Book of Beyond (PFRPG) Work-in-Progress PDF

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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The Book of Beyond Work-in-Progress is a series of five supplemental releases for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures. The Book of Beyond expands the options of the base classes with dozens of feats, over 100 spells and new mythic paths intended to allow mediums, psychics and their ilk to enjoy more unique roles and progressions.

Additionally, the releases will include materials to include and integrate Dreamscarred psionics with the psychic magic recently added to the Pathfinder Roleplaying game.

PDF Releases will include:

  • The Wielder Mythic Path—A master of item based magic and powers, perfect for the mythic destinies of occultists but still friendly to a humble wand-wielding rogue.
  • The Herald Mythic Path—A mythic path for emissaries of great powers be they from the Beyond, the trackless depths or the Lost Ages.
  • Aether & Ether—Psionic and psychic interaction mechanics for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures psychic system and the Ultimate Psionics powers system, including new powers for your psionic characters.
  • Spells of Boon & Burden—Over 100 new psychic spells for your Occult Characters.
  • Psychic Paths—Prestige Classes and feats to further Occult characters and integrate psionics from the Dreamscarred Press with the Occult base classes.
  • And much more!

The Book of Beyond WIP includes mythic paths, psychic spells and other mechanics at a significantly reduced price, but each PDF will also be available for individual purchase. Each PDF release will be included in the assets of this purchase and a final single file will be compiled for ease of reference on the WIP’s complete. All PDFs are indexed.

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An review


Okay, so, now that I’ve finished covering the entirety of the Book of Beyond series at the request of my patreon supporters, let’s talk about the subscription/bundle offering as a whole. If you want to see detailed reviews of the components, check out the individual reviews – if you click on the “Book of Beyond”-tag on my homepage (or search for it, you’ll have them all conveniently listed.

The greatest weakness of the series, as a whole, is that it mainly suffers from its editing not being as precise as it’d deserve to be; there are a lot of little niggles to complain about, and yes, there are a few options herein that imho go too far regarding power-levels.

That being said, Christen N. Sowards’ massive Book of Beyond series is genuinely much better than I expected from the small indie outfit that is Lost Spheres Publishing. He has not only grown as an author here, he has retained a core strength of his designs: Never be boring.

The Book of Beyond series manages to tickle out a lot of new and innovative concepts out of good ole’ Pathfinder’s first edition, and it genuinely displays a love for third party content, for subsystems.

And, of course, there is the question of bang for buck. You get two really creative, high-concept mythic paths, a ton of cool occult and psionic material, and then there is the massive luminal power book, which is itself chock-full with creative and experimental options; not all of these may be for every game, but for those looking for something creative, such as the Liminal Gestalt-lite engine? Heck, you will grin from ear to ear.

I won’t be using the entirety of this series in a given game, but I sure as hell will continue using content from this series. In fact, in spite of the massive amount of work that analyzing this was, I found myself genuinely enjoying my time spent analyzing this.

If you and your group consider yourself to be veterans of Pathfinder’s first edition, do yourself a favor and check this out – it may be rough around the edges, but it genuinely rewards you for sticking with it. In spite of my OCD-frustration with the editing snafus and glitches, I found myself looking forward to returning to this series time and again, and each of the books sports several components I sure as hell will be using. And yes, this series requires that a GM be capable of assessing the power of individual options in the context of their game – as noted, many options herein reveal their full potential in the hands of capable players.

So yeah, this is rough; it’s not perfect, but I have always preferred ambition and innovation over formally perfect, but safe and boring files. As such, my final verdict for the entire series will be 4.5 stars, rounded up for the purpose of this platform.

Endzeitgeist out.

Community & Digital Content Director

Now available!

Grand Lodge

Can anyone tell me if this is worth the money? I am loving what this book is promising but fearful that it won't meet my expectations.

Mangaholic13 wrote:
Can anyone tell me if this is worth the money? I am loving what this book is promising but fearful that it won't meet my expectations.

Mangaholic13, as that this is our first Work-in-Progress, people may have a difficult time answering this question as of yet. But we thought perhaps we could give you a status up date to help you make the decision on whether or not purchase at this time is right for you.

The WIP stands currently at 3 pdf releases. The mythic paths for Herald and Wielder both of which add to the body of the paths we introduced in our 2014 release mythic paths.

The Spells of Boon and Burden initial release is also available in its initial release and adds spell options for psychic casters to make them specialists in two new magical focuses in addition to the roles already available in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures book. A small number of equivalence spells allows psychics to manage conditions and grants unique control options to classes like mesmer. The product adds over 100 spell options to psychic casters.

The page count for the next release (Originally called Psychic Paths, now named Liminal Power) has doubled from its initial projection and includes dozens of new feats, several prestige classes and some of the first rules for reconciling psionic and psychic multiclass characters. We are targeting initial release for April for this pdf.

The fifth and final pdf includes new psionic powers for planar interactions and multiclass characters. We are targeting early summer for that release.

A final compilation file will be released after that with any errata and end user feedback we have encountered worked in. Individual files will also be updated at that time.

At current we are committed to 100% original artwork and unfortunately this drives our costs up substantially and slows down releases.

We hope this helps with any decision you need to make and appreciate your interest.

Silver Crusade

Honestly from the description, it sounds pretty cool. Interesting choice to try mixing PF and DSP psychics, that's for sure.

Grand Lodge

Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:
Can anyone tell me if this is worth the money? I am loving what this book is promising but fearful that it won't meet my expectations.

Mangaholic13, as that this is our first Work-in-Progress, people may have a difficult time answering this question as of yet. But we thought perhaps we could give you a status up date to help you make the decision on whether or not purchase at this time is right for you.

The WIP stands currently at 3 pdf releases. The mythic paths for Herald and Wielder both of which add to the body of the paths we introduced in our 2014 release mythic paths.

The Spells of Boon and Burden initial release is also available in its initial release and adds spell options for psychic casters to make them specialists in two new magical focuses in addition to the roles already available in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures book. A small number of equivalence spells allows psychics to manage conditions and grants unique control options to classes like mesmer. The product adds over 100 spell options to psychic casters.

The page count for the next release (Originally called Psychic Paths, now named Liminal Power) has doubled from its initial projection and includes dozens of new feats, several prestige classes and some of the first rules for reconciling psionic and psychic multiclass characters. We are targeting initial release for April for this pdf.

The fifth and final pdf includes new psionic powers for planar interactions and multiclass characters. We are targeting early summer for that release.

A final compilation file will be released after that with any errata and end user feedback we have encountered worked in. Individual files will also be updated at that time.

At current we are committed to 100% original artwork and unfortunately this drives our costs up substantially and slows down releases.

We hope this helps with any decision you need to make and appreciate your interest.

Thank you very much LSP. Not only does this sell me on buying it, but I hope that your response convinces others to purchase Book of Beyond.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
The page count for the next release (Originally called Psychic Paths, now named Liminal Power) has doubled from its initial projection and includes dozens of new feats, several prestige classes and some of the first rules for reconciling psionic and psychic multiclass characters. We are targeting initial release for April for this pdf.

Do you have any updates on this product, including a revised target release date?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:
Lost Spheres Publishing wrote:
The page count for the next release (Originally called Psychic Paths, now named Liminal Power) has doubled from its initial projection and includes dozens of new feats, several prestige classes and some of the first rules for reconciling psionic and psychic multiclass characters. We are targeting initial release for April for this pdf.

Do you have any updates on this product, including a revised target release date?

The next update should be within the month of June, though one of our artists had some extreme personal issues that are delaying his work. There will still be another release after that which we are looking at late summer. The compilation will be shortly there after. Thanks for your interest and patience.

Hmm, this sounds rather interesting... ^^ I'll be keeping an eye on it, and might pick it up.

I just purchased this and the zip file contains only the one product - Liminal Power, and not the others!

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
vilor wrote:
I just purchased this and the zip file contains only the one product - Liminal Power, and not the others!

We still don't know what caused this but have resubmitted all the files again after update.

Thanks for the update - got all the files now! :-)

Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc.

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