Mystical—Kingdom of Monsters: Haunted Eve Monsters Only Pack (PFRPG) PDF

Our Price: $4.00

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Celebrate Halloween all year long with this latest installment for Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters!

Each year, the people of the Kingdom of Monsters hold a seven day celebration known as Haunted Eve. During this holiday, children in every city and town dress up as heroes, villains, and monsters as they travel to the homes of friends and family seeking candy and small toys. Meanwhile, monster trainers converge on the Scribe’s Marsh in search of rare monsters that only appear when the land dries up during the celebration.

The Haunted Eve Monsters Only Pack is a collection of monsters found during the holiday for trainers to capture. 22 brand new monsters are joined by 20 higher and lower level versions of existing monsters and 2 new templates to bring a little more spooky variety to your character. Each of these monsters boasts a list of spells only available to those captured during the holiday or modified with the help of a monster breeder.

So join your fellow trainers in the Scribe’s Marsh for some holiday fun with the tricks and treats presented here. Happy Hunting!

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Seriously? This sounds like Pokémon meets Halloween.

In the same way that Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters was more than just Pokémon meets Pathfinder/D&D, Haunted Eve offers a way for you, as the player, to enjoy monsters beyond just hunting and killing them for experience. You can ride your zombie hydra into battle, cast spells through the bewitching jinx cat, or stand back and let your dire festrog tear into your opponents; all while the party wizard and rogue do their own thing.

It's a big world out there, and monster trainers are a part of it, seeking powerful companions where even summoners and hunters dare not go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

All 3 of your products here at Paizo have been added ro my cart. Don't know when I will get around to actually buying them, but the day will come. Oh yes...

I've started adding some of the monsters from this to d20pfsrd to celebrate Halloween this year. Check them out if you get the chance.

Dream Imp Cousin (dragon)
Ghoul Hound Companion (undead)
Ghoul Hound Hero (undead)
Gremlin Batspawn (fey)
Gremlin Lightningspawn (fey)
Gremlin Spiderspawn (fey)
Jinx Cat Companion (magical beast)

I also added the monstorin race stats for these (and a few from Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters, so they can be played as in addition to being capturable.


Dream Imp could use a better name. I fully expected a cute demon, the pfsrd has it as a dragon. A cute, fluffy, demon/dragon. I was caught off guard. Buying this tomorrow though, and some of the other products. :)

Azten wrote:
Dream Imp could use a better name. I fully expected a cute demon, the pfsrd has it as a dragon. A cute, fluffy, demon/dragon. I was caught off guard. Buying this tomorrow though, and some of the other products. :)

That one in particular is misleading on purpose. Think of it more like impish natured (playful or tricksy) as opposed to demonspawn.

A related and fun fact: The in-world name for these are moggish, with their grown forms called moggles and moggwind, respectively. The moggish's title is the Little Fantasy.

As to dream imp cousins (mogweirds), they should come off as familiar to anybody who grew up in the 80's; especially with their penchant for becoming gremlins when forced to change.

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