Idea: Donate button for your FLGS

Website Feedback

I love my Friendly Local Gaming Store; I like supporting a local place to play, hang out, and browse items.

But I also love electronic documents - I don't like carrying around physical books.

How do I achieve harmony?

Well, here is one thought:

Have a button at the end of the online purchasing process:

"Would you like to add 10% to your order as a donation to your local friendly gaming store?"

Have a database of (validated) game stores to choose from... perhaps you can preferentially choose one. Check the box at the end your order, send off the cash, and voila! The two desires are simultaneous satisfied.

Opinions? Variations?

Seems way too complicated.

The staff here has said on repeated occasions they don't care where you buy your Paizo products, as long as you buy Paizo products. I understand you're love of electronic documents.

Might I suggest you support your FLGS by purchasing dice, minis, or other gaming items that do not have electronic versions on the Paizo website.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah or just walking into the FLGS and handing them some cash. Might be easier and more direct lol

I guess if I really want to support them I would take up MtG. Seems most rpg carrying stores piggyback off of MtG, board games or books. I just want to more directly support them.

And I make most minis out of laminated sheets of pictures I cut up. A few hours on GIMP + 5 bucks at kinkos yields 40-50 custom tokens. Between that and ebooks, I am not an ideal FLGS customer.


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Sending off hundreds of checks each month to a game store for a couple dollars a piece doesn't seem like an efficient use of Paizo's (or anybody else's) time. You can support your FLGS through other means—perhaps by running games there, or buying non-digital products like the aforementioned dice and other gaming paraphernalia.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Tangaroa wrote:
I guess if I really want to support them I would take up MtG.

Wait.. what? It's like supporting your favorite hooker by buying crack to share with her.

Why not just buy things you can use for RPGs to encourage them to carry RPG stuff and support the hobby you really love? Minis, Paizo decks, etc...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


Dennis Baker wrote:
Wait.. what? It's like supporting your favorite hooker by buying crack to share with her.

Think that tearing up a rare $200 collector's item and sprinkling the remains across a cheap folding table just to win a friendly game of cards is normal?

On Magic: the Gathering it is.

Magic. Not even once.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

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