fuzzyfoot88's page

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I still have yet to receive my AP 5. In fact, I still don't see the full price on my bank statement. I really don't want to have to trudge down to a FLGS just to get a first edition of this pack. And If I do wind up getting a 2nd printing, I may just cancel my subscription here because that won't bode well for AP 6 1st printing.

Ok, that actually makes more sense when you apply it to the bane as such.

What exactly does this apply to? Does it apply to acquiring the item? Or does it apply to the combat check you are making. If the latter does that mean when a character uses this weapon and they aren't proficient, do they begin combat with a -4?

Will these cards be sized to the first printing or the second printing?

Vic, I'm gonna have to take your word on the Character Add-On and take the plunge of ordering it before it's too late. I hope I secure a 1st printing.

There are 2 card images added to BBG's page for AP 4 and if you look in the forum for AP 4 you will see people discussing a couple more cards from that Pack.

I can confirm the difference Firedale. I started my subscription after they started the second printing of AP 3 and when I received it, it was a differnt sized box, opened from the side, and indeed the cards were shorter. I have since spent all day today hunting down a first printing in GOOD condition and finally found one at the FLGS the next town over about 2 hours ago.

That being said, I am going to have to call Paizo tomorrow and make sure if I buy the Character Add-On and AP 2, they are first printings so I can complete my box with uniformity...

Happy Hunting...

Yeah Hawkmoon. That would definitely be something I would put money toward. I would want the epilogue in addition to the prologues though. I feels like the end cutscene of a video game more that way. When you defeat Nualia in Burnt Offerings...that's it. Done. Moving on. Doesn't that come off as bland to you at all? I'd love to defeat her and then have someone read aloud a final paragraph that sums up our efforts to thwart her plans and allude to what's coming. It almost becomes like a serialized tv show that way. We won...but...oh man I wonder what that awesome sentence means for the next Adventure Pack.

It's more rewarding to me as the player. I'm not talking a chapter worth of words though. Just a paragraph of two to tie it all together. Just to give you an idea of what I would be looking for:

Adventure Path - Prologue

Adventure 1 - Prologue

Scenario 1 - Prologue
Scenario 1 - Epilogue
Scenario 2 - Prologue
Scenario 2 - Epilogue
Scenario 3 - Prologue
Scenario 3 - Epilogue
Scenario 4 - Prologue
Scenario 4 - Epilogue
Scenario 5 - Prologue
Scenario 5 - Epilogue

Adventure 1 - Epilogue

Adventure 2 - Prologue

etc...until you reach the end of AP 6 which allows you to, once finished read:

Scenario 5 - Epilogue
Adventure 6 - Epilogue
Adventure Path - Epilouge

I would really complete the story in a more fulfilling way to me. I know that I might as well just play the RPG at that point, but I prefer board and card games.

The Adventure Packs follow the RPG books from the same Adventure Paths. There were 6 books chronicling the complete story of RotR, so there should be 6 Adventure Packs, one for each book.

Paizo said they aren't against making high level Adventures later, but aren't going to do so yet. That being said, I think they absolutely will release a high level Adventure at some point because if they didn't, the Adventure Path reward you get for completing all 6 APs is pointless.

Having story cards as a separate thing would be great for the before and after each Adventure and Scenario. I'd rather them be bigger cards though, like the size of the AP boxes so they could fit them behind the two decks in each pack.

Reading the text for each Adventure and Scenario is fun, but reading a longer version, a prologue to each Adventure and Scenario as well as an epilogue to each to tie the story together better would be fantastic and add a lot to the RPG aspect of it.

I'm not interested in buying the RPG...yet...but I would love to read a story book based on the Adventure Path because the flavor text on the cards is already so good.

Thanks Hawkmoon, I'll have to chat with Paizo on Monday and see if I can get Character Add-On and AP 2 before they turn 2nd printing.

Another question though. Are the promo cards that were sent with AP 3 1st printing size or 2nd printing size?

I just bought the base set and I got Deck 3 through subscription. They are different boxes and look odd when placed in the cascading AP section of the insert. Is there a possibility of getting either all 1st printings or all 2nd printings? I like uniformity and would love to complete RotR with either all 1st or all 2nd. Please let me know.