GM Snowheart |
Just replied via PM but it looks great and I have no changes. :) Looking forward to seeing her in the mix (though I'm not sure what Cimri is going to think). <_<
GM Snowheart |
My suggestion for resolving things with the doctor is to be direct and cut to whatever your goals/plans are. Normally I wouldn't press but since we have Secondsight on standby to bring in his character, I'd like to wrap up this particular scene. And, on a related note, my apologies for the delayed follow-up to Vade's last post. :) Working on shifting my schedule to better stay on top of things.
GM Snowheart |
I just realized I need to find a way to gently have Lily and Ameliya exit the stage. I'll do that in this next scene.
GM Snowheart |
Hey all. Got some not so great health news which knocked the wind out of my sails. Aiming to have an update up tomorrow morning.
Jerax Hellfire |
Wonderful news!
GM Snowheart |
Hope it's okay, but this is a side of Cimri (her temper) I haven't had too many opportunities to present, so I'm kind of rolling with it. :) Don't mean to create an unwelcome environment for the newest party member.
Jerax Hellfire |
Jerax starting to think Alyczandra's trying to get the tiefling to wake up with a dagger in his chest.
GM Snowheart |
<_< I could be wrong, but don't think it was Alyczandra's dagger Jerax was worried about.
GM Snowheart |
I have not been as diligent updating the Handouts page as I should be so I'm worried I'm losing track of what's happening at the two different tables. Can you please take a look at the below, let me know if anything is wrong or missing?
* Louslik lived
* two deputies killed; 1 escaped; 3 jailed
* Caggan and Riley Kels in the stocks
* Recruited Ingoe the dockmaster
* Recruited the hospice doctor
GM Snowheart |
I realize things have been a bit heavy on the RP and light on combat, and I was hoping to get a combat in this week but things just didn't shape up. I'm going to be traveling next week and will endeavor to keep up on the posts via my phone, but it may be hard to do anything with intense rolling/formatting and updating of maps.
GM Snowheart |
Something just dawned on me, which is that I may not have been clear on initiative and readied actions. If I interfererd with expectations, I apologize. We just had a long discussion of this at my F2F table and, mentally, I was just in the mindset that "this has been discussed" and I just realized it wasn't discussed -here-.
Except under circumstances such as surprise rounds, I'm going to generally have everyone flat-footed and roll initiative when combat starts. There won't be any "I'm in total defense" or "readied action as soon as x happens". My reasoning for this is largely based on this post in the forms (link) but the short version is this:
Unless an enemy is surprised, they could have a readied action, too. "Hey, I hear combat down the hall. I'm going to ready attacks for as soon as the door opens." On the other hand, party says, "We have these readied actions as soon as the door opens." It all comes back to initiative. And, in the category of what's "good for the goose is good for the gander," I think this also inures to your own benefit as enemies won't be going first every time you come into a room.
And, it puts more of an emphasis on trying to setup surprise rounds and using stealth.
Totally open to discussion on this and revisiting it if you like.
Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise |
@GM: your ruling here is correct - readied actions can't be made until initiative is rolled. Allowing otherwise turns every combat into a "SWAT team" strike.
[Irrational Emo-Rant]Man did this combat, the first for my new PC, set up poorly! Gets overheard in Stealth, then misses out on initiative by 0.25 of a point, despite a Nat 20 on her own roll. This drops her AC by 4 bc FF and allows half her hp to get knocked off. Otherwise would have been looking at a Sneak Attack of her own, and 4 points better AC when attacked. Grumble, grumble.....[/Irrational Emo-Rant]
All joking aside....really not sure what to do for suggestions.....charging into the room looks like a really bad idea. Seriously considering just closing the door.
Thought of another thing: when calculating whether she heard Alyczandra approach or not, did we consider that there was a closed door between her and the foe? It adds a +5 to the DC. Not looking for a retcon, mostly considering for future actions.
GM Snowheart |
Thought of another thing: when calculating whether she heard Alyczandra approach or not, did we consider that there was a closed door between her and the foe? It adds a +5 to the DC. Not looking for a retcon, mostly considering for future actions.
>_< *wince*
Nope! I completely forgot that, and full disclosure, it would have put her a point or two shy of the DC -- not a huge amount, but technically enough. I'll try to do a little behind the scenes handwave on something-somewhere to make it up.
GM Snowheart |
I don't think so? I've always house ruled it that you have to wait for a reaction, which is why I offered the free sense motive check as it is so central to your plan, but if anyone knows differently, I'm open to being corrected.
Slenk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Clipped from the SRD:
Succeeding on a Saving Throw
A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature’s saving throw succeeds against a targeted spell, you sense that the spell has failed. You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area spells.
GM Snowheart |
I never knew that! Thanks for linking. Then we’ll find another way to give you guys a bonus!
Jerax Hellfire |
Slenk, what does Crackle do exactly? wasn't very specific.
Slenk |
I used the Fortune Hex on you.
So you can roll 2 D20 instead of 1 and take the better on any given roll in a round. It normally only lasts one round, but...
Cackle extends the round of Fortune and a number of other hexes every round for as long as Slenk cackles... so until he stops cackling, you keep rolling 2d20.
Jerax Hellfire |
Thank you for the clarification. Now to get the iomedean b|+<h!
Slenk |
In prolonged combats, it is interesting how witch hexes slowly stack up with more and more effects coming into place. It is like by continuing to concentrate (cackle) Slenk keeps bending the probabilities of the real word to their will.
I purposefully didn't take Slumber because I think this is a really cool way to play a buffer/debuffer without the overpowered slumber everybody tactic.
GM Snowheart |
She should still have a -2 to hit. Cackle extends Evil Eye, even if she makes the save every round that Slenk cackles it extends.
I did a little research just to verify and want to acknowledge that. Just in case it comes up in the future (and it may very soon), it looks to me like the vital sequence here is that you cast the debuff hex (standard), then cackle (move action) in the same round.
Link to discussion:
Let me know if there's anything in that discussion you disagree with but it looks like the consensus is:
1. "Effects that last a certain number of rounds end just before the same initiative count that they began on."
2. Cackle can extend that.
3. Ergo, if a hex is resisted and shortened to a one round duration, it needs to be cast as your first action, then subjected to a cackle to extend it.
Slenk |
Yes, there is no reason that someone would cackle first in a round. Cackle always comes second, though when I write for story sake I describe the cackle as continuous as we had discussed. If you'd rather it be just a quick burst of infernal that is fine.
GM Snowheart |
Yeah, I see no particular reason to get hung up on how the actions are narrated, as long as you're able to do both actions and you're not somehow forced to do Cackle first (I can't imagine a scenario for that but...). Beyond that, I'm just thinking there may be issues with movement or some such. Anyway... sounds like we're on the same page. Thanks for pointing this out!
Slenk |
Yes, especially as a halfling with a 20' move, the use of a move action can be limiting. I think it ultimately works in a cool fashion because it shows the effort of maintaining more and more effects as you stack buffs and debuffs. Looking forward to adding misfortune to the mix...
As an aside, I am really enjoying your PbP GM style. I'm really hoping this campaign keeps its momentum going. How is the other team you started faring?
GM Snowheart |
Glad to hear it, Slenk! Thank you! I think the other table is doing okay but has gone a little off the rails. FWIW, though, they tried to make a bee-line for truly the end boss/dungeon and I was just like, "Nope! No no no no! Dead end."
Jerax Hellfire |
Sonovab|tch! That sucks! Please get well soon! And best wishes to you and your family!
GM Snowheart |
Thanks all and no worries. I guess there’s a chance this comes back worse (I’ve heard some reports like that) but so far it’s pretty mild. I’ll try to have an update up this morning. I can’t recall ATM if Alixus had an update up; if not, I’ll try to bot him.
Slenk |
I agree that they should not get Fortune on their AoO roll because they already declared and used it for their round. At the beginning of their next turn they will again be able to declare Fortune on a roll.
Also agree that they need to declare it before they make their roll.
As for actions to take, I would point out that Jerax could try to trip for his AoO and shut down her escape...
Jerax Hellfire |
As for actions to take, I would point out that Jerax could try to trip for his AoO and shut down her escape...
Snowheart, if you need to change the circumstances of my roll to something better for the story, feel free to do so, just make it as awesome as my roll.