Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Dual Deck Box

List Price: $8.80

Our Price: $7.99

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  • Holds 180 cards in Deck Protector sleeves in two compartments.
  • Each compartment holds 90 sleeved cards.
  • 2 card dividers inside.
Acid-free and no PVC. (Sleeves, cards not included).

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Ships from our warehouse in 3 to 5 business days.

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Did anyone try these? If I were to sleeve only the cards used by my character and leave the rest unsleeved (so I guess that would make 15-25 sleeved cards and 85-95 unsleeved cards), would I be able to fit 2 class decks per box?

What I'm looking for really is a box to archive my class decks, so the question actually is whether I can fit about 220 unsleeved cards in the box.

Should I be alarmed by the Product Availability saying:

"Ships from our warehouse in 1 to 7 business days. This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer or is no longer being carried by our distributor."

Is that just a cut-and-paste error from somewhere? Or is your current stock the last of them?

Community & Digital Content Director

That is a note from our distributor product status updates (it's an automatic check we do daily). However, looking at our local inventory, it's safe to say we have plenty available :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to take that as a challenge...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fayries wrote:
What I'm looking for really is a box to archive my class decks, so the question actually is whether I can fit about 220 unsleeved cards in the box.


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