automatic bonus progression wealth by level table confuses me


i am running someone through a 1 on 1 play by post as a experiment and we are using automatic bonus progression system, to learn it and later apply it to a campaign.

however, i am fast forwarding him to level 6, so i looked up treasure for new characters and automatic bonus progression.

neither of these seem to make any sense together.

treasure for new characters, wich assumes normal rules. at level 6, gives you

permanent items= 5th: 1, 4th: 2, 3rd: 1, 2nd: 2 along with 80 gp, total lump sum 450 gp

now, with abp the chart shows

permanent items= 7th: 2, 6th: 2 consumable items= 7th: 2, 6th: 2, 5th: 2 and 125g.

why does abp give you higher level items, more consumables, and more gold per person while also giving the player free potency/resiliency/striking runes.

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It's because you're comparing it to the wrong table. Treasure For New Characters is for exactly that, new characters. The ABP treasure table is a reprint of the Treasure by Level table from the CRB. Basically, treasure for brand new characters is different than the treasure that can be expected to be found during an adventure.

Let's just clarify that the actual Gamemastery Guide does not feature any Treasure by Level table.

It's only Nethys who includes it on its page for the variant ( but again, it's only a courtesy reprint, not a new table.


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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

There is no official ABP table, but with some mathing, halving the total (from 10-9) is about right. Halving lump sum should also work.

You could also use permanent items + half gold, given many permanent items give +X to skills and have therefore had most of their effectiveness cut.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also, to give more direct advice as well-- the ABP specifically makes it so that there isn't a need to do a particular amount of treasure, but it doesn't assert that players shouldn't still receive magic items, or the gold to acquire it, it simply allows you to give the treasure you want, without having to worry about mathematical requirements.

Some people use it to run games where magic items are unheard of or are super rare achievements.

Some people use it simply because they don't like the idea of keep up power coming from items, but are happy to give out treasure otherwise normally.

Some people use it so they can hand out treasure without caring either way about what the chart says, because they find that annoying, or unrealistic or whatever.

Personally, I'm looking forward to using it in a West Marches where the players go treasure hunting-- since one of the primary goals is that the adventure be treasure focused, I need finding treasure to revolve around player skill, so "make sure the players get x, y, and z" isn't compatible. Further, the cast rotates and it would be hard to keep track of whose gotten what, and it would have to take place over multiple GMs-- its just easier for everyone if the math progression is built in, and this is in a game where I'm expecting some players will be above the Party treasure by level curve!

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