The librarian is the consummate scholar and sage. Hybrid bard-occultists, there is almost no subject or object that they cannot glean some arcane or historical insight into. Besides their unparalleled knowledge, librarians have the ability to use a limited number of spells each day by using ancient books of lore as arcane implements.
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This hybrid class clocks in at 11 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 2 pages of SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 6 pages of content, so let's take a look!
The librarian is a hybrid class of bard and occultist and, chassis-wise, receives d6 HD, 6 + Int skills per level and proficiency with light armor and bucklers as well as light weapons. Librarians incur no spell failure chance when using light armors and bucklers and cast arcane spells governed by Intelligence. Spells are drawn from exotic books called "libri (singular: "Libris") - for each libris learned, he can add one spell for each spell level available, from that libri's school list to his list of spells known. A libris may be chosen multiple times, adding a new spell at every level. Spells do not need to be prepared in advance and casting a spell sans the libris containing it consumes an additional spell of that spell level's array. The class gets 1/2 BAB-progression and good Will-saves and, as the parent class, spellcasting of up to 6th level.
At 1st level and every 3rd level thereafter, the class can attune an additional libris and once it and its school has been chosen, it cannot be changed. Kudos: The ability gets interaction of spells contained on both bard and occultist spell-lists right. A libris also has a power, but more on that later.
"Athenaeums" (or "Athaneas", as the table calls it) allows the librarian to use a Knowledge skill check (should be capitalized in the text) or transcription of material in half the time while in a library, sans cost of ink (Does this eliminate scroll cost completely? Probably not, but the ability could be clearer.) Additionally, he may make Knowledge checks untrained. A librarian may invest 1 spell slot of a level he can cast into an athenaeum to add +1 to the DC of a chosen spell. While generally understandable, that part of the rules-language should imho mention choosing a spell beforehand.
Librarians begin play with knacks, determined by libris and they may, with just a minute of uninterrupted study, replace a spell known with another from the libris studied, with the new spell remaining in memory for up to 1 hour per class level, before the original spell returns. The spells have to be of the same level. 2nd level provides the ability to activate a spell completion item after 10 minutes of study - only the knowledge of activating one such item may be kept in mind.
3rd level yields bestow knowledge, usable 3 + Cha-mod times per day - this grants allies a +2 circumstance bonus at atk, damage, CL or saves versus the chosen creature, with the bonus increasing by +1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter. It lasts for 1 round "per intelligence modifier" - that should have a minimum 1-clause and the ability lacks an activation action.
Upon reaching 5th level, the class gains a pool of memory points that may be used for one of 8 effects. Problem: The pdf fails to specify HOW MANY. I *assume* the number in the class table may represent that...or it represents how many such abilities he gets to choose. I have no idea. This core feature of the class does not work RAW. It is also really annoying to note that the respective abilities, even if you houserule them to work, don't all specify an activation action. So yeah, does not work as written.
At 8th level, he may consume Bestow Knowledge uses to add a d6-surge-like bonus to the skill check - weird: Supplementing other characters this way does not consume the use, which can be pretty weird in game. I also think the benefit of the ability should be a typed bonus, but that as an aside.
Starting at 14th level, the librarian may cast any spell in a libris on hand, provided he consumes 2 spell slots of the required spell level instead. Scrolls may be studied as a move action and may be cast without consuming them by expending a spell slot instead.
A total of 8 libris are provided, all of which come with their own spell-lists and abilities and there are some serious gems here: Recitation for energy resistance, marking targets, reading omens...the tricks here are certainly flavorful. Alas, the rules here do also sport some hiccups: "lightning" instead of "electricity" as an energy type, suddenly using Wisdom as governing attribute and non-capitalized get the idea.
Editing and formatting are the things that tear down this class. On a formal level, this isn't that bad, but rules-language and consistency have issues. Layout adheres to a 2-column full-color standard with really nice full-color pieces. The pdf has no bookmarks, which acts as a comfort detriment, and annoyingly, does not allow for the copying of text - you actually have to copy the text by HAND if you want to use this. Big comfort detriment.
Jarrett Sigler, with additional writing by Robert Gresham, ALMOST gets this right. I was so happy when I started analyzing this class. After slogging through previous hybrids, I so hoped that this would finally deliver...and it seemed like it did. The class catches a lot of the more complex issues and ALMOST works as intended. Almost.
I really like the focus, chassis, balancing of the class - it looks like a well-made hybrid class with a distinct identity...and then, one of its central class features doesn't work. It's frustrating, to say the least. So yes, beyond cosmetic hiccups, this does require, once again, cleaning up of the rules. But really, not much. An hour, tops, and you have a nice class. In fact, I really hope this gets cleaned up - the librarian certainly deserves shining properly. I do enjoy the class a s a whole, but with its flaws and hiccups, I can't go higher than 3 stars; once/if it gets fixed/if you're willing to work a bit with it, consider this 4 stars instead.
-The libris is a pretty interesting feature, it does give some more excitement to selecting spells.
-Quick Study is pretty fun too, really ramps up the versatility.
-Eldetic Memory ends up being fun for what it does.
-Libris schools end up being pretty interesting too.
What I didn't like
-Proficient with light weapons is an odd set of proficiencies.
-Switching between spelling out a level (third) and using a number (8th) was jarring in the class ability descriptions. Also "1 round per intelligence modifier" is a really weird way of stating a duration for bestow knowledge.
-No bookmarks in the doc, those are always helpful.
-No sample character, feats, or archetypes. It's a rather bare bones product in that respect, you're getting entirely what's on the tin.
Final Thoughts
The librarian will probably take the spot of a bard in your party, having undertones of the Archivist from 3.5's Tome of Horrors class. It feels more bard than occultist to me, but there's solid flavor here and the mechanics are pretty solid, making this an interesting inclusion into most games. I just wish there was a bit more here with slightly more polish, as the product itself (aside from nice art) feels very sparse in content for what I would expect. I'd give this about a 4.25/5, since it's good, but it could be better, but that is in no fault of the class's good mechanics.
I always dreamed to be a bard. But I'm too sedentary.
Maybe I could be a wizard. But I don't feel too powerful or patronizing... Well, whatever my pupils can say.
I love books. I could read all day long.
I don't feel like shooting fireballs or being in the first line in a fight. I'm more the one to search informations, help my companions from the back, and find alternative solutions... solving riddles and blabbering about ancient epics and heroes of sagas.
I'm more the one who carries around a whole library of tomes, and doesn't talk the evening around the fire because I'm reading.
Yes, I'm a Librarian. A half-bard, half-occultist, all-erudite who gets her knowledge, power and skills from tomes, and can share all that with her friends.
Just some issues. Books for elemental schools? Books for groups of spells different from traditional schools? MORE books to carry around? Ability to study spells from other lists? I'm waiting for the archetypes!
This pdf contains weighs in at 11 pages, with 6 pages of content and the rest devoted to front and back covers, OGL, title page, etc.
Full Disclosure: I was given a free copy of the pdf in exchange for writing a review, and this is not a playtest review.
The cover displays the Shattered Skies logo, but none of the content makes specific reference to that campaign setting as far as I could tell.
The librarian is a hybrid class of Bard and Occultist. The concept seems to be a flexible know it all who can boost herself or her allies, and the class achieves that goal, at least on paper. The class has poor BAB, good will saves, d6 hit die, and 6 skill points per level. Like the two classes it hybridizes, it offers 6 levels of spellcasting combining Bard and Occultist spell lists depending on choices the player makes.
Overall, the Librarian seems quirky, flavorful, and interesting, but not powerful enough to hold its own in a traditional adventuring party. The spellcasting of the class is unusual. At level 1 and every 3 levels thereafter, the Librarian can choose a libris (a book of ancient knowledge). This libris gives her one spell known, a power, and limited access to all spells from the Occultist and Bard lists of one spell school. The Librarian can choose to swap out the spell known for another spell from a school his books give him access to. This takes 1 minute, and he retains this spell for 1 hour. At the same time, the Librarian has spells per day.
This, plus all of the other makes the class mechanics what I would call fidgety. There are a lot of abilities other than spellcasting, each with a few options baked in, so there could be many choices to make in play. A player who likes to be on top of a lot of options would enjoy playing this class.
Where many of the hybrid classes in the Advanced Class Guide are fairly powerful, this class seems less powerful than an optimized Bard or Occultist.
That said, it is a class that could be fun to play, and I intend to make use of it in an upcoming urban campaign
Layout is attractive and professional, and the art is all good to excellent. There are a few grammar and punctuation mistakes, and one particularly onerous description of the Sharp Analysis ability.
The librarian is a partial caster. His primary role in the party is something I like to call "Academic support". When a librarian is in your party, he takes the raw power of a particular character and enhances it.
He can trade questions from identification checks to raw combat benefits to the party. Knowledge is literally power for the Librarian. He's a mix between the bard and the occultist. So you can expect a lot of powers that assist others.
However; he is not a front line fighter, nor a primary caster. If you are looking to be the star of any particular show; (Combat, Social, or Skill Checks) the librarian is not the class for you. This class isn't to be on center stage, but to read the lines to the actors on stage when they forget.
The Librarian will keep your show rolling, when you yourself aren't sure the direction.
Sorry about the wait there!
Feel free to PM me any particular questions.
If anyone is interested in a free copy, I will give 5 away to the next 5 posters who ask for one. If you get a free copy, please take the time to return the favor and leave a review :)
I can't promise one right away with my schedule, but I'll definitely try to get one done once I get some more time. Although getting it on drivethru would probably be better for me (, so I could review it there as well.
If anyone is interested in a free copy, I will give 5 away to the next 5 posters who ask for one. If you get a free copy, please take the time to return the favor and leave a review :)
I'd like a copy of the book. A review shall be written.
I have a little challenge for those of you who got a copy of the Librarian: whoever makes the coolest/toughest librarian PC will get a free copy of our next book: A Compendium of Hybrid Classes with new archetypes!
I will leave the choosing to you, the Paizo fans, to vote on which one is the best!
For the challenge....lets do 20 point buy. I think backgrounds and character motivation are cooler than stats anyways. I'll choose the coolest "character" and Tothric will choose the toughest build.
For the challenge....lets do 20 point buy. I think backgrounds and character motivation are cooler than stats anyways. I'll choose the coolest "character" and Tothric will choose the toughest build.
I'm currently busy with the online adventure design course Nick Logue is doing, and I'll have time to work on this challenge during the weekend, if that's cool. :)
Last thing to keep in mind, if you use something that isn't Paizo, please source it. Share your love of 3rd Party Products, and let OTHERS know what products you used in creation.
Like any good librarian will tell you, Cite your Sources.
I hope that the compendium book will have the favored class bonuses too! ^_^
Aasimar: Add +1 round duration on Bestrow Knowledge bonuses.
Dwarf: Add +⅙ to the number of times the dwarf can use Eidetic Memory.
Dhampier: Add +1/2 bonus to knowledge checks.
Elf: Add a +1 bonus to the D6 when the elf uses the sharp analysis class feature.
Gnome: Add a +1 bonus to knowledge checks while the gnome is in a library.
Half-Elf: You can swap out an additional 1/4th of an extra spell with the Quick-Study Class feature.
Halflings: Add +⅓ to the number of items the halfling can attune to with Magic Item Familiarity.
Half-Orc: Add +¼ to the half-orc’s spell save DC’s.
Humans: Gain ⅙ of a new libris.
Orc: Add +1 the number of times the times the orc may use the bestow knowledge class feature.
Oyapok: Add +1 to knowledge checks to identify creatures.
Well Bardess, you appear to be our winner on the librarian contest! I will make a note to consignments to add a copy of our new book to you downloads Friday morning.
Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc. Hope this gets the small fix it needs to become good.