Into The Breach: The Magus 2nd Wave (PFRPG) PDF

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We've touched on Magus before under a different company banner. I daresay we've done a better job the second time around and like with all other Into the Breach products you'll find an array of new options centered around one class, in this case the magus.

You'll find 12 new archetypes, 2 new prestiege classes, new spells and new feats to bring to your gaming table.

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Review - Into The Breach: The Magus 2nd Wave


First things first … I would like to thank Flying Pinchushion for the review copy.:)

Secondly, apologies for this being incredibly late. RL has been rather insane lately which has delayed my review.

For this review I will not cover each and every bit of information contained within. Instead I will concentrate on what I liked.

The first archetype which I wanted to play immediately is the Fate’s Edge. The changes the normal magus into more of a more adaptive warrior that uses divinatory magic to help him in combat. In particular I really appreciated the Prescient Combat ability. This power allows the character some much needed versatility in combat by providing a bonus to defense or attack and damage. As he progresses he is able to spend prescience pool points (this replaces the magus’ normal arcane pool) and is able to reroll a single attack roll or saving throw as an immediate action! Very awesome indeed. Taking this a step further they are also able to force an opponent to roll twice and take the lower result.

The second archetype which really grabbed my attention is the Mistblade. These unique individuals can create duplicates of themselves! As they progress their ability to manipulate these duplicates increases and expands what combat options are available to the character. For instance; the clones created by this ability can be used to flank as well as counting as having the same teamwork feats the character possesses! This is just a small fraction of what they are capable of doing with their illusory duplicates. An excellent archetype that is both flavourful and very well written with clean and precise explanations.

The Spell-Torch Savant would be another fun archetype to play. I have always loved the idea of a torch wielding dungeon delving hero and this archetype fits the bill perfectly! The abilities help to enhance the flavour of the archetype but also opens up some interesting options for the character. Of note would be the addition of divination spells. However, these additional spells are only available when holding a torch. I love this idea. Fits the theme perfectly as a torch is used to “illuminate” your path. They also gain the ability to spend an arcane pool point to light a torch with an arcane flame that ignores non-magical wind and weather.

The last archetype that really makes me all fuzzy and warm inside is the Waystrider. This archetype grants the character the ability to spend arcane pools in order to … teleport! Yes, teleport! You are even able to combine this ability with spell combat for even more awesomeness. Additionally he gains evasion as well as the ability to “follow” individuals if they use a teleportation spell or effect. Overall the archetype is very well done and extremely well executed. It offers some more goodies but I don’t want to spoil that for you.:p

I would rate the overall product as a very solid 3. There are some things which I believe are somewhat superfluous (i.e. prestige classes as I’ve always thought that they lose too much to make them a viable option), while other things are rather excellent in their execution (i.e. smoking spell - a metamagic feat, and the spells). In closing I would recommend this resource for those looking to add a little something extra to their magic wielding armor clad warrior. Although your mileage may vary.

An review


This installment of the Into the Breach-series clocks in at 29 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page inside of front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC,1 page SRD, leaving us with 24 pages of content, so let's take a look!

This review was moved forward in my reviewing queue as a prioritized review at the request of my patreons.

It's been quite a ride since Flying Pincushion Games, then still partnered with Publishing, released their second book (and the first one I reviewed), namely the first Into the Breach: Magus. Well...let's just say that it didn't do so well. That being said, the crew has learned quite a bit since then, but does this second trip to the magus fare better than the first one?

We begin this book, as always, with an assortment of different archetypes, the first of which would be the Arcane Engineer. These guys get a modified skill-list (with all rogue-y related skills like Stealth or Disable Device), 6+Int skills per level and a similarly modified weapon and armor proficiency list. Arcane engineers do not learn to cast in medium and heavy armor at 7th and 15th level; rules-language-wise, stating that in the proficiency section is an unnecessary deviation from standard rules formatting. They also modify their spell-list, but, more importantly, may apply the bonuses granted by their arcane pool to objects and armor, but only to one object at a given time. Starting at 5th level, these guys may spontaneously add a limited list of metamagic feats' effects to spells by using arcane pool points equal to the spell level adjustment. While this sounds feasible, the rules-language is pretty wonky and deviates in many regards from how such mechanics usually are phrased.

Starting at 2nd level, these guys may channel spells through equipment - they may, e.g. get an Acrobatics bonus equal to his class level when casting "movement enhancement spell on an item worn on his feet item slot." *SIGH* For how long? Does non-magical equipment qualify? What constitutes a "movement enhancement spell"? Define. What if he has no item on the feet-slot? Doesn't work as written. To make up for that, targets of their spellstrike may save, even if there is usually no save. OUCH. Wait...what's the save? Fort? Ref? Will? No idea. The archetype also has a significantly expanded arcana section, allowing them to convert spells into arcane pool points - and no, they can't be retrieved via spell recall or improved spell recall. This severely de-limits the arcane pool - and fails to specify whether multiple instances of the same spell prepared also mean that the respective spell can't be recalled. Cosmetic, sure, but still. On the cool side, counting as having the quick trapsmith rogue talent while under the effect of haste can be considered to be an interesting synergy. Regarding almost humorously bad editing glitches: "When channeling the monkey fish spell through a wrist or belt slot item, the arcane engineer may ignore the armor check of light armor when climbing or swimming and add +5 ft to his Swim or Climb speed" Spot the glitches, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, beyond there being a "penalty" missing. Btw.: The maximum ACP for light -2. Another also nets the following gem: "[the shirt through which a spell is channeled] automatically gains a Heal skill check using the arcane engineer’s Heal skill modifier +10 to attempt to stop bleed damage." So, does the item gain an action? Does this happen immediately? As an action? Things get more wonky - "+8 to the Fly skill as though the arcane engineer were a flying creature." URGH. Does this stack with Fly speed's bonus? The bonus granted by the required spell, overland flight? No idea. This whole archetype is a neat idea, but not functional - it takes a complex concept and tries to beat it into a class chassis not intended for its use...and its wording is sloppy.

The second archetype, the Ebonheart Magus, adds several death-related spells to his spell list, namely death knell, death knell aura and bleed. Starting at 4th level, these guys may expend 1 arcane pool point as a swift action to, for one minute have all touch-range spells dealing hit point damage deal 1/2 their damage as negative energy damage, granting the magus "temporary hit points per level of the spell cast while this ability is in effect." These stack to a maximum of twice (thrice at 11th level) the magus' level and last 10 minutes. The plus-side here, is that death knell and this ability's temporary hit points are properly working in conjunction. The downside being that the magus gains these temporary hit points only once per spell cast. At 11th level, this ability extends its benefits to ranged spells - and here, things become very wonky: What about AoE-spells? Do they grant multiple temporary hitpoints? Technically, they're one "cast," as the ability calls it.

At 7th level, these guys may spend one point from the arcane pool to cast death knell upon reducing a foe to -1 hit points via a melee attack or touch-range spell as an immediate action. This ability gets an upgrade at 16th level. The archetype pays for these benefits with (improved) spell recall, the knowledge pool and counterstrike. The archetype gets 3 arcana for leeching blades. At 9th level, these guys can expend temporary hit points to properly heal or even regain prepared magus spells.

I like what this archetype tries to do: using temporary hit points as an alternate resource and tying it to the limited resources spells, hit points and arcane pool. Unfortunately, there is a reason for why this is usually not done - there are more ways to gain temporary hit points that can be exploited rather hard. Beyond the rules-language hiccups, this means this archetype will not get near my game.

The next archetype is the elemental champion - these guys lose (improved) spell recall and knowledge pool. To make up for this, these guy increase energy damage output and may expend arcane pool points up to Int-mod to change the energy types of spells prepared, with 11th level providing only the fly energy type change. Pretty much the epitome of boring elementalist.

The Fate's Edge can't spend arcane pool points to enhance his weapon, but may spend 1 point from the renamed Prescience Pool as a swift action to gain a +1 insight bonus that can either be applied to atk and damage or to AC and saves, increasing by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The total bonus can freely be divided up between offense and defense. 5th level provides uncanny dodge, 10th level its improved sister ability. At 7th level, while already in prescient combat, the fate's edge may, as an immediate action, spend 1 point to reroll an attack or save and at 16th level, the archetype may force a creature targeting the fate's edge or saving versus a spell or effect generated by the fate's edge to roll twice and take the lower result. Arcana-wise, rerolling damage dice , rolling twice for initiative and spellbooks expanded with some divinations are pretty much what I expected. Mechanically, this one is pretty sound, but it won't win any innovation prizes - these are literally the default tricks in that category.

The Force Bulwark is, mechanically, perhaps one of the more intriguing archetypes herein - instead of spell combat, these guys gain the ability to create barriers of solid, visible magical force. This barrier, 5' square, has hardness equal to Int mod and hit points equal to 5 + cless level x 2. Versus energy damage, hardness is instead treated as energy resistance, retaining vulnerability versus these. The barrier provides cover and may, providing circumstances are right, even grant total cover. The barrier must be anchored but doesn't have to be vertically anchored. It can hold 100 pounds per caster level and has a range of "close" - I *think* that should be "short (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels). At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the character can create + 1 5' square barrier, which must forma single continuous plane, though the barrier shares hit points.

The barrier is activated as a standard action, costs 1 arcane pool point and remains for 1 minute or until destroyed. A force bulwark may only have one such barrier in place at a given time. This replaces spell combat. At 8th level, the barrier can be formed into rough geometric forms (more precise wording would have been nice here) and the barrier may halve its hit points to extend to twice the area. At 14th level barriers need no anchor and 20th level eliminates the one-barrier at a time restriction. There are 4 exclusive types of arcana, which include AoE bull rushes versus attackers that destroy the barrier, minor retributive damage, fast healing barriers and more hardness that scales with levels. I really like the idea of this archetype, but its execution leaves a bit to be desired - the barriers generally are pretty weak and easily broken. While the complex concept generally is cool, it suffers from the limited space it has to shine - this should imho be a more detailed base class. Still my favorite so far.

The Mistblade may, as a standard action, spend 1 arcane pool point to create an illusory duplicate of himself that can move anywhere within close range of the creator. The duplicate is correctly coded as a figment and has an AC equal to your touch AC. The double is destroyed when it takes any damage. Unfortunately, the ability fails to specify the save DC to disbelief the double, which is important since non-disbelieved doubles can act as flanking partners. Duplicates can speak and changes to your appearance etc. affect the double as well. At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the class feature grants +1 double, all of which must be destroyed or disbelieved separately. Odd: 5th level specifies that the doubles can now be directed as a free action, when prior to that, no action is given regarding directing the doubles. This replaces the magus' ability to enhance weapons with arcane pool. 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter provide sneak attack progression instead of spellstrike.

The higher levels allow for the disbelieved duplicates to be reset as a standard action and 10th level allows them to affect the physical world as though they had a Str-score of 10, with the mist-blade's BAB + size modifiers as atk, with damage equal to the weapon's base damage sans enchantments, feats, abilities, etc. at 13th level, the mistblade can swap positions with a duplicate as a swift action. The ability lacks the note that it is a conjuration [teleportation] effect for purposes of ability interactions. They do lose medium and heavy armor and fighter training for these tricks. The arcana allow the mistblade to see through duplicates and poach among rogue talents and ninja tricks. All in all a thematically awesome, complex archetype that almost gets its difficult subject matter right.

Primalists get diminished spellcasting and may only use spell combat in conjunction with natural attacks or unarmed strikes. He may not enhance his weapon via arcane pool and instead gains primal shift that costs 1 point from the modified pool and can be activated as a standard action (swift action at 4th level). The shift lasts for one minute; it is properly codified as a polymorph effect: Every level, the character gains a number of evolution points that can be used to gain a limited array of evolutions; the evolutions are fixed each level, but can be reassigned on a level-up. The abilities of the archetype focus on modifying spell combat et al. for natural attacks/unarmed strikes, limited natural armor and modifying expanded spell list-abilities to refer to the druid spell-list instead of the wizard's. The arcana allows for reactive shifts, for example. A slight problem here lies in the utterly deadly combo of feral combat, spells and evolutions - the combo makes you a brutal shredder and the archetype, generally, is very, very strong. It still is okay in high-powered campaigns, but any halfway decent minmaxer will make a devastating beast out of these guys. GMs concerned with balance may want to be careful regarding this one.

The Pyroclastic Mystic has a cool name...and gets more fire spells, fire resistance, uses fire-forged steel, a cloak of ash, may sculpt fire damage spells...and takes until 11th level until it finally gets a means to reduce resistance...which may be a bit later. 5th level or even as soon as 3rd would have probably been a good idea. Overall one of the more visually interesting elementalists...but still, not really that cool.

The Spell-torch Savant looks, at first glance, like yet another one of these...but is interesting: These guys can spontaneously convert spells into a fixed list of divinations while wielding a torch and they attack with torches - when delivering touch spells with their torches, they add fire damage contingent on spell level and make the targets burn, scaling DC to resist and put out - which is pretty brutal. Thankfully, the fire at least can't spread. At 4th level extend this to ranged touch attack spells. Higher levels provides options regarding wind-resilient torches and instead of bonus feats, they can pose yes/no questions to their torch, brandishing it; if the answer is yes, the flame flares. I...actually love this one. The mechanics are unique and powerful, but the archetype is balanced pretty well...and makes torch-combat actually feasible and evocative - certainly an interesting class I'll use in my darker games.

The towering champion gets a reduced arcane pool...and is interesting as well: These guys may enter massive form, increasing their sizes and gaining attribute bonuses, natural armor and later even DR. The abilities are codified properly and size benefits are listed for your convenience. Giant-themed abilities like rock catching are provided and these guys get a choice - either be a protector or marauder. This choice determines whether the form features a buff for allies or debuff for foes (it can be changed each level) and the archetype can grapple foes with one hand. I like the visuals here; I also like the execution - a 11-grade distinction between massive forms means that they generally are level-appropriate regarding their balance. All in all, a good archetype, though a bit light on the player agenda - still, one of my favorites herein. I'll probably use this one sooner rather than later.

The next one would be the waystrider - no arcane pool weapon enhancement, but instead close range, arcane pool-based teleportation (properly codified - YAY!), with higher levels increasing range. The archetype also gets evasion, tagging along on teleportation and a somewhat erratic last second save teleport that staggers him for one round, but may save his life (or teleport him in a solid object, but oh well...). The arcana allows for the ignoring of line of sight, an afterimage and improved evasion. Know what? I like this. It's a solid teleporter-skirmisher archetype that does everything right. I have recently built a similar teleport-themed archetype...and have to say, I couldn't have done this one better. Credit where credit is due - this is awesome.

The whip weird gets a modified spell list and is the unpretentious whip-expert, with arcane pool powering temporary deafening strikes (later entangle and constricted), appropriate feats and proficiencies. This does not reinvent the wheel, but certainly is one of the better takes on the whip specialist I have seen, with sufficient precision in the rules language - again, kudos.

Part II of my review can be found in the product discussion. See you there!


Big thanks to Flying Pincushion for the review copy.

Previously Flying Pincushion was publishing under Publishing and while there they put out two Into the Breach series books covering the Magus and the Summoner. The Summoner was the first and while its original iteration was kind of lackluster but imaginative the revision and eratta made things much better. Unfortunately the Magus book did not get the same treatment and that was too bad because I really didn't like that book. Fortunately under their own banner Flying Pincushion released a new Magus book following their current styles and format.

At the beginning I'm immediately met with a bit of disappointment. Going through the archetypes I notice a lot of rules language that is either missing information that's needed to fully function, is drastically non-standard to the point archetypes with similar changes don't have the same rules language or don't seem like they would work in the context of what the game actually does.

For example; I really like the Mistblade, an archetype that makes illusionary doubles, despite missing crucial information on what save or skill check is required to disbelieve it, since whether or not it provides a flanking bonus depends on whether or not the opponent is aware that it is an illusion. It also implies that the doubles can be destroyed but no way to destroy them. One ability that makes them capable of dealing damage probably solves this problem and it can go away with a slight bit of houseruling but I hate having to do eratta work when it comes to player information.

There's also a habit of pricing abilities that use the arcane pool or arcane pool equivalent after the whole thing is described which isn't erroneous just a bit irritating.

Then there's minor things like "[Magus Archetype] gains one or more evolution points" where the 'or more' part throws me for a loop. Also minor is one archetype with abilities that function on a per combat basis which really irks me.

But it's not all bad news. Plenty of the archetypes function fine

I like the Fate's Edge. Its pretty precise when it comes to rules language and it has some neat abilities. It loses the enhancement bonus and gets a sort of future vision state that buffs it and allows it to use some other abilities. I absolutely love the Force Bulwark, an archetype that specializes in making force barriers. I even like the archetypes that have some kind of rules language that I don't like. You get a magus that can turn into a giant, teleport, create clones and so on, and really not that many are affected by undesirable rules language. The archetypes are imaginative and have strong ties to their themes. Not just that but they are actual themes not just ways to push a boring old magus that has a slight tweak.

The only ones that I really frown on are the elemental ones. There are two fire-themed archetypes here and while they do some cool stuff one. Then there is the Elemental Champion. The Elemental Champion is stable but relatively boring. It doesn't really solve the problem I have with elemental themed magi, in that its hard to find good touch spells for all the elements. But i could be suffering from being spoiled by other options. With other third party classes I have more than a mouthful of elemental themed gishes and even when just accounting for Paizo options there's plenty of ways to go elemental. This one just isn't doing it for me.

Following the archetypes are two new prestige classes. One is a magus/alchemist mix that specifically requires the Hummunculist Alchemist archetype. I'm not esactly a fan as it suffers from a bit of rules language I don't like for it's bomb-spellstrike and it was not exciting to me but it's otherwise functional for what it is. The other is a more nimbly magus. Rules language is still an obstacle. There's an obvious shortcut to what it does that the class doesn't take which makes the whole thing a little more difficult to understand. Its not one hundred percent functional but rules as intended is very clear.

We get one new feat that is a metamagic feat that interacts with fire spells. (Again with the fire)

Before OGL credits we have five new spells. All of them are pretty nice. There's a duo of, for lack of better terms, lightsaber spells that create a beam of energy that I really like. I especially like the one that causes weapons to burrow into a target's body.

This one I'm conflicted about. In most of the options the rules as intended is very easy to get and I really like the archetype options, the writers did an excellent job thinking outside the box and bringing to the table archetypes that matter and grant a new play experience. It is miles ahead of it's predecessor in every way. But on the other hand there are plenty of niggling rules weirdness making some abilities difficult to fully grasp without GM oversight, and some rules language that makes an ability non-functional as its written. I'll probably have to give this three out of five stars. It may creep up to a 4 star if you're perfectly fine with making additional clarifications but I personally feel like it's at 3 stars.

Magus: Take 2!


Sigh, the forum ate my review, QSS

What I liked:

-The Arcane Engineer was an interesting twist on the normal magus, although the features weren't too explosive. Still, I think the archetype needed to exist as it does a lot of things that could help make for a unique character.

-The Fate's Blade was a very fun archetype, pairs well with the Erudite Blade Bravo later in the book, and the features flow together well to give a duelist feel as well as a warrior who's just barely ahead of the curve, something I'd very much like to play some day.

-The Primalist is cool, no doubt. My only issue is balance concerns here, as the amount of evolutions points feels like it could scale far too quickly, and getting quick change so early makes you basically ready to pop into your most dangerous form of combat in every battle. Add that to feral spell combat, and you have a combat beast. It's very cool, but it also feels imbalanced.

-The Waystrider might be my favorite from this book, as the mobility and synergy from the archetype makes for a hell of a fun archetype. Everything about it makes you feel like you're zoned into darting around the battlefield, and it combos well with this kind of playstyle, making it aces on all fronts.

-The Whip Weird is very understated, which I think is probably my favorite thing about it. It makes whips viable, gives a few neat tricks, but not a ton of class features. It's nice for combining with other archetypes, which I think is a strength.

-The Erudite Blade Bravo is the other prestige class, and you can enter this one smoothly through magus which is a huge feather in its cap. The class features help you feel like a duelist and are nicely grouped, making for no dead levels and a very nice capstone. Definitely the MVP prestige class.

-The art as a whole was very nice. It was very well used, and only felt slightly obtrusive at its worst of moments, adding a lot to the value of the book at its best.

What I was indifferent about:

-The Ebonheart Magus feels somewhat bland, and while it does have some fun features, everything blends together too much to me to make a more interesting archetype, which is a shame with the ideas that could have come from this. It's not bad, it's just okay.

-The Mistblade is a very rogue like archetype, probably better than Eldritch Scoundrel for someone trying to blend magic and metal, and the features worked well towards this goal, although it felt like it wanted to specialize more than I would have liked.

-The Towering Champion's mechanics are somewhat difficult to understand on a first reading, and the differences between the two styles presented feel more cosmetic than mechanical. The incremental stat boost are nice, and it does feel like you could have a lot of fun with this, but it can feel bland at times.

-The metamagic feat and spells are really what I'd expect. They're solid inclusions if you're using the material in this book, which you should. Nothing really stood out as amazing, but nothing was broken ore poorly written either.

What I disliked:

-The Elemental Champion just feels like it does too little. Needing to prep your spells as alternative elements and spending arcane points to do so is just such a large cost for such a small reward that it feels unlikely that you'd bother with it.

-The Force Bulwark's mechanics felt like too much of a departure from the base class, and nothing in its features felt like something that I would want from a magus. And somehow the capstone feels both too strong and too weak at the same time, leaving me unimpressed.

-The Pyroclastic Blade has done what we've seen done before, but doesn't really innovate on the 'fire mage' design we've seen before. If Piercing Flames came earlier and was more of a scaling feature, I could probably bump this up more, but we're going through 1/2 the game with no way to deal with fire resistance, and that's just no good for me.

-The Spell Torch Savant really feels like it wants to make fighting with a torch cool, and I've been burned by that before (PUN!). The features here don't feel like they match the fluff enough, and the archetype as a whole just doesn't have enough to motivate using such a bad weapon.

-The Anthroparion is the first prestige class that requires a specific archetype to enter and also loses 1st level casting. That already was a strike against it, but the class features aren't anything that I'm too interested, making this less than stellar on all fronts.

Final Thoughts: It's funny, the things I did like, I REALLY liked. But what I didn't like really popped out at me, making it a polarizing book. Overall, I did like it, and the art was nice. The formatting was fine, few typos or such, making for an enjoyable inclusion. I'd probably give it a 3.75 as a whole, obv rounding to a 4 for this, but I think the things that I liked outweighed any issues I had with the content of this solid book.

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Now available!

Many thanks as always Liz!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have to say it feels weird, The Flying Pincushion AKA Flying Pincushion Games started out partnered with another publisher about two and a half years ago, and put out the first Into the Breach: the Magus, and it was our Freshman effort.

I got a much deserved thrashing in the reviews for my part, though none of us escaped the critical eye of a certain well known gent. How strange it thus feels to be looking at our second effort regarding the magus, and realizing how far I, my co-authors, and the company in general have come.

We could not have gotten where we are now as a company without you our loyal readers, Liz and the the whole Paizo team, Wolfy B. (for giving Frank and I a shot as authors), and last but not least, Endzie, for being a tough, but fair and insightful reviewer. You sir all at once showed us in that first magus review how much potential you thought we had, and just how far we still had to go, I hope we have lived up to the expectations.

Sincerest thanks,

Jeff Harris
Flying Pincushion Games

As is our tradition around the office, putting up three free review copies, first come first serve, only cost, a fair and honest review.

Get 'em while they are hot!

Silver Crusade

I'm up for reviewing something, I enjoy helping out where I can.

Sign me up for a review copy please.


How about me. I was there for the first one.

Sovereign Court

Guess that Makes three! ^.^

Mal and Jolly, your copies are on the way, Volf, I sent you a PM, shoot that info back, and I will have your copy on its way in just a bit

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Thanks for those that agreed to review. The first magus was our second effort but yeah it was the first to get reviewed professionally and we had a lot to learn.

I truly believe this one is going to knock some socks off.

Thanks for the review Jolly! Plenty of good feedback in there, will pass that along to our writers, as that is how we hone our craft. Cheers old boy, I owe you a pint :).

Review is up. You can find it and more over on my blog.

Thanks for taking the time to review Into the Breach: The Magus. 2nd Wave Malwing!

Just popping in to make sure no one is having an issue with receiving or opening their reviewer copy, so, everything ok out there reviewers?

Part II of my review:

The pdf provides PrCs as well, the first of which would be the Anthropoarion, which requires the hummunculist archetype and gets d8 HD, 2+Int skills per level, 3/4 BAB-progression, 1/2 Fort- and Will-save progression as well as 9/10th spellcasting progression, with each level choosing arcane casting or extract progression. Every level nets an arcana or an alchemist discovery. The PrC's levels stack with hummunculist for purposes of experimentation and he may use bombs in conjunction with spellstrike "as a full-round action". Does that mean full attack with bombs only? Or one bomb + spell? This needs a bit of clarification. AT higher levels, these guys can dimension door their homunculus, later switch locations with it. 9th level lets "the homunculus cast spells on behalf of his master as though he were his master" using the master's slots, but not does it have to be commanded to do so? I assume no, but I'm not sure. As a capstone, the homunculus replaces BAB and HP with that of an animal companion and gets a huge boost to mental attributes, spellstrike and 1/2 the master's arcane pool. if the master dies, he "awakens the next day as the homunculus until returned to life" - which is cool...but what are the mechanics for this transition? Switched mental attributes? Total transposition? No idea.

The second PrC would be the erudite blade bravo, who gains d8, 2+Int skills per level, some exotic proficiencies, full spellcasting-progression, 1/2 BAB-progression, 1/2 Ref- and Fort-save progression. The PrC provides full synergy with magus levels for purposes of arcana prereqs and may power mage hand with arcane pool points to wield weapons, though that requires swift action concentration. The one thing unclear here is whether the mage hand then threatens squares - I assume so, but I'm not perfectly sure. The PrC provides scaling AC-bonuses when wielding daggers, dagger-themed spells added to the spell-list and use Int instead of Str for damage, but thankfully with anti-cheese caveat. Better thrown range for daggers and a non-stacking, arcane pool-powered flurry complement this one. Overall, a rather interesting, overall mostly well-crafted PrC.

At this point, layout changes from the 2-column standard to the 1-column standard and the pdf sports a new Metamagic feat, adding smoke to spells. The feat has a cosmetic italicization glitch. Finally, the pdf offers 5 new spells - blazing shiv conjures basically a lightsaber and erroneously refers to "casting statistic," a term that does not exist in PFRPG rules language. Burrowing Blade lets you enchant light piercing or slashing weapons to embed them in foes and have them continue to burro into said foes - NICE! Cinder Fall is textbook power creep - it ignites flammable material and clearly outlines invisible creatures - sans penalty like glitterdust, making the spell better in that regard, though it is a level below that. Storm Spike is an electricity-based light saber and suffers from the same glitch as the former one. Wall of Smoke nauseates, obfuscates and can even deal nonlethal damage - overall, a cool spell.


Editing and formatting are still okay on a formal level; I noticed a couple of italicization glitches and the like. Rules-language is a different topic: It frankly oscillates between "This doesn't work -at all!", "this works but deviates from how it's usually worded" and "this is remarkably precise for the complex concept used." All in all, though, this pdf could have definitely used a tighter hand in development and the book shows the hands of 4 developers, some of which, reluctant though I am to state this, botched the job. Layout adheres, for the most book, to a 2-column standard, switching to a 1-column standard for the spells and feat. Artworks are gorgeous and full-color; while some stock pieces are there, I have never seen most of them and they tend to be very beautiful. The pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience.

Frank Gori, Jacob W. Michaels and Taylor Hubler can do better. I've seen all of you do better and this pdf does sport some of the components I really wanted to see; there are a few gems herein, but the often problematic rules-language tarnishes some of the admittedly challenging concepts herein. That being said, while not the best work of Flying Pincushion Games or the authors, this indeed is better than the first magus-book. Still, over all, this is a frustratingly mixed bag of a book; if the rules language had received the required polish, this would have been an impressive book; as written, it is a rollercoaster ride between elation and frustration due to the grit in the gears of the finer rules. My final verdict for this one will clock in at 2.5 stars, rounded up to 3 due to in dubio pro reo and the fact that the gems herein do not deserve being bashed - it's a mixed bag, but it has its gems.

Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here and on OBS.

Endzeitgeist out.

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