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Hopefinder is a Modern Zombie Apocalypse Survival Hack of Pathfinder Second Edition!

The world came to an end in October, 2022, when a parasitic plague caused the dead to rise up and consume the living. Within weeks the Z Plague spread to every corner of the globe and within six months the undead outnumbered the living. The year is 2032 and humanity is hanging on by a thread. You are a SURVIVOR, fighting every day to keep the lights on just a bit longer.

Hopefinder is a hack of Pathfinder Second Edition.

It requires the rules of Pathfinder and an understanding of that game to play. Hopefinder is designed for short campaigns, telling uplifting stories set against the backdrop of a grim zombie apocalypse. This game uses milestone leveling and gives narrative control to the players through FLASHBACKS that allow them to explore their past and unlock abilities to help them survive in the future. Hopefinder uses a classless leveling system, allowing you to make a wide variety of survivors!

This packet includes the Hopefinder Survivor's Guide, a 64 page booklet (5-1/2" x 8-1/2") that contains all of the rules needed to create your survivor, including backgrounds, basic feats, new skills, gear, roles, and dozens of advanced feats! This packet also includes the Hopefinder Character Sheet, a 3 page sheet that allows you to record the vital statistics of your survivor and a survey that is critical to the story of the game!

Look for the Hopefinder Narrator's Guide releasing later this week! It includes all the rules a GM needs to run a game set in the world of Hopefinder, including rules for story building, a gazetteer of the ruins of Seattle, a sample adventure, and a horde of zombie stat blocks!

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Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

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Now Available!

Liberty's Edge

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Really excited about this! I've been enjoying Jason's story pieces leading up to the release.
I'd tried a few times with little success to make a Modern Survival system using 2E and here Minotaur Provides! Can't wait to dig into this.
Bonus points if there are rules for survivor communities, maybe something similar to Kingmaker?
Stay safe out there Survivors!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

man so many real life rpgs are set in mystical land of Seattle I know nothing about :'D

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